Game over

Attached: fuck.png (580x224, 20K)

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Fucking ((((((Bloomberg)))))) holy fuck. "Wall street are giving up on BTC because it's cheap at the moment".
Yeah I bet they are you fucking lizards.

Pretty much sums it up.

Crypto is more of a Asian phenomena anyway. We never needed Wall Street

several sites have been shilling against crypto lately. interested to see how the market reacts to the crash.


+ how surprising is it that after a rally there is always someone to release such bearish tweet

+ "Partner at institutional agency broker Themis Trading" is what it says in his bio. Cryptocurrencies literally make that clown and his "partners" obsolete

OTC volume is through the roof the price you pay on the exchanges is being manipulated to get all the weak hands out and to get your coins cheaper. don't believe the FUD

What a coincidence, I've shelved boomer stocks and """'"''journalism"''''""".

Thats from a pro crypto site, and even the content isnt really that bullish

How on earth do you measure OTC trades, where are those metrics? How do you calculate them?

I guess it relies on what the exchanges or "insiders" make public, but why would they tell the truth, right?


Man, we should really think about cremating Jews. Don't fuck with my crypto coins, fucking kikes!



>it's cheap
relative to what?
because the fundamental valuation of bitcoin is zero

And this is why China will dominate the next century, stocked up on gold and crypto while the traitors in the West sold off Ft. Knox.

>stocked up on gold and crypto
lmao crypto, I hope you are a shill because otherwise you should question your iq

this is an anonymous image board. why the fuck are you taking him seriously.

That is some shitcoin site shilling

Attached: 1404346379482.jpg (1224x552, 484K)

>teleports behind you
>nukes your populace
>nothing personal chink

Attached: C0AC124C-8BEE-4D81-BFB9-7BE28DFBE55D.jpg (629x389, 30K)

It isn't over, it is just getting started. The completion of Link and execution and eventual adoption of Smartcontracts is going to send projects of value to the moon.