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but we're browsing 4channel today...

who the fuck has to work on Christmas Day

the fuck?

not everybody is a payed shill


poor people

I'm American. When I was younger I remember kids got the entire month of December off. And shit would close down for an entire week. Now I hear kids only get a few days and cucks are out working Christmas Day.

What an awful society.

my mom works fast food and she had to go to work today. She literally gets no holidays. nothing. She gets paid time and half tho today, but still, if didn't go to work today, she would get nothing. She gets two paid sick days, that's all. How messed up is that? Welcome to America.

It's the best thing we got tho senpai

freedom tho

Just picked some beer from the convenience store. Gave the old white lady $10 for working on Christmas. Why you ask?
Cause I'm not a fucking nigger.


Dance for me, wagie.

Bet it was a 40oz Steel Reserve you got

The downside is, I'm working today
The upside is, I have a job which allows me to live on my own and be an adult instead of being a basement-dwelling virgin manchild that begs mommy for tendies and believes crypto will make him rich

my wagecuck job made me work on christmas eve yesterday. 2 coworkers tried to ask if i can cover their shift because they're "sick".

im at a ski resort lodge right now. qt at receptionist is working. how do i stop falling in love with every pretty girl that talks to me.

Is this post satire? Americans (millennials specifically) hardly work at all, that's why this country has gone to shit.

I also work fast food and was asked to come into work to deliver since the driver for today has a flat tire.

Probably gonna go in as my GM is a good friend. Gonna get time and a half along with hopefully good tips.

Wearing my Santa hat, so woooo!

The manager today worked yesterday and is also working New Year's Eve and Day.

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Wagie you aren't singing loud enough!

That's a good question. I also have that issue and it's part of what I'm working on with my therapist (also a cute and smart girl, but keeping this professional).

I volunteered to work today, and also new year because I'm not 17 and i don't give a shit about these holidays. I'd rather get some money doing absolutely nothing instead of just doing nothing with my retarded family eating horrible food and faking social stuff.

Kys underage normie

I have to work today.
I also worked Thanksgiving day
I work new years eve and day
Luckily I have 50k Link so next year could be my last year working these fucking holidays.

You know that nigga aint got no flat tire.

Imagine them being BLACKED. Either you will become disgusted, or you'll be aroused, in which case you should an hero.

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Lol, maybe not, but he's usually all about making money, so I'd be surprised.

My store was remodeled a couple years backs and all drivers have had at least one (if not more) nail from the people working in it not cleaning up.

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Fuck you

The downside is that I have nothing to do on Christmas day off
The upside is that I still have a job and I can support myself without mommy and daddy helping me out.

It is just Christmas humor

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>>Is this post satire? Americans (millennials specifically) hardly work at all, that's why this country has gone to shit.

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Did I hurt a nerve wagied? Don’t forget to smile and ask them if they would to make it a combo for an extra $1.

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>>Did I hurt a nerve wagied? Don’t forget to smile and ask them if they would to make it a combo for an extra $1.
I'm on PTO though. I'm back to wagecucking after New Years Day.


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I was at work today , was pretty comfy nothing to do , i slept like 6 hours , "worked" 10 minutes. Was eating kebab at lunch and slept 2 more hours just to shit on Work plant changing room toilet for 20 mins and take a bath change clothes and stamp out .

Gets paid extra 70$ and 1 extra day off from today plus normal wage . So all in all it was a nice day . Doesnt matter if i sleep at work or at home at least i get paid to sleep at work , not like you other mccucks

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Get back to work citizen. And pay your taxes!

Is your family mexican?
If not then I feel sympathy for you and your mother. I have known people who were in such a position and it's not pretty. She's doing what she can for you.

Otherwise, you have to go back.

Just left the gas station with a drink and a sub, some kid spilt sprite on the floor and now the wagies get to clean it, and it was very busy in there

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Looks like next year you’ll be dancing for me at whatever shit job you have

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