I just cashed out all my crypto with no intentions of every buying back in. I feel so fucking light and free. Finally...

I just cashed out all my crypto with no intentions of every buying back in. I feel so fucking light and free. Finally, after two years of suffering.

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Unironically this is the way forward.Unless you are in the 3% of successful traders, this shit is just going to wreck your time and your money.

good call user
fuck crypto

>light and free
wait til the media reports on the next golden bull run, and let us know how detached and above it all you feel then

Congrats hope you turned a good profit on it. Now invest in something real.

I couldn't take it anymore. It consumed my thoughts, I couldn't enjoy anything anymore other than refreshing blockfolio and shitposting here. It was fine during the bull market but now there is no point in obessing over it for these peanut gains.

I know now I will still suffer with FOMO when the market eventually recovers, and it will be impossible to completely walk away from it, but hopefully it will get easier with time.

Run free! You don't belong to anyone, you're free now user!

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Bogdanoff, he sold the dip

Pamp eet

Peanut gains? Come on man, if you play it right and set stop losses you're talking about 10-20% a week at worst.

Literally free money if you just buy red and set a stop loss.

I'd say one more year of trading / holding house money and you'd be a millionaire.

Why stop now if you've been here 2 years? I assume that means you have over $100K in crypto. COMPOUND.

Read my story senpai. Consider a re entry.

With one instant click of the mouse I purchased 20 bitcoins of this Flo token

It was in mid November and my purchase was completed for an average of 800 but caused a spike to 1000.

Every day I sleep with glee just knowing that in a few months the 20 btc of Flo I purchased will be worth an easy 150-200+ btc.

Some days I dream of it going to $100mm cap and my stack rising from 20 to 1000 btc. I slap myself back to reality and tell myself that making 250 btc on one trade is more than enough to buy curry for this entire forum for one full month.



Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne writes letter of support for using FLO in Wyoming

New readers about Flo should check out the telegram with questions

But first they should STUDY these two articles:



I cashed out 50k worth of profits but I wasn't learning from my lesson on mistakes. I would still buy the dip too early and then panick when it dumped more. I would sell pumps too early to lock in gains then fomo back in at the top.

I'm a degenerate gambler at heart and crypto is not a good market for me to be in. If I would just reason out trades and make rational decision I would be fine, but I get bored and make trades for the excitement. For example I did tons of research and decided Walton was the best coin to buy in October. Went all in and bought 30k at $1 on a dip, only to panic sell half of it as it dumped to 50 cents. If I would have just held the Walton it eventually hit $40 I could have been a multi millionaire. The stress of this is taking years off my life.

You’ve lost your mind fren.

You’ve also lost your mind

It was the right call. Most of this shit is going to zero.Crypto was always going to peak at the height of the hype cycle.When it was like a secret club and only neets and neckbeards really knew about it, and the marketcap was low, there was always room to move, always new people dripfeeding in, no futures, it was easy to keep it rising, excitement of mainstream finding out and buying our bags.

The normie run in dec/jan was our beanie babies, our fidget spinners.once normies got burned there was nobody left to play the greater fool, and inwards came a load of hardened traders happy to scalp 5% gains.Now everyone is either hodling coins that they have been forced to look at objectively without the hype of its price rising, and realising it is a piece of crap that will never generate a revenue,or its traders passing coins back and forth between each other, with only a small % making money.

Addon the fact that shorting allows people to trade with 25x or more of what they put in and make money in minutes rather than waiting weeks for a coin to moon.

End of the day think of it like this, in 2017 we didnt think crypto was an out and out scam and normies had no clue what it was.Now we think its a scam and a ponzi and so do all the general public.Why would anyone rush in to that?

That's it, I sold. I'm free. I'm finally free from this fucking hell of scammers and pajeets. It was fun and games for a while, but now its just a cruel sick joke. I bought at 15k. No human can look at their money disappear before their very eyes and not be bothered. You know we're going to 3k, right? People in some countries can mine btc at that price, its going to fucking happen. You know it, I know it, lets all stop pretending that this is gonna be anything but a bear market untill 2020

itt op on suicide watch in 3 years.

>Now we think its a scam and a ponzi and so do all the general public.Why would anyone rush in to that?

People thought it was legit at first because the value was going up. When the value started to come back down to earth, that's when everyone flipped and decided it was a scam. When the value starts to go up again, people will change their mind and decide it's not a scam again. This is NPC logic, but it's how most humans actually think about things.

I can literally haven't been bothered since the bear began. Completely detached myself. Easy. You're just fucking weak minded.


This there is a fatal flaw in Segwit and BTC is done for, don’t like it? STIFF

Congrats. But holy shit did you just say you bought in at 15,000???

I can understand one year of suffering, but two years of suffering... you must be autistic as fuck.

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>Anyone who doesn't buy crypto is an NPC

You sound desperate. Using the NPC meme to defend your opinions makes you an NPC yourself. The majority of "normies" that didn't buy crypto during the bullrun because they thought it was a scam won't buy in the next bullrun either.

You did good user. Now all in mining. See you on the moon..... (((literally)))

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for me it's been worse to miss out 100x opportunities in 2017 than to lose 95% of my value in 2018
watching people "invest" on complete shitcoins and become millionaires while i was being reasonable and DCAed my way into eth broke my mind, even though eth gains still were fantastic. FOMO applies to the fear of missing out on a greater uptrend on the coins you're already holding, too, and i ended up unable to sell in 2018
people who bought the top know nothing. people who bought in 2016 or before and squandered it away know nothing. it's that particular feeling of coming just at the right time, doing rational moves and getting so JUSTed you become increasingly irrational