I'm legitimately terrified at this thought. I can't bear it, to think that I've missed out on the chance to have easily made it.
Is there going to be another bull run anons?
I'm legitimately terrified at this thought. I can't bear it, to think that I've missed out on the chance to have easily made it.
Is there going to be another bull run anons?
perhaps consider going to casino if you want those big gains.
Unlikely, because the world economy will take another hit and people will start to value alternative markets
sir, believe in Karma, you did not sin plentyful so you are worthy of vishnu's blessings
Have faith in Vishnu user
fuck off curryfags
Of course that was the last one. I said it at the beginning of the year and I'll say it again: the only reason for the bubble was the gold rush started through mainstream media. People didn't know any better and just threw their money at BTC. Then at altcoins. Then they hit a wall and quickly sold again. Why in the world would this ever happen again after people have been burned that much? It was a fad, nothing more.
Yes 100%, you are being paranoid
You buy right now, I promise you, bull will begin
sir how dare you. this is indian board.
I'd say we have one more.
very unprofessional sir
I'm sure there will be another one in the next 3 weeks or so.
They've sunk so much lately because whales are manipulating to buy up, for the coming bull run.
pretty homo, pajeet
sir kindly fuck off or we load the vishnu
There's going to be another bullrun but not anytime soon. Just place your bets and quit asking a board of retards who larp as smart people who larp as retards for advice.
if your money is in bitcoin, then it was the last one.
>a board of retards who larp as smart people who larp as retards
why is this so accurate
i don't know just ask the whales
>a board of retards who larp as smart people who larp as retards for advice
tfw know this is true deep down
>what if
nice meme
It's shorters phase now, so obviously bearish and fud posts and threads are going to pop up.
Bobo why can't you just fuck off for a while?
Yes, it was the last one. Sorry, user.
Why would there be one? Every late adopter cab driver has bought in. Who is going to pump their bags?
Lol I dont think people realize How big crypto is about to get.
The stock Market and fiat currency is about to take a huge hit in the coming recession. If you own 1 BTC you already made it. People are going to be jumping out of the stock market like fleas on a drowning rat and a lot of that money is going into crypto. The next bull run is going to make the last one look like peanuts.
Why would that be the case?
BTC price is inherently tied to supply and demand. The demand can only increase, the supply is fixed (or increasing at a much slower rate).
The market has been sideways/fucked for the whole of 2018. Have a strong drink, go to bed, forget about your portfolio and get on with your life. It'll happen soon enough lad.
it was lies they can lie to media without any punishment
everyone is now expecting new ATH, but people were not expecting it at all during previous bubbles
There have been 4 bull runs in the last year, each worth more than the big one because now you can leverage your plays to crazy multiples.
Adapt to survive, fren.
Save Vishnu’s intervention, this was the last bull run.
Crypto is dead and buried outside of these echo chambers, move on plebs.
No. Crypto has established a foothold so it’s not dying, but in a financial collapse the last place anyone is going to turn us “muh speculative digital meme money” that no one over the age of 40 even understands. Crypto’s price has been artificially pumped by bag holders getting fucked ever since BTC hit $1200 and it was only able to do this because the global economy was relatively sound, allowing people to dump disposable income into shitcoins. If that disposable income dries up, crypto crashes like a fucking rock until the market rebounds. That always happens with high risk/high reward volatile assets during recessions. You can’t count on adoption to prop it up because any true global scaling solutions (besides Holo, which no one even knows about outside Jow Forums and some insiders) are still years away.
This. People actually believe that normies will put their actual dollars into magic internet money as a hedge
dumb holopajeet can't even resist the urge to shill his bags in a shitpost
The opposite happens. History has proven over and over again that when traditional markets shit the bed, the smart money doubles down on bargains within those markets and HODL while small-timers pull their money out at a loss and put it into the lowest risk investments they can find—bonds and fiat. In a global bear market, where capital is evaporating on paper, no one is confident enough to go into/HODL in crypto and risk a 20% loss in a week when the shitty bonds market guarantees a tiny return and stocks will likely only lose 5% in a week.
Kek. Holo is a normie shitcoin. Dont pretend like its obscure as Link. Fucking Delphi prick.
There will be more, but probably not soon. BTC has existed for 9 years and the only thing that's different now is that we have better wallets. It still can't process any serious number of transactions fast enough without the fees shooting through the roof, while Ethereum has only been used to fund scam ICOs and ponzis so far. I'd say there will be at least another 10 years before we see anything usable that really affects the way we do things in our everyday lives. Until then, I don't see it shooting up anywhere above 20k, although I do believe that we will see many more boom & bust cycles of smaller magnitude.
tl;dr Become a trader and trade the smaller moves. Basically, go long when everyone posts pink wojaks and short whenever people say that the bullrun has come and make sure that you don't hold those positions for too long.
I just remind you the following:
>2009 -> 2014 (5 years): from 10 to 1 000$
>2015 -> 2018 (3 years): from 100 to 20 000$
>2019 (1 year): from 2 000$ to 100 000$
This. Might even see bull before next halvening
this guy knows what he's talking about
imagine being THIS dumb. When there is panic on the markets people put their money on safer and less volatile assets not the other way around
>If you own 1 BTC you already made it
1 btc is a boomer's chump change.