Prepare your anus for a depression

Prepare your anus for a depression.

Attached: 90years.png (1200x675, 44K)

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its not the same though b/c it's just peoples retirements not everyones life savings, also quality of life is much greater.

I'm excited for a great depression. It will give a few years to save money by subsisting off wild edibles and my garden.

It doesn't matter which because this time the currency will be hit with substantial devaluation.

this. hyperinflation is the nigger of finance.

do i buy now or wait?

Eh, it sucks if you need to sell in the near future. I expect a lot of the investors on Jow Forums are young enough that they're going to just shrug their shoulders and HODL.

I can't wait to see the world burn.

The fuse has been lit

Attached: curve.gif (953x460, 19K)

>S&P on track to post its worth month in 90 years
Is this true? Or just decembers? They worded it very clearly yet there is no accountability in the media today so I have to ask

Reps are gonna be so blown out in 2020 it’s crazy. Not necessarily blaming them (although Trump’s policies have certainly played a part) but the American public certainly will. Absolute bloodbath.

Dems are going to be out for blood once they get control of all branches of government in 2020, I wouldn't look forward to it. We will have a huge uptick in immigration, expansion of the Court, tax hikes, etc.

we japan now

More like Deus Ex
They predicted the future. All that is needed now is a plague

Attached: deus_ex.png (1039x665, 559K)

This. Based and Redpilled.

Dems winning would perhaps be bad for society, but it would most likely be good for markets.

holy shit, the plan has always been to destroy the economy, so we would be even more resistant to mass migration.

12D chess

>problems in Paris

>Good for markets
Yeah, bringing in lots of people to reduce labor costs, drive consumption and pump land values will be good for The Market but certainly not for society.

Hey, Eastern Europe doesn't get migrants from Africa for a reason.

The problem isn’t with unskilled immigrants, it’s with skilled immigrants and h1b who are actually taking our jobs. Let the unskilled migrants come clean our toilets but save the skilled high paying jobs for the people already here and fund retraining where necessary for native born Americans. Neither party will follow this advice. Silicon Valley should be only American workers.

We don't need toilet cleaners from Mexico either. We have many overpaid journalists and academics in the social sciences who could be doing those jobs!

what does this chart MEAN?

My anus is already depressed though.

economics is a social science retard

Yes... and? Lots of useless economists floating around academia.

buy a 10% of your cash


True but it was autistic gender studies and the related abominations of science that propped the right wing against it. The left now has the advantage of being pro-science which is quite sad considering the greatest technological advancements were done in the 50-60s when everyone was a hardline right winger

Attached: FB_IMG_1541542864437.jpg (720x974, 119K)

Right-wing anti-science was mostly driven by evangelical protestants, wasn't it?

>left is pro science
leftists are now denying evolution to try and save their idea of all humans being equal and intelligence not being genetic

Attached: liberal brain damage.png (466x525, 278K)

Kys kike shill

I don't want any more non-whites fucking up my streets, shitting up my parks, or having their 80iq kids bouncing off walls making my white children distracted. I don't want my children attending schools with half the class speaking Spanish instead of English. I don't want more non-whites sapping the strength of my hospitals because they don't get insurance and just go to the ER and give a fake name and their stolen SSN.

Fuck off you fucking kike shill.
>Problem isn't immigrants, let them come

You have no fucking idea the damage they cause

Yield curve inversion which historically always signals recession.

there is no inversion retard

On your daddy's plastic. Americans have no savings, it's all credit.

racists are quantifiably retarded. it's hilarious to see so many people ITT who are unironically racist and share articles from quilette and think they are intelligent. meanwhile they're all failed normies who missed out on the bull run because they're normies and browse this board on christmas because making money from crypto is their only shot at not being losers, and these are the people who expect you to believe all their predictions about economics and society are right lol

>Hate has no home here
The absolute state of thinking humans are equal and that diversity is good in any possible way other than genocide.

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Is it going to be so bad ppl will start killing and/or killing them self’s

>tfw have $50k in cash
when do i buy, stocks look so cheap right now

I just bought $2k worth of vanguard s&p index fund because it's on sale.

Am I retarded?

I would spend 10% every 2 weeks or so, don't spend it all at once...dollar cost averaging.

>and intelligence not being genetic
Tell me what gene controls intelligence

>orange man good
>muh Jews are the reason I live with my parents

nah dude, the streets are looking pretty bloody. I bought some apple yesterday because they're getting more and more cheapie.

>one race, the human race

>brainlet doesnt understand that many genes factor into every phenotype, especially something as complex as intelligence

too bad NEET, we are here and we are not going anywhere.
2nd generation immigrant here out earning you, parents came here dirt poor and worked 80 hr weeks to provide for us, we have just as much right to be here as you

t. projecting

That you think differentials in genetics and intelligence justifies genocide then I'm afraid you're the subhuman one user.

Exactly. And now its the left that is trying to deny science.

who's got the deets on CLOs and leveraged loans? are they going to cause the next crash?

consumer spending is a lagging indicator, idiot