Just went in at 3 sats

how screwed am i?

Attached: trtl.png (200x200, 3K)

Probably one of the safest people on Jow Forums, anything below 10 sats is pretty good.

it is impossible for anything to go below 1 sat, so you're safe. and statistically it is just as likely to go to 5 as it is to go to 1. nice trade

th..th..anks guys......

No prob user, just keep hodling and watch TurtleCoin become top 20 coin next year

You will loose 66% when it goes back to 1

TRTL is worth $0.000080 at 2 sats. There are some failed projects/shitcoins worth $0.00000001 or just 0. So yeah, a coin can go below 1 sat easily.

TRTL will do alright in upcoming years though. What I really disliked was waiting 2 hours to send my TRTL between exchanges. 150 confirmations were needed, lol

or i'll make 500% and pay my rent for a year. Opportunity cost my friend. Hardwork does not make a great man, risk does.

Checked. Double dubs confirm was good choice.

Attached: 1520527633771.jpg (313x328, 35K)

100% you’re going to lose half of that by EOW

I'm gonna go sleep for 10 hrs and wake up. Either I'm going to kms or have a little more money. We shall see

Attached: 0_AunEAuCV-46KV0KB_.png (656x449, 102K)

Screen capped we shall see

Very fucked. This will dump back to 1 sat when whales and 6 month bagholders wake up.

Idk user, I've been on a role this week. Passed a difficult exam, got accepted into a degree which I did not meet the requirements for (literally like 5 vacancies left and I was just under tthe cut off so they let me in). Gonna ride this wave and see where it takes me.

you are not going to kys. if it does back slide, realize one thing, it will climb again. if the fundamentals are there, it will climb, some times just takes time.

Buy high sell low.
Classic Jow Forumsness tactics.

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Fuck this is going to be funny

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Indeed, I wonder if people realize this coin was made as a joke coin trying to take dogecoins place, lmao the devs had no intention into making it into a serious coin, hahahah these stupid retards actually buying this deserve to lose everything

Attached: 2p4b17.jpg (600x375, 51K)

>buying a shitcoin that only has two good developers and a bunch of bag holding whales and pajeets.

Good luck

The devs know some basic coding but don’t understand a lot of simple things about cryptocurrencies. I wouldn’t touch it

I have 500k turtle that I can't get to because I have to sync my blockchain, but I won't dump once it is synced so don't worry.

Check your wallet version. Drop by the discord if you need more help. Very helpful

coin of many bags sirs
do the needful and buy my bags

How we doin buddy

I'm updating now, let's hope that speeds things along.

do the needful and activate phase 2 sirs

Attached: kk.png (902x619, 236K)

Vishnu was confirmed in turtle blockchain. Good luck to you sirs

Attached: yaranaika_turtle.png (792x827, 113K)

100 sats next year

Attached: turtlecoin.png (1842x787, 122K)

that guy from that post went in at 2 sats though which drove price up to 3 sats when this op bought

150 confirmations is max 75min

or you could just use a public node and dont have to sync the chain and just the wallet

>Thus much fucking Reddit LARP
You all live a sad and pathetic lives.

reminder that when this shit was first shilled here, biztards were mining it by the millions per day and they sold it at 20+ sats. There an entire horde of people on this board bagholding this crap

200 MM TRTL here, holding and comfy.

150 confirmations has nothing to do with the TRTL network. That is up to the dev/website user. turtlewallet.lol only has 10 confirmations.

we all remember the 2017-2018 bubble user.

Can confirm I dumped most of my stack during that time. Once Rocksteady market sold some turtle for a listing I checked out most my holdings.

>it is impossible for anything to go below 1 sat.
That's wrong. There are exchanges which allow you to buy coins for USDT, which allows you to go below 1 sat