If I told you I graduated from MIT and still unemployed 8 months later, would you believe me?

If I told you I graduated from MIT and still unemployed 8 months later, would you believe me?
t. EE major now NEETing

>did you do any internships
Applied to several every year but never could get into any. It’s hyper competitive to even get an unpaid internship these days if you don’t know your friends CEO
>do you have any friends
Yes and also fellow MIT alumni but they’re underemployed working shifts in a warehouse or doing call centre work
>hahaha you must be an ugly balding manlet sperg
If it makes you feel superior to me, then yes I am a sperg

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Other urls found in this thread:


>school filled with autists are too autistic to find a job
color me surprised

Start something user, don't be lazy. You just graduated from the very best uni in the world.

Lol dickhead

Engineering is an enormous oversaturated meme. I spent a year and a half trying to find a job, and now work in construction.

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And by construction, I mean as a construction worker with a hard hat and boots.

How about you consider moving out of the US?

Germany, UK, Canada, Australia... if the situation is better there, it sounds like a good idea.

>How about you consider moving out of the US?
Yes, but because of my laziness they told me I needed to be a citizen in those countries to be considered for jobs

Stop fucking complaining user. I got a CS degree at Jew(u)CF and got a job as a blockchain engineer 6 months after graduation. Oh yea I went to prison before college too. You graduated engineering from MIT and cant find a job? Get fucking real, user. Clean your room faggot

See pic related in

>went to a state college for engineering
>no internships
>B student
>got a job 4 months after graduation but was mostly because nobody was hiring in December

Did you really apply everywhere? Or just the places you thought you were going to get six figures starting?

>Yes, but because of my laziness they told me I needed to be a citizen in those countries to be considered for jobs

Not quite true. If a company wants you, there is little to no problem with this, as long as you did non commit criminal acts.

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you're right but that graph misses the part that engineers will also do anything else beyond their area. they are the smartest kids on the bloc and can go work in any industry.

what course?

That's also a meme. I did CS research in undergrad, have a great portfolio, and have been programming since high school, yet I can't get hired for even the most basic codemonkey job. Your degree really does matter.

>they are the smartest kids on the bloc and can go work in any industry.

You ever saw a engineer doing finance stuff?

Attached: virgin chad mit.jpg (2484x1008, 308K)

>if it does not agree with my worldview then this HAS to be a LARP!

try to get a job in something outside of your field and im sure youll move up faster than others just based on being a nerd. youll be a big fish in a small pond and your boss will turn to you for some of the more intellectual side of the work and promote you and youll get to fuck all of the overweight office sluts and youll use this promotion and social status to leapfrog to a better job. welcome to the world of wage slavery, try to make the best of it.

>If it makes you feel superior to me, then yes I am a sperg
I bet half the people you graduated with are spergs, yet they're getting jobs. Spice up your resume, get invited for interviews, and then try to relate to your interviewer(s). Show them that you're someone that can get along with other people at work.

haha pajeet you thought all the borrowed money can make you a normal person. go work in an amazon warehouse they need MIT grads to degrease their robots!

are your initial, by any chance, started with C?

are your initial, by any chance, started with C? I seem to recall someone with the same story

Can’t you find some office job?
Here in France engineers get fairly paid office jobs.

Yeah but most people don't want to live in a Muslim country

They are still a minority parked in commie blocks outside the cities.
You see them only if you use public transportation or eat at KFC.

aside from "persuading" the dean to pay for my school loans this is 98% unironically accurate.

I'm a felon broski. This "chart" is for beta faggots to cope with their shitty not-willing-to-strive-for-more attitude


Maybe you've been blacklisted for browsing Jow Forums and being a dangerous alt right incel.

>tfw majoring in CS

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>CS is exception
feelin comfy with my cushy Software job

Find qinetiq in waltham. I know of at least northeastern EE students working there

>inb4 bubble pops

It already popped a long time ago.

what’s a qinetiq in waltham user?

>EE majoring fag here

I literally got a job right out of college, though it was stupid drafting construction shit
but managed to study and get my Professional Engineering license

quit that shit because it was boring now I'm back in school to get PhD gains
applied to an internship for electric vehicles on the side for about $30/hr and got signed on immediately
granted its way lower what i was making while drafting but im in for the long game and gaining exp and eventually landing a comfy job in silicon valley

are you sure you're tapping the right market because from what I've seen there is always demand for our skills

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Yeah i was a 3.2 GPA student out of a satilite campus of a state university.
I got a job after 1 month and now make nearly 85k.

Try harder.

Or even better, start your own thing, thats my pursuit.
8hr days in an office are legitimately worse than my 12hr days as a treadmill assebler when i was on the roaf all day.

You really only have yourself to blame. No it’s not AT ALL difficult to get a decent job if you’re an MIT grad. I assume you got horrible grades, only applied for the very best jobs or you didn’t try hard enough.

average EE major IQ is 133 and that includes shit state schools. If you graduated MIT you're probably 150+ IQ.

You have the math skills and IQ so look into data science/machine learning. There's plenty of mouth breathing retards getting jobs.

My guess is that you applied to Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Netflix and didn't get a job then gave up. You should be applying to 100+ jobs a week faggot. Go to the MIT job fair and companies will suck your dick to get you to work for them

I'm in morocco, here are the salaries here for CS:
- Moroccan degree from l'EMI in CS, usually 1200$/month starting salary.
- French degree from Polytechnique (so rare), usually starts at 5000$/month.
- American degree from MIT (they'll put you as director of some department in a big company), will start you at 8000$/month.
Now bear with me, you can rent a good 100 square meter apartment in the center of Casablanca for 600$ a month.
With a salary this high you'll never even visit Morocco, you'll just be geographically here, but you'll know high society people and fuck 10/10 girls whenever you want.
But you'd rather stay in the US and neet it for 8 months...sad

Living in the third world is draining.

that's not wrong, but with a big salary you barely even notice you're in the third world, you drive your car to work then to the best bars or clubs in the city then to the best restaurants then drive your kids to the best schools etc, it's a third world country, but well off people do live in the first world here... companies here trust white people and especially americans and they'd gladly pay them 5x or 10x the salary of a local, and it's not a bad idea to take care of this system, I hate this system because I'm many times a better programmer than my colleagues and our salaries are almost the same, and a french guy here makes twice as much as I do and he's the dumbest motherfucker I ever met, but it is what it is.

I am sure the problem is autism. Probably dresses and smells bad and cant maintain eye contact.

>can do anything

Yes, except EVERYTHING is full.

I majored in physics and got a programming job with a defense contractor, anecdotes don't mean shit. Maybe you're just autistic?

ME here, about to get a job working as a stationary engineer in a union, could only land sales jobs before that.

Every EE i know is doing well, every ME I know is either an EE in practice or working in sales.

I'm unironically starting to believe I should take my degree to a nicer part of South America and live like this. I can't afford first world shit in the first world anyways, why live here when I can afford the first world life in another country?

>that's not wrong, but with a big salary you barely even notice you're in the third world
I agree this how most Americans think

this is how most rich americans live already. They drive from the nice neighborhood on a highway to the center of the city where they work and drop off their kid at the specialized school thats either far away from everything or fenced like a jail.

it took me many months to find a job with cs. i got lucky

>be me
>extremely intelligent (142-146 range)
>parents separate
>I stop giving a shit
>barely get high school diploma
>lose all scholarships except ones given based on test scores alone
>attend JC and drop out within a year
>passionate about cybersecurity
>work shit jobs at various restaurants and retail
>spend off-days and free time studying cybersecurity
>save up for exam certs
>obtain certs
>get entry level job
>because of intelligence and passion for the field advance quickly
I'm now 32, 0 debt, and have a job making 172k a year that I absolutely love

I r8 your b8 8/8 on the larp scale.

>there's no such as underachieving high iq people who fail out of school but end up okay because they end up going into an in demand career that the college cucks overlooked

as an unemployed grad with a double degree, yes, i believe you
back then you didnt even need a cv to find a job, just a handshake. fuck off boomer, you guys had it easy.

There isn’t.

It's ok OP I graduated from Caltech in math and im basically NEETing with some fellow alums

that being said I'm not autistic like you so it's even worse.

Come work for me lad, you interested in a crypto job? You won't be working for brainlet ivy douches like every other place

Here's a pic of a paystub from earlier this year. I'd give you a more recent one but I'm at the coast on Christmas vacation.

I know, it's hard to accept that there are people who are of far superior intelligence and success than yourself.

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what age did you get your first real job?

I worked in my father's office at 15, first real job would be round table pizza when I was 17. First job in security was 23.

Thanks for proving you're larping, but how does that improve your b8 score? Think before you post.

Hope you find something fren, hugs

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How about a pic from a short time ago when I made a thread advising anons about how to get into cybersecurity as there is a massive shortage of skilled employees in the field?

Attached: 20181219_131826.jpg (2652x2652, 3.34M)

How do I get into the field user? Who is hiring? Is it all just meme work?

yeah youre full of shit. my uni isnt even ranked as high as mit yet everyone I know who has graduated immediately got a job with 60-120k first year

Get certs. The most important you can have to enter would be CISSA. Search for CISSP. The CISSA is the same exam. CISSP required 4 years verifiable experience in one of the 10 ITSEC domains. CISSA just shows you have the knowledge, but without 4 years professional experience. Also GSEC has good fundamental certs, but I'd strongly recommend getting your CISSA. Tons of employers out there seeking skilled employees, all over the world. Many will offer telecommute schedules for senior level positions. Most entry level require you to be in the office.

I graduated at 22 from the best university of my country.. had internship 1 year before graduation. They wanted me to be a trainee... Instead I decided I could be better off by myself and opened my own Company. Now making buckets usd/month. How chad am I?

EE's a dogshit major and you had no internships so I completely buy you being unemployed.

Selling Yu-gi-oh cards on eBay doesn’t make you a chad entrepreneur

CS here

400 applications

still haven't found a job

might starve to death soon, or lose all my assets, or both

do you have a good linkedIn / portfolio bro


i know that feel breh

t. course 6 and 18 major

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Are you asking this question seriously? If you are, I very seriously doubt you graduated from MIT and I would believe that you didn't even attend MIT or live near the MIT campus.

The labor market right now is such that unless a person with an MIT EE degree is thoroughly autistic and totally unable to communicate with humans in a reasonably manner, he should easily be able to find a job that pays the median entry level wage of approximately $70,000/year. If I graduated from MIT, I would be expecting at least $100,000/year starting salary.

you don't need either of those when you apply to the company directly

Isn't there some kind of alumni organization you could join? Do some networking

Plenty of them

have you tired consultant shops or or anyone else hiring engineers for sales related jobs, it may sound stupid (and probably is), but there really are companies out there who hire engineers for sales and customer facing office jobs where your title will be only relevant to wow the customers

if you don't need them why haven't you found a job

>unpaid internship
This shit should be fucking banned. Just another name for slavery today. At least slaves were fed back then.


But then how will they get experience?

We have had a couple of Zoomers do internships, They were a drain on company resources! Just on their phone & bitching the whole time. Its funny to see your generation bitching, so out of touch with reality.

Will companies hiring for machine learning even look at you without elite pedigree?

Delete! Also, I bet OP is a chink

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You have been replaced by chinks and pajeets. You attended MIT, surely you saw the student body and didn't go "Hmm this is suspicious? Where are all of the white people?" Engineering is a bubble like everything else. I actually laugh when you STEM supremacists find out that you're just as fucked as the humanities students and no-college wageslaves. Maybe it's time to start realizing that your country no longer serves you.

you need to become a app developer. many engineer grads go that route

I went back to school for programming, and if there's no jobs after this I'm blowing my brains out. End of story. I refuse to participate in minimum wage bullshit another minute of my life. I would rather die than bow to walmart or mcdonalds.

I'm not a zoomer and I still think this shit is fucked.


Fuck dude. I got a job 1 month after graduation and I'm making 72k in the DC/Metro area...

Friend from MIT did aero astro. His frat was full of engineers. Now they're all kickin it at wall st.

>just under 4.0 GPA in undergrad for ME
>only got calls back for bullshit drafting positions that paid ~40k/year
>decide to go to grad school
>piss 5 years away on a phd
>get a job paying 80k/year
yeah, fuck engineering. anyone i knew from undergrad that had a job lined up managed so purely due to nepotism. anyone without referrals would spend months after graduation before they landed a job. it typically involved moving to some shithole city, too.

Agreed, mech.eng. grad here now working in manufacturing after 1 yr job search

I read some projections that eventually the boomers will retire enough that there will be targeted job recruitment for neets and stem folks, anyone else think so?

I know this feel. Be honest with yourself OP, you have mental illness that you haven't dealt with. If you were outgoing you would have easily obtained a job. Try to see somebody and get started on the journey of not self-sabotaging.

not going to china and making moonies and fucking chinks not going to make it user

total bullshit
my friend from MIT EECS is earning 300K for his first job

some cocksucker at my job got cancer and worked almost until the day he died. i've heard from coworkers that he was vehemently against promoting people internally. in the memorial service info they sent out it was written that he worked his way up to the position he held (vice president) from the lowest grunt position over the course of his career. what a piece of shit.

F. Based cancerous old fuck

eecs is the one safe bet for engineering since pretty much all technology hardware needs their skill set. any other engineering major can fuck right off though.

Anyone who is an engineer, try applying at the USPTO to be a patent examiner:

They aren't super selective but they do "top of the stack" hiring, so if you aren't accepted, just apply again and try to apply earlier in the window the next time. You might start at 55k but most examiners get proficiency-based raises that puts them above 100k within 5 years (top examiners within 3 years).

Wew, user graduated from that cesspool of art majors. Literally dropped out of that shithole a year ago