Why are apartments in the UK (NOT LONDON) so cheap to rent? Compared to Australia, this shit is amazing

Why are apartments in the UK (NOT LONDON) so cheap to rent? Compared to Australia, this shit is amazing.

Attached: UKapartments.jpg (670x685, 57K)

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It's because the vishnu protocol ser. Can i interest you in some pan massala wrappers?

700 pounds is like $1400 USD

No its like 875 USD and 1.2k Aus. For a modern 2 bedroom apartment in an alright area, that's incredibly cheap for aus standards.

thats like $312 AUD a week

You can get something similiar to that in brisbane. Maybe a little worse

Actually that is pretty cheap considering its 2 bed

What site are you using?

My mortgage on a 2 bed semi is £500 a month. £700 for a flat is insane if it isn't in a prime location.

>be Aussie working at Subway
>Get paid $25 aud/hour
>Be Brit working at Subway
>Get paid $12 aud and/hour

Get with the times grandpa


It all boils down to laws and development investment.

Australia is far behind the rest of the developed world. We are used to houses with backyards, this is fucking unheard of in places like London.

Right now the prices are jacked up, but with more high rise towers appearing and with the decline in property prices you’ll se a lot of property will be bought by developers and turned into apartments and the average apartment price will go from 900k to 500-600k in Sydney. And rent with that.

Boomers will kick and scream but we will look like fucking Hong Kong in 20 years. I know you cunts want to live like a small American town but that ain’t happening the big boys have already laid out the laws will be enacted in fact quite a few are already being discussed, the development advisors board put it quite bluntly “we want to copy the model of cities like Hong Kong to tackle the issues Sydney is facing”

Get ready to get fucking swarmed with chinks and 1 bedroom apartment cunts.
This is the future we choose.

bro that shits a 4 hour drive from London, you can probably got a cheap rent in Wagga Wagga too

90% of Australias asset pricing comes from the chinese buying it all up. Once the crisis in china gets bad enough- you will get major discounts on housing in AUS

No. Daft cunt. Value capture model isn't prepared for that.

T. More connected than any other aussie on this shithole board, especially property execs inclusing banks.

No. Wrong again. It is a factor and only contributes a fraction to the cause- see mortgage debt and government revenues from property & related taxes.

QE coming in the form of the RBA buying banks balance sheets, and then dropping rates below 1%.

A lot of English housing stock is post-WW2, for obvious reasons. Sadly, due to scarce post-war resources and, well, basic greed, this means post-war stock is not the best to live in. So, best of luck finding somewhere that's affordable, insulated, insurable, and isn't going to fall apart inside twenty years.

You'd think that Grenfell would wake people up to how shitty our housing stock is, but boomer landlords and the Mail screaming about HOUSE PRICES means it'll never ever ever happen. In short, guillotine all landlords inshalla

Because most of the time you live next to rajeet and pajeet.

Are there zero jobs in "Plymouth"?


I could rent my 2 bed house for £750-£800, but my mortgage is £500

English wages are probably less than half of what you would earn down under.

Average UK salary is 27k
Subtract all the loicenses and gibs for slimes
You got 22k
Average person cannot afford this flat

considering most people in plymouth will probably be earning around 1.2-1.6k a month if that, that flat is expensive.

>average person
>no couple
delusional nogfers

Attached: 1520445171808.png (1920x1080, 1.59M)

thats expensive as hell
you can get a 3 bedroom nice house with a good yard here in the midwest suburbs for 400/mo

council fees
utility bills
average uk salary low as fuck
uk car insurance high as fuck

you have to take all these things into account. make no mistake, renting, in most parts of this country - is extortionate as fuck. also making real estate investing very profitable.
t. aussie

t. aussie real estate investor in the uk, i should clarify

wrong website, normie scum

because it's in fucking plymouth

What's wrong with Plymouth? Looks quite nice from videos I saw of it. Is it because it's "so far away" lol?

China needs to fuck off and let the people in the country buy property and make it afford.#australia

What? This isn't affordable for you?

Attached: aushousing.jpg (1142x704, 148K)

If you're not a Brit, then there's no point in living outside London's 3rd zone

I am living in sheffield and still I pay 600£ for 3 bedroom house with two living rooms. It is not that hard to find a comfy house in UK which is not expensive af


Enjoy your nothing

Depends on the city.

I lived in Cambridge and paid £875pm for a 2 bedroom.

Now I moved north to Newcastle and pay £625 for a city centre flat with parking.

If you move further out of the city centres you can rent houses in scruff chav areas for £400pm.


nigga nobody dont want to live in plymouth

I'm glad this opinion is held by the majority. Keeps the national parks and trails quiet.

Kek I pay $500/month and share a mcmansion with a broski

What's wrong with Plymouth? I don't understand the argument of "nothing is there" because the UK is so small and interconnected that travelling to places with things to do isn't hard. I live in a city in Aus and the next closest city to me is a 4 hour drive away. And then the next closest big city is a 2 day drive from me.

Fuel costs in UK are double what you guys pay, that's why. Saying that, there is a lot to do in plymouth.