HElp me

How much money do i need to turn $500 into $250k by the end of next year?

Attached: 1540489976991.png (2233x822, 76K)


You need 500 sir
But then you need 249500 sir
Very good sir

249 500$

youre more likely to turn $500k into $250k with this shitcoin OP

I have to buy something and sell it for more than what I paid

absolute state of biz

How much will chainlink be in a year?

0 raneesh, the coin creators are like DERO, exit scammed

Bout tree fiddy

$3.50 or $350?
I need the money to buy a house, so i can live in it.


Hahah this post made me laugh out loud followed by the wut first post and I'm with my family for Christmas and they think im retarded

easy, just buy RLC

That's because you are retarded.
Merry Christmas you cunts.

Attached: Merry Christmastro.png (1506x1269, 1.38M)

Ohh but you are. All those school buses you're clicking? Yup, that's your future.

I think this is an accurate prediction

why am I not surprised you're here on christmas?

Read your own fucking question op, it’s retarded, what the fuck is the matter with you

hol up hol up, this might be a trick question

same as stocks fags thou

Attached: methead.jpg (720x360, 322K)

I don't celebrate christmas. I'm a jew.

Is this picture real or shopped?

stop tripfagging you fkin nigger

i cant stop im a drunk nigger

this need to be a Jow Forums banner honestly

Attached: forrest_gump.jpg (1600x900, 161K)

> I'm a jew
Doubtful unless you have proof, but I guess it would explain why you're fine with orbiting pedophiles.

Needs to be 1. on hints and tips for link holders.

Of course im not a jew. don't be so retardedly gullible you fucking cuckk