Okay Jow Forums bros its enough!!

okay Jow Forums bros its enough!!
Its really fucking enough!
i can not handle this anymore.
everywhere i go i see ultra beta tier white guys with cute asian chicks.

whats wrong with these asian women?
why they choose omega onions boys?

give me your best arguments against wmaf relationships!
i gonna send all those asian chicks the ultimate red pill against relationships with white beta males.

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Wrong board.

Also, I think you just have a thing for Asians and so you value them more highly. The people in your pic are in the same league.

White incels exploiting the sexual economics of the 3rd world

she is a dream waifu

yes, i have yellow fever

Asian women see white women in a postive light. For one all the famous people they ever saw in hollywood movies were white plus we are handsome. Asian women are viewed positively by white guys who value femininity.

Want the real yellow pill?

The issue is Asian men and White women are ugly which is why they rarely mix. The Asian men keep their women to themselves and white women fucking hate asian women deep down.

White guys..Asian women. Superior.

Edit i meant asian women view white men in a positive light.

if you're a chad you can easily steal them from the basedbois.

those nerds are literally the best they can get. there's a huge stigma against having an Asian gf as a white guy.

These posts stink of reddit

Truth. Asian women are more feminine and white men are more masculine. It's not rocket science.

They lust for the white genes of aggression and creativity to create a master race


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>t. triggered hapa
your women love BWC user, its a well known fact

Because your typical white beta male full stack programmer is making $115k to $250k and has a, "respectable," position. Asian women don't want to date some ripped Alpha is he's only making $60k/year.

No it’s not lifepartner is the biggest investment you will make in this life. She can take everything from you or multiply your life to whole new level.

If you knew anything about Asian culture you'd realise they don't give a fuck about men being chads. As long as they are good to them, and treat them like Goddesses they don't care

Yeah asian culture is about providing and also not putting extended family pressure on them. Add the fact they really do fubd white men more attractive than their own race then u got your answers.

White guy married to asian living in asia for years. I know this shit.

based, asian pussy is the best pussy white roastbeefs BTFO
and I say this as an unironical white nationalist racist trump supporter

Your time is up chink. We will kill all chinks and breed with your women just like what we did to native americans.

Your women all lust for BWC. You are destined for extinction.

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That just looks like pure plastic

>that map
I know french guiana is technically france and therefore part of the EU but calling it europe when it's clearly south america is bit of a strech

>there's a huge stigma against having an Asian gf as a white guy.
no there isn't. you are either a fat/post wall white woman or small dicked asian I bet

Yes, there is because they see the relationship is all about money. The poor Asian girl from some sub-tier country and some beta rich guy who can't get a normal woman.

The common arrangement of the hodler class in the crypto future world will be wmafwf.

Plastic surgery, mostly.

It's unfortunate, they really look like goblins, and your children will too.

Japanese waifus are the only actual beautiful ones as they generally don't bother with plastic surgery. Good luck with a chink, thai or Korean though..

Yeah, don't forget your kids will grow up with an identity crisis and go Elliot Rodger on your ass lol.

Val Yap??

>whats wrong with these asian women?
1) Most are not asian, they're sub-asian. As in, even asians despise them. Vast majority come from overpopulated cesspits on par with subsaharan nations... I'm talking Laos, bangladesh, vietnam, thailand, philippines and papua new guinea... literally pygmies.

2) Money. They're brainwashed from childhood that it's a national duty to go out into the world to find a guy to marry and spend the rest of their days siphoning money to send to their family (their real family) and their country (their real country)

3) instead of getting a tan, they bleach their skin with excessive skin whitening for years to get a white guy easier

4) they know they have a body of an 8 year old chinese boy so they have to compensate some other way. The ONLY thing they have left is their personality, that's how those chicks ensnare the losers. But it's all a facade. In secret at home behind close doors they're verbally abusive and physically violent toasts husbands and children. And only gets worse with age.

Will post this every time lmao

Also white dudes in here, if you think Asian women are attractive and you denigrate Asian dudes you need to check yourself. What sort of relationship are you gonna have with your hapa son? What about your relationship with your hapa daughter (probably creepy as hell)?

Dating Asian women is fine but you really gotta understand the racial dynamics at play because it can become an exercise in white supremacy pretty fuckin quick

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>wrong board
Try again, fag

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because they fail first marriages with asian guys.
Once you divorced, you are trash in next asian guys eyes.
Whites/blacks don't care about it.

>there's a huge stigma against having an Asian gf as a white guy.

This is absolutely true. I lived in Korea and met my wife there. She's as pretty as an asian girl as you ever find, but people always ask me why I'm not with a blond girl. People defiintely make 'rove you rong time' jokes when I'm not around. It doesn't bother me too much, but the idea that I coudln't get a huwite woman is absolutely pervasive.

I'm secure with myself and my decisions, but to act like it's not happening is just ridiculous.

that’s why i hate the jew media
they destroyed everything

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All these asain "male" postings lmao, god asain bois built for BBC

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