

Attached: bitcoin-comic.png (593x574, 73K)

You need to post the 2018 version with the orders reversed

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Name anything investable that isn't a bubble. Pro tip: you can't.


actually gold is still in a bubble and expected to drop quiet a bit.



Correct. Tack on another 50-100 years the value is going to be minimal due to technological advancements.


If bubbles were investable it would be a bubble. It's the entire point I'm making that by default literally anything that's investable is a bubble and will at some point crash and/or explode.

Please educate us re: asteroid mining. Genuine inquiry.

Maybe you were too young to remember the housing crisis. Millions of people got so fucked they couldn't sell for years. Property is one of the biggest bubbles, particularly if you live in California.


Hypothetical investable markets are bubbles. Initially when the tech is in infancy the value will skyrocket and eventually come way down with more tech that makes asteroid mining cheaper and faster. Bottom line is if it's investable it is a bubble. There are no exceptions.

California, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, the list goes on. Basically the RE market on the west coast is utterly fucked when the chinks pull out.

Colorado is dealing with the weed bubble as we speak and it's been in the news. Do some research.

Yup. All those shitty 1 bedroom houses that are selling for millions now are eventually going to be worth their actual value.

a share of a company which actually produces something worthwhile? what even is this question

You mean a stock? Look at the stock market literally right now. It's as much of a bubble as anything else. You idiots should google where the term "black friday" actually comes from.

ok, answer me this question then: if you have a share of a company which produces, lets say tractors, for the agrarian sector, how shall that stock gain rapidly in worth or crash?
there will neither be no demand for agrarian goods anymore, nor will the demand rise extremly, therefore this stock cant be part of a bubble.

Why? Population isn't decreasing, it's increasing. More people than houses means price continues to go up

>be me, CEO of tractor making company
>get loan at extremely low rates
>use loan to buy back shares, driving their price up without any concomitant increase in sales
>rates rise
>oh shit, I can no longer service the loan

You're asking how something that isn't investable is a bubble. Refer to pro tip stating: "if it's investable it's a bubble". You so far have had the worst two responses.

It’s a meme at best for now since it would require enormous infrastructure that society simply isn’t willing to allow.

Well for one eventually those houses are going to be underwater. Secondly google the housing crisis. I'm not explaining a bubble that's already both exploded and imploded to you.

>yes ofc ceos are inbred mongrels with less experience than some random poster on biz
damn, the stuff that you described happens like every 10 years to a single company in the western world and then usually for other reasons, see porsche/vw.
>invest in farm
>price rises due to inflation and cultivation of the land, maybe even because prices for food rise too

How new are you? Stock buybacks happen all the time. The execs make bank selling their shares at the inflated price and common shareholders (i.e. you) hold the bags.

i am talking about
>>oh shit, I can no longer service the loan
ofc stock buybacks happen all the time, but companys go rarly bankrupt/ their stock crashes rapidly off of that

We’re talking about blowing bubbles. What I described is one mechanism by which stocks become overvalued, or in a “bubble” if you prefer. Your argument seemed to be that stocks in “productive” sectors can never be in a bubble.

it's bubbles programmed into the block rewards decreasing


Anything that only increases in sales as the population increases only. No food allowed. So: soap, toilet paper, wood, etc.

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It's not evena bubble. It's mass delusion, autism and massive amounts of retardation.

see: 2008 recession