/smg/ - Stotiki Market General

Coconut Hawaii paradise. Volcano snow and Pier

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

Real-time Santa Tracking:

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on options:

Suggested books:

Basic Rundown on Santa Claus:

On the last episode of SMG

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anime feet!

First for the market rally in 2019.

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I'm in vanguard. I'm used to checking my positions once or twice a month.

Fucking hell, this downturn came on fast and strong.

The only thing that matters is getting to space. Everything else is a distraction.

You guys are real fucking gay.


Not entirely unreasonable. Having nuclear weapons and their delivery system (ICBMs are easily converted from carrier rockets) stops you from getting bullied by other nuclear powers.

>being elon musk
>not being teddy
it's like you're not even trying

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That's not really why we need to get to space. We need to get to space because:
"No matter how sophisticated we considered ourselves to be, once the number of individuals capable of filling roles greatly exceeded the number of roles, only violence and disruption of social organization can follow. ... Individuals born under these circumstances will be so out of touch with reality as to be incapable even of alienation. Their most complex behaviors will become fragmented. Acquisition, creation and utilization of ideas appropriate for life in a post-industrial cultural-conceptual-technological society will have been blocked."

Only space colonization will allow us to create more social roles in society. It's already too late to depopulate. The social pathologies that develop in overpopulation have already cemented themselves.

Or in other words,
Ted Kacynzki was right.

>it's too late to depopulate
That's where you're wrong, kiddo

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Anyone still long?

If you actually read the studies by Calhoun, it is. It is far, far too late. Once social pathology has gripped humans they will be unable to return to the customs and work that used to uphold society, and society will continue to plummet. In the next 100 years, we're either going to see humankind reach the stars, or we're going to see our own self-made extinction.


People about to lose everything are, probably.


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See The Mouse Utopia experiment. You think the government didn't know about this beforehand?

Lost too much in my mutual fund to cash out now. In it for the long haul (10-15 yrs) now. It's gotta come back up, right smog?

guys trump is giving us all with this crash a chance to go rags-riches like he did. merry Christmas Mr President

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Sure. I have a high risk tolerance. No risk no reward.

Based teddy poster
Ofc he was right, it's most enlightening read of our time

In the long run companies make profit, so yes.

The timing of this is all really bad. Fed shitpost mid December with more hawkish sentiment than hoped for if not unanticipated. December is tax loss sell season, which means positions that might have been held in questionable market conditions any other time of year were dumped. Two good solid red days, 21st and 22nd, followed the fed shitpost 'let's just break support like it's so much damp toilet paper' dump day, December 19th. Fed shitposts would not have been so bad if there wasn't so this recent flair up over trade between US and China. Then Canada had so fucking arrest Huawei CFO. More panic. Treasury calls emergency meeting, says banks say they're fine as far as liquidity goes, doesn't matter, panic panic panic.

Anyway, fourth market session after Fed shitpost was Christmas eve. Usually Christmas eve is low volume nothing day. I thought it would be a doji. Instead more panic selling and heavy short volume with a half day session, less time to respond for the bulls. Anyone with the kind of money to really move the markets in a bouncy kind of way is not going to want to enter on Christmas eve as any momentum gain there would likely be lost for the 26th.

Japan responded to this deep red by dumping harder for... reasons. I'm going through the news articles about the Nikkei session here and none of them are saying it has much if anything to do with anything domestic to Japan. They're just dumping because US is dumping, apparently. It's all so, so dumb.

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>It's all so, so dumb.
Reality isn't what matters. What people think is real matters.

It doesn't matter if we're not going into a recession, if people think we're going into a recession, then they'll act like we are, and then we will.

I hope all the zombie companies get purged and we get a fresh start. I welcome this recession. Purge the rot.

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>Anyone still long?

In the sense that I still have positions, yes. Canada is closed on Wednesday so I can't trade most of my stuff until Thursday. I am somewhat relieved about that as it will give me a clearer picture of what the US is doing while my positions are frozen in closed market. Which isn't to the say if Wednesday is bad for US, Canada won't have mass gap down open on Thursday. We'll see how it shakes out.

I am prepared to exist all positions at open on Thursday is need be. My concern is indices are heavily oversold at this point and due for a bounce even if it's a bull trap, which makes the timing tricky.

Does only having money in inverse leveraged ETFs count as long?


The only thing that matters is developing benevolent AGI that can be replicated infinitely. Everything else is a distraction/ can come after.

>No reason
What is "the entire economy is a bubble ponzi scheme based on debt and we're seeing what happens because of that now.

The Fed is the only thing I've seen the market definitely react to.

Aside from them almost every event that has been blamed for tanking the market has been speculation. Media articles will blame damn near anything so that they can write fresh articles and take shots in the dark.

No one really knows whats going on.

>the entire economy is a bubble ponzi scheme based on debt and we're seeing what happens because of that now.

If that was the case, banks should be starting to fold right now. US banks are saying they're fine.

Man, I'm so fucking fucked

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How to make robinhood snow

the bubonic plague seemed to fix things up when the dark ages created similar conditions. after the purge came the renaissance

just like last time eh?

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At least it cant get any worse

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Don't forget
Oil fell by 6.71% in a single day
From $50 to $42

I could always get laid off and saddled with the massive amount of debt that I racked up while migrating to the west coast?

The stock market bubble has been growing too large for too long. Longer than 2008. The stock market is too popular for its own good. "When the shoeshine boys are giving out stock tips, the markets are too popular."


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I'm long LCI and have puts riding on SPY.. been already made over 200% on the puts LCI will bring in another 100% long

Buy now or over the course of six months?

yeah but after that its smooth sailin

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Epic and very high quality post, user. I think this is from teh_profit

>followed the fed shitpost 'let's just break support like it's so much damp toilet paper' dump day, December 19th.
Fucking this.
Holy shit, I had totally stopped paying attention to the market for the past week and seeing this bitch at 240/250 was mind blowing.

>Treasury calls emergency meeting, says banks say they're fine as far as liquidity goes, doesn't matter, panic panic panic.
>emergency meeting
Fug. Didn't hear about that.
The liquidity is what we need to watch for though.
Perhaps the fed really may pull off a soft landing for once. I don't hear anything about horrific unemployment yet -- although there have been some decently large lay-offs lately

>Japan responded to this deep red by dumping harder for... reasons. I'm going through the news articles about the Nikkei session here and none of them are saying it has much if anything to do with anything domestic to Japan. They're just dumping because US is dumping, apparently. It's all so, so dumb.
>They're just dumping because US is dumping, apparently
If it's down 5% just because the US is dumping, then I think we're in for some circuit breakers here very soon.

Hahahahahahaha you old fuckers are about to lose everything, and I'm so happy. You guys have done nothing but ruin western civilization and limit the advancement of technology and scientific research because you're too concerned with money and wealth. You're all so fucking greedy, sitting here playing with your imaginary business deeds. I hope all of you fucking croak. Your kids won't even care, they just want your inheritance. The only thing you've been good for is making daughters that I can shove my cock into. Go fuck yourselves.

Takes about a year or more to recover from a bear market.
I did NOT see this shit coming. I thought bear markets were always preceded by proper, full yield curve inversions

Stocks have inherent value, dumbass.
Unlike buttcoins, the furthest that this shit falls from peak is about 50%

There is nothing wrong with wanting a better life.
>muh greed bla bla

What's the best strategy in a market like this? Should I hold, just pull out of everything and sit on cash or should I go all in on inverse ETFs?

whoops lol merry christmas bitches

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You probably cant predict the market. Just hold and buy more.

>muh hodling and muh bitcoin
>hurr durr

Long/short, short duration bonds, volatility premium selling, and yield.

Do you realize this is stock market general?

And You do realise you offer retard-tier advice.
Advising people to catch falling knives and not stemming the bleeding.
Anyone stupid enough to follow you will be hodling for five years just to break even if they are lucky.

Winning is not about timing the market, but about time in the market.
99% of people cant time the market, holding and buying more is the best way for them to accumulate wealth.
Stocks go up in the long run because companies make profit.

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>>I wouldn't be sure about that user, there hasn't been any high profile default yet
You do realize 2008 actually started in late 2007, right? Lehman late 2008 was just the nailin the coffin, and even Bear Sterns was in Q1 2008. Markets didn't wait for the news to become public, it already went down far before that

holy shit i literally started investing in stocks at the peak
im down like 10-15% on my index funds already
why can i never make a good financial decision
should i just dump every stock and index im invested in and try again in a year
jesus christ i feel like a retard

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Nice. Fucking nice job, user.

I was just lucky for a very long ass time, but I have no idea if the red streak really will keep up.
I think it's best just to treat this as a fire sale.

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My peak was $39,500.
I'm now under 20k...

And what gave you the credentials to valuate a firm?
According value when the bubble just burst is financially ruinous at best,
betting on which firm would survive? Gambling to say the least.

Stocks are a volatile asset class, which is why in the long run they give bigger profits than "safe" investments. Investors demand a risk premium.
Invest according to your risk tolerance. Google permanent portfolio if you want a lesser risk investment strategy.
I invested in a biotech company that went down 60% in a very short time. Buying more atm. After a few years in the market you stop caring about volatility.

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your first fall is your least fallen
life is risk and if you're unwilling to figure out what's going on in the market then pop a tranquilizer or some shit and get ready for the long spiral down
nothing's getting better until the jews (trump and the bankers in his cabinet) decides it gets better

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Anyone here using degiro ? I want to buy US gov bond can I do that ? Where to find it?

it could be worse, you could of been experimenting with options

Wheres the guy telling people to buy PLUG at 2+? I would like to laugh at him.

I know that feel bro.
I was suckered into the stock market meme this summer, after everybody was telling me I was wasting opportunities keeping my money in cash and fixed deposits. "Stock market always pays higher returns in the long run"

Now I'm down nearly 20% on my index funds. Even if we get 5% growth per annum from here it's going to take ages for me just to break even. Should have just stayed in cash

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Merry Christmas lad
Anyone else a christmas baby here?

thanks yes
luckily im still poor because i just recently started my neet to wagie transition and i've only been working since this summer
$3k is about everything i've been able to save and invest so far but it still hurts losing those few hundred dollars because its literally everything i own and i invested in mid/late october i.e. literally the top

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We are not gonna make it fren.

I'm 50% up in a couple of weeks with Nasdaq and Facebook turbo short warrants. I think it's going down further personally, things are over inflated and people are still borrowing like they were in 2008. It's a pack of cards ready to tumble.

Read this awealthofcommonsense.com/2014/02/worlds-worst-market-timer/
I believe you emerge from this experience stronger.

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I want to lick her feet!

wow bob is such a fucking rookie

Anyone here a self taught trader? How'd you learn?

Day trading cyrpto is a good way to feel things out alot better than paper trading imo due to its high voltility You will learn the importance of risk management pretty quickly and your sell targets.

I once gambled 2.5k away in a casino. I felt pretty stupid back then. haha. Was in bed for 3 days straight feeling shit. Now its a good story I get to tell sometimes. Got something out of that horrible choice.

> People in bull market : just hold and buy a market recovers always if you have long enough

> People in bear market: OMFG sell sell sell you're all gonna loss everthing reeee

Buy high sell low I always say. kek.

I think a lot of people dont have as high of a risk tolerance as they think. Investing according to your risk tolerance is the key to success. That way panic selling can be avoided.
Risk tolerance can be practiced also.

>> People in bull market : buy individual shares
>> People in bear market: Place Puts that will get you to the next morning profitable

There is if you don't earn it. Life is a zero-sum game. If you get a widget or an apple, or a spaceship, I can't have the resources it took to make those things.

Life is not a zero-sum game. Value can be created or destroyed. A widget can be more valuable than its parts separated and unrefined.

Work and smart resource allocation create value.

>Life is a zero-sum game
your brain on communism

I agree good things in life must be earned, meaning not stealed from others.
If you want something, make it or trade for it.

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That value is still zero-sum. A widget used to make your life better can't make mine better in the same way. A few things of value can be shared but most can't. My underlying point you missed is that boomers took and still demand far more than the value they create. "Wanting a better life" isn't a problem until you take one without earning it

I'm attacking gommunism you utter simpleton

I won £2.50 in a casino and have never been back to one since.

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I am not saying there is infinite value in this universe. In some forms this universe is still more valuable than in other forms. Attaining the same amount of material wealth with less work, time and other resources increases effectiveness, productivity. Increasing value has a lot to do with increasing the effectiveness at which we do things and reducing wasteful actions.
I agree that boomers demand more value than they create. Younger generations do this too.
And this is going to bite us all in the ass hard time.
Financially irresponsible people should not vote. They are children. Children do not vote.

>buying for growth

Never heard of dividends?

>Stock pensions

My portfolio was 260k at the peak a few months ago, now I've dropped to about 220k.

I'm not cashing out, I'm in this for the next 40 years. At least I make bank in dividends. Solidarity brothers, we can beat (((them))). Whatever you do do not sell lol, if you wanted to sell you should've done it while you were up. I repeat DO NOT SELL

Don't sell you fucking retard. I unironically cannot believe there are people actually buying high and selling low.

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Buy high sell high is better than buy high sell low.

People here cant actually predict the market, should just hold and spend the dividends. Or reinvest. Buy more.

Of course. I sold everything that was in the green at the beginning of this shitfest. Now I'm waiting until I can feel the bottom so I can just dump it all back in and double my holdings and dividends

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You might as well hodl bonds you utter brainlet
Payout Priority flow:
Govt/Financial institutions>>>Bondhodlesr>>>Preferred Stakehodlers>>>StockHodlers
If the issuer has just enough to pay off bonds but not dividends, you are fucked.

Or you can just hold for decades and watch your net value multiply while also receiving dividends. Bonds are literally for old people or people who have cashed out at the top of the dip

How does it work with dividends? Dividends are based on earnings not the price right? So technically if yield is same but stock is 7% down I'm getting same dividends right? And is yield lower when price lower or quite opposite?

Correct. This is why if you want dividends you invest in massive blue chips that have a steady income stream.

Guys I pulled out 50K from the market in preparation for the coming collapse about a month ago. I am in desperate need for a new vehicle however.

Should I pay in cash for a slightly used vehicles~25k or should I take a loan out knowing I will take a hit on the interest but know I can make back more with the full 50k when the market recovers?