G-g-guys TRTL is up 300% in three days. up from 1 sat to 3 sats

G-g-guys TRTL is up 300% in three days. up from 1 sat to 3 sats.

what do (((they))) know that we don't? I'm about to buy 100,000 TRTL just incase it takes off. anyone else own it? from the white paper it looks like it's a fork of monero but faster

Attached: TRTL.jpg (7952x5304, 1.59M)

Compare both of them for us.

turtlefags to get righteously dumped on by the devs


Wait it's 3 sats now? That's hilarious, I bought with LTC under 1 sats. Trtl really will slowly climb to the moon, huh.

It's another fucking ponzi scheme, same as the other 70 quadrillion other coins that are constantly shilled on Jow Forums.

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its more a Jow Forums coin then a Jow Forums coin


Attached: trtllink.png (586x586, 82K)

useless coin. nice gains though. remember to sell gradually as it rises instead of just hodling hoping for more, if you think it will go up more.

insure yourself against the regret of unrealized gains drained down the toilet.

We're in a bear market. Don't get too excited.

i cant believe it.
my 100k investment is now 200k
i will keep holding till i am a zillionarie

I want to buy 100k more.
i first got my turtles trading over the counter on discord, when turtle has no exchange and rock steady was busy developing the coin.
so i see on Coinmarketcap that turtle is listed on many exchanges.
I did a quick review and the best is Tradesatoshi because is a registered busisness and running since 2015.
there are also two other exchanges,
Tradeogre that i dnt trust because there is no info about owners or busisness.
and Bilaxy a new exchange copy of binance faking volume with wash trade bots.
so should i go for tradesatoshi?
where do you buy turtle?


Shitcoin with no future use case, it's just another PnD

t. bought at 31 sats

i already deposit on tradesatoshi.
i have almost 5 BTC ready to buy.
well, will withdraw and wait TRTL get listed on a more reputable exchange.

Attached: trtl.png (926x722, 52K)

Turtle will just... win. It is as simple as that.

user get those BTC off now. TS is a horrible exchange with no devs. Their wallets sometimes go offline for months with zero support. TO is a thousand times better. Trust me on this user.

i've used tradeogre for months and it is extremely fast for both deposits and withdrawals, feels like the old days before all the chink clone exchanges

A guy bought 50k of this at 2 sats recently, no?
Hope he sells for his parents sake.

>with no future use case
That's the same fallacy people had about BTC.

Every niche it fills has already been filled. Also there's the huge supply, it makes no sense to set the supply at 1 trillion except le normies will like it meme. Dapps and smart contracts are a total meme. I know you have written this just to force idiots to buy in, but you seriously need to reconsider your decisions if you are even thinking about buying TRTL you guys, it's a totally useless coin. Read about the fundamentals- it's a crypto which is supposed to introduce people to crypto. It's not a currency because it's supposed to be inherently "fun", whatever that means. If you want to invest in toys, buy Mattel and see the face you can punch if your investments go south.

Pretty sure you can't sell in this illiquid shitcoin even if you tried

I use tradesatoshi everyday and I never had a problem, they have great devs and their wallets are up and working most of the time, Tradeogre is good too but I trust more tradesatoshi is been online for years, Tradeogre is less than a year old

i am just checking tradeogre on coinmarketcap, and tradeogre has DERO, everybody knows that DERO is a scam coin, so should i trust an exchange that list a scamcoin?

Word of advice for you faggots thinking about investing: look at the volume. Not hard to 300X when you have 9k volume in 24hrs.

and all the volume is coming from wash trade from that new exchange nobody heard off.

Tradeogre have no faucet.
I made over 50 TRTL on tradesatoshis faucets

so turtle is listed on 3 exchanges that are practically scam?

No, those exchanges are not scam, I think turtle community is toxic and they are here to destroy crypto and chill out their shitcoin exchange Tradeogre

>100,000 TRTL
that would be 0.003 BTC sir
pajeet in the blockchain thank u


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>Dapps and smart contracts are a total meme.
until they're not
do you even believe what you post?

>those gigantic sell orders
>people expect this shit to grow

Nick Szabo is a fan of DERO. Nothing else needs to be said. except buy DERO


- s

Where's the user who went all in at 3 who I told would lose 50% of that by EOW? Just wanna make sure he doesn't kill himself before I get to say "told you so"

>Nick szabo literally openly supports it
>written from scratch in Go

fuck off. i bet your bags are literally just erc20 tokens or eth/btc/xmr forks

bullish on dero. will hodl my 1k suicide insurance until I can drop it for a mil.

>TRTL is up 300% in three days. up from 1 sat to 3 sats
That's really easy to do when only a few different people hold 95% of the coins the 24-hour volume is only a few-hundred dollars