I've given up on becoming an entrepreneur and the internet income pipe dream...

I've given up on becoming an entrepreneur and the internet income pipe dream. I'm just going to get a job like everybody else. I've chosen a profitable degree and will get a decent job with a >100k salary within 5 years. I see the benefits of being an employee now,

>Job security
>Little bit of social interaction every day goes a long way
>Stable day-to-day life
>Degree/Skillset/Work experience I can fall back on to get a new job if made redundant
>Clear direction during work

I tried the internet income self employment thing on and off for a few years and the stress, lack of success and lack of security got to me. With a wagecuck job at least I know I can retire and live modestly after 5-10 years of work.

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What methods did you try?


Attached: retard-gif-9.gif (500x223, 499K)

What is the profitable degree you have chosen?

I made plans and ideas for a bunch of things but only followed a little through, nothing seemed profitable enough. I learned bits and pieces about SEO, read the black hat marketing forum, figured out how social media marketing/monetization works. Years ago I was going to try an Overwatch Instagram but it just didn't seem profitable in the end.

B.S. in Geology

>With a wagecuck job at least I know I can retire and live modestly after 5-10 years of work.
You mean 50 years, right? There ain't no way in hell you're retiring after 5 years m8. Especially if you're not going to get a masters degree.

It depends how modestly I want to live and if I want a wife and family.

Scrounge up every penny you have an invest it in TQQQ this week. Hold until it reaches 50 again, and then divest yourself and buy SQQQ at around 13 or 14.


This is my trade to make it.

You can do both. Get your degree and do online stuff. I always give up and the. Re launch and it works out. You can't give up that easy. Also with inflation and shit you aren't retiring in 5 years. 15 years if youre lucky and retire in Lithuania or some South Asian country.
I have the same plan keep trying

I could. Yeah I am exaggerating a bit. But honestly I think if I start working and find a decent job with a good income I won't need the kind of internet work I was looking for.

>You mean 50 years, right?

No, you just don't understand basic arithmetic:

>30% taxes
>Frugal life $1,500/month expenses
>5% yearly interest

12 years and he's got a million saved and $44k/year in interest to live off of. I guess poor people can't comprehend things like living off of interest alone.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-26 Interest Calculator.png (910x522, 45K)

Also, check those digits on the 12 year end principle. OP has the blessing of Satan for glorious wealth.

Yes Satan, I will pay the price.

This. OP you are me and are talking to a mirror. I’m back to wage cuckinh with a profitable degree. I think I can hit 80-100k within five years. Unirocally plan on stacking up 100k of Link. In the meantime will draw up plans for my next venture. But I think the next best thing is within the Link space. Link is life

wishful thinking, user from several other threads.

I'm just like you user. Gave up being a wantrepreneur and continued wagecucking as a software developer on six figures but really 35% goes to taxes.

Now want to pay off my mortgage become debt free but still try and make some side income with small hustles. I won't give up trying to diversify income. But yeah always needed the security as back up. It's the way I am just like when I played Age of Empires 2 I always had to have a castle and walls built up before attacking people.

Ha yeah good analogy. Hopefully the extra security will balance things out for us, in that we won't have to stress so much if our side projects don't take off. Cheers.

I think you failed to include inflation. usually 2-3% a year but in reality it's more like 8-10% lately if you include housing. so it would set him back roughly 15 years to get to the same standard of living. If he receives regular cost of living adjustments then more like 10 years. basically 25-30 years to make it as a wagecuck in other words yes he will be working til he's 50 at least.

So you really didn't even try

> Age of Empires 2

Nostalgia feels

Why compare Lithuania to South Asia senpai

Working full time. In my spare time Ive built a steam game and also had a separate online shop. Both produced little income and ive abandoned them since.
Trying next on CL nodes. Hopefully that is successful. Not sure after that.
All i know is ill keep trying to get more income on the side, eventually one will turn out well.

I've been in a similar position 2 years ago. Just quit my first real full time job because everybody's retarded.

Job security is a myth, unless you're a total yes-man, which an entrepreneur would never be.

Things are looking up though, I've got some lucrative offers.

But the big take-home wisdom I've earned over the years is that patience is king.

My target is to achieve at least 10% growth every year on my savings, with 1k injected every month. Every side business above that margin is "profitable enough".

Patience is enough to die a millionaire.

Sounds like you realised that internet money required work. How ironic that you prefer the illusion provided a stable job.

Keep at it. Don't aim to hit the jackpot and build a big ticket item to live off of. Just continue to build up many small ones until you're comfortable.
As an aside though, you probably would make more money from your current ventures if you put some money into marketing. Especially on the steam game side of things, check the /v/ archives for info on how the Risk of Rain dev memed his way into success. Easily repeatable.

Sounds like you realised that internet money required work. How ironic that you prefer the illusion provided a stable job.

>I see the benefits of being an employee now

Attached: t95brdheth621.jpg (1024x576, 59K)

you didnt even try lol

>I sit
>in my desolate room
>no lights
>no music

So not only did you not try, it took you years to get to this point. You are right, probably isn't for you.

TQQQ up 10% today.

OP's Pic is literally my life

>when I played Age of Empires 2 I always had to have a castle and walls built up
same but it always bothered me that the towers couldn't reach those slingshot things

Pepe in bottle but popo?

OP im an internet fag as well, been in this game for six years and cleared a measly 50k this year. Im about to throw in the towell towel too. giving this another year but Im about to crack, the lack of job security, always working from home by myself, the stress and uncertainty... its getting to me mang.

>die a millionaire
>live like a pauper
Sounds great

how old are you?

Shit this made me laugh out loud

Thanks for existing

working in insurance now; it all comes down to the agency owner

be making 11 an hour with a bitchy agent, she stays at home all day while I do everything for the Agency. spend most of my time alone.

switching to chad frat bros agency, paying me $17 an hour before comission and healthcare. Plus he is hiring two staceys to make calls for me to give me business to write

haha me too lol :DDD

It is literally impossible to become an entrepreneur in this day and age or make a living off the internet (except for meme youtubers). Why do you think everybody is motivational speakers and not actual entrepreneurs.

Wagecuck or be born into wealth.

If you think he’ll be able to live off 44k a year in 30 years outside of borderline poverty, fucking lol

>job security
No such thing if your job is not unionized/tenured

My dream is to have enough money to retire in Lithuania. Then again, I'm ethnic Lithuanian.

I'm not sure if you're joking or not but this made me laugh because I guarantee there are real people like this. Thanks mate

It unironically is though. Perhaps it's not for everyone but I've been living that lifestyle forever and I wouldn't want it any other way. I have >250k in assets and am a free man who works for himself, I'd rather be ascetic and free than owned by possessions and a boss

Warning: when you wagecuck you will not have the time or energy to even attempt to escape with your own business ideas.

t. Have an actual business idea but execution is hard as FUCK being a wageslave at the same time

I did try but none of my ideas seemed profitable. Please don't hit me with the "You just have to do it" retarded advice, there is no point in going forward with a shitty business idea. I did learn a lot though and I could use the knowledge in the future.

>Sounds like you realised that internet money required work. How ironic that you prefer the illusion provided a stable job.

Well the idea was to make more money by doing my own thing. Either that OR make a smaller amount of money for more leisurely or creative work.

Oh so you're serious? Why did you put so much time and effort into retarded flimsy instagram businesses. Why don't you pick up a skill that people will actually pay for and work from there you dropkick

Almost 29, almost have my (probably first) degree. I took a year off in 2016 to look into the internet job thing.

>>job security

This should be obvious but a proper job should give you more job security than the kind of work internet work we've been talking about here.

>Warning: when you wagecuck you will not have the time or energy to even attempt to escape with your own business ideas.

Yeah this is why I'm thinking I'll just work and then my projects can be more creative because they won't NEED to succeed/be profitable. There is some stuff that I want to do that is somewhat creative/somewhat profitable but not heavily one or the other.

I think social media marketing is interesting and exciting, especially how so many things can be automated. I'm looking into a day job in a similar area (copywriting).