How old are you?
How old are you?
Just turned 23
It is my 9th year on Jow Forums.
Just about to turn 21
about to turn 26 next year
what to do with the rest of my time?
Joined the army 2 years ago
69 XD
Thank you for your service.
lol everyone posted so far is younger than me.
Time for me to leave Jow Forums I guess..
Same, we're gonna make it, what crypto do you own
I spawned into existence 19years ago. I've been on Jow Forums since I was 15.
:3 rawr xD
26, and it feels horrible. I will no longer get pretty 19 year old girls.
It's fine, boomers are welcome as well
Thinking of getting into crypto, but for stocks I have thought about amd
I just come here for memes
My task manager says NPC#1984120 has been running for 23 years.
Same, I got suckered in after browsing 1d4chan
Stocks are for boomers, come on now
33 yo boomer here
22 and only starting a degree now
holy shit why is everyone suddenly 33 yo
85'ers truly are like '46ers
Tech stocks can be read though
in your next life try not peak early
30. It's awful.
So why are you not rich yet?
have about 0.2 BTC [spoiler]NO IM NOT SELLING IT YOU FEAR MONGERING CUNTS SO YOU CAN GET RICHER.[/spoiler] and 200$ invested in some shitcoins
Applying for a warehouse or security job. Both pay minimum wage. All the proceeds will go into crypto
Thinking about buying some silver soon. Stocks are still an unknown for me but something in my gut's telling me to buy since they dipped so low.
Recently married, 50k€ p.a. with good prospects to double this amount within the next ten years.
Also, in about two weeks, I got to fuck my wife with the sole intention to impregnate her. Life cannot get any better.
dman almost the same
25 yrs old and between 9-10 years on Jow Forums.
Ahhh the good ol days I fapped like a motherfuckers with the help of my bruvski
thought army is only for fresh highschool grads? How are you finding it
israel thanks you for your service
i mostly just shitpost on /smg/ since i'm smarter than all of you and dont care about your retarded opinions
Enjoy your ban
Unironically 30
Look much younger though, early 20s no LARP
15 from Norway
Enjoy your ban
27 ireland
Pretty much saved my life. I was pretty much at the end of the road and was like fuck it and full sent it joining the army infantry hoping to just go to war.
Haven't gone to war buuuut I do get paid to sit around and be a shitbag and shoot guns. Its whatever. Gives me just enough purpose in my life to keep from getting too depressed like I get in the civilian world. I don't think I could ever go back.
Anyone thats lost or is seeking change.. I do encourage it.
enjoy being mortals (and poor) fucktards
27 chronological age
17 mental age (thx anime)
56 physical age (thx obesity and diabetes)
24 in Jan
Because I don't have the money to really go into stocks
Was very close to joining, will keep your anecdote in mind thanks
Turned 25 yesterday. Haven’t achieved anything. Graduate in July next year, hopefully I will get a job or do well enough to get into a good postgrad program.
56 and it will only get worse
I've been here for 14 years
24 years old, I've got about 600 in my savings, 1k in my checkings, about 2k in debt, no credit or credit debt and just recently got a good paying job. I live with my parents and the only bills outside of debts I pay is my insurance and phone bill. I average around 2k after taxes a month now thanks to this career that I've started, how much money do I need to save up before I can move out on my own without breaking my back? I live in rural California
How to you feel about that.
been lurking Jow Forums for about 10 years.
No debt. Save half my salary each month. Live like a dog
30 and having a time of my life!
Lol, a mate showed me pol and back then I was really into that stuff. Now though I couldn't give less of a shit
26 and just went all in on stinky
Glad to be a 30 year old boomer, own my own house that I have to pay Mr Shekleberg half my salary a month for like most people. Been on 4 chan since 2008 10 years here makes me feel fucking old as shit, although I have seen some pretty epic stuff, Red box spam, antfuck boxxy, internet police, I love all that stupid shit. Here's to another 10.
Good job doggy!
You too.........
30 yr old here. My life is close to hell.
23. Did nothing but binge drinking and sleeping the past 4 years. Still managed to get my foot in the door at a promising tech startup in my area. Been on Jow Forums for 7 years
27-year-old boomer reporting in
Been married for two years, just moved across the country for a job where I’m earning 4x what I earned at my first job out of college. *sip* Feels good man.
I’m surprised to see so many people on Jow Forums who are 24 or younger; the whole reason I came to this board is because I was tired of Jow Forums being overrun with high schoolers and youngins. This would explain why most people here are retarded and have no idea what they’re talking about.
30 yo
Fuck off normie
die for israel, Goy
>one-third of your life over
>that is, did you really expect to live much lomger than 75?
Certain age groups converge on certain communities. The same age group that you used to be a part of is still here, and it'll always be here.
You got older, and you'll keep getting older. One day, you'll be shitposting in a generic thread about your favorite childhood videogame box art. You make the ritual offering, and only after it's submitted do you realize that you're the only one who's posted something from the 90s, and that yours is the only one drawn by a human being, using pens, pencils, rulers, colors, ink, on actual paper.
Look about 23 tho
Hah sure thing boomer
This user was born in 1082, a decade away from the first crusade. He lived through some quite impressive times. I'm surprised he managed to live this far as well
35 and my life aint bad. I'm a super poor loser failure to anyone here but i have a pretty awesome fiance and am pretty happy and content.
>still in school
>still living with parents
>not sure what I want to do in life
24 years young baby
I have my whole life in front of me
as well as the best third of your life. your last will also be very poor quality
Hey! Nice to meet ya
Who /1996/ here?
Sup fellow 27y/o boomers. Workin' hard or hardly workin'? Haha *sip*
18, damn I'm the youngest here, feels good
>tfw was barred from joining the army due to having ADHD
>having children in current year
what, thats young?
30 and been stuck here since 2008
28. Just came here a month ago because of Jow Forums and crypto memes. No larp.
Been picking up the lingo here pretty quick and contributed some bobo and vishnu OC too.
27 ready for join to the club
25, but I just became conscious like 3 months ago
>debt around 5k
>on and off jobs
>saving money to start ecommerce stuff.
>8/10 depressed
>cant go without at least 3 beers a day everyday for the past 4 years
>have been out of college for a year
>have an actual job
>everyone still assumes I'm in high school
Thanks I guess, genetics.
Too old for this shit
35 no debt, urge to fuck every young slut, and desire to rule the world
28 years old.
Browsing here since 2006 / 2007. Since I started browsing here I finished school, graduated university, got married, got divorced, wageslaved for 7 years in multiple different jobs, travelled through 26 countries and moved cities 4 times.
No matter what you always come back, once you're here you will never escape.
Old enough to know better
Too young to care
33 year old virgin with no job reporting in!
hey bro how you doin?
what are your wizard powers?
thankyou for your service
-t. Jew
20. Almost 21
Quiet. You Know nothing of age.