How much money do you realistically need to retire at 30 in your country?

How much money do you realistically need to retire at 30 in your country?

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probably about €1m if you can invest it in safe 4-5% annual returns

Like 5 million

dutchie here. about 1.2 million. if you beat inflation by 3%. you can have a comfy 3k per month.

you're forgetting about the taxes. Add that to inflation and suddenly you need +10% every year without ever having a shitty year just to get that 3k/month. The gobernment assumes you get 6.5? I believe every year. They tax like 1/3th of that so you get taxed ~5/6%(including inflation) directly. Add to that the housing taxes you'll have to pay(expensive home = expensive taxes) and suddenly that 1.2mil is worth exactly fuckall.
Now lets assume 10% would cut it: 10% in very low risk investments without bad years(because bad year=no money) is quite difficult to accomplish.

So you're looking at ~5-6 million at the very least realistically.

half a mil $ should be enough in a slavic shithole


American - $300k if you have a house paid for, no debt and live frugally.

Otherwise, probably about $650k - again frugally.

$1.5-2.5m if you want to live like a boomer.



This. I know some folks who retired with 5m; some portion is annuitized, combined with higher yield less liquid assets like TIAACREF vehicles generates something like 250k in cash flow - enough toleavw 1-2% ‘in’ to keep the principal stable whilst leaving enough to live on.

those milkers have brought her more $$ than in this thread combined

Goal is to 600k.
90k goes to long term cap gains.
230k is a modest home in FL paid off.
I leave 50-75k for my next crypto project.

Leaves ~200k to do whatever else. I will also draw NEET bucks for 1900 a month.

$2m if you want to have toys

For 100k€ i could build a house and invest enough to kive off returns.
If anyone is central yuropoor country and wants to donate i will literally jack you off every morn and be your butler for a year.

>i will literally jack you off every morn and be your butler for a year.
im interested. how much for said services?

In America about 2 mil minimum. You can live off less but will get cucked by lack of health care otherwise.

Shame she didn't pass those MILKERgenes along

>retiring at 30
goddamn that's when things should be getting interesting (in terms of acquired experience and competence) career wise and you goddamn spoiled lazy little fucks want to lose what are the beginnings of the best years of your working life out of childish laziness probably instilled in you from years of playing vidya.

4k€ a month for 0/24 butler services before taxes. I'll clean your house, wash your clothes, make repairs, provide non penetratove sexual services (if you say no homo afterwards). Basically i'll be your nanny for lots of money. No further provisions needed. Got no work references but i got a history of raising girlfriends and siblings.

USA: at least 1.5m - 2m. Largely depends on where in the country you are. I'm in NY but I could probably live off 2m forever, although I would still take at least a few days of work every month to provide some financial comfort.