Cardano thread. Is this a good buy despite the high market cap?

Arguments for/against

Attached: cardano.jpg (1600x900, 49K)

It took them a fucking year to fix the broken wallet. Does that seem like a competent dev team to you?

high supply was the ADA cyanide pill, even if it succeeds it will be impossible to trade since the whales will use and abuse it for pump and dumps like a cheap hooker

Why buy that when this exists , pic related.

Attached: 176C1578-FD19-4058-AA1E-2D00F3313F26.jpg (696x449, 48K)

Attached: 1567.png (200x200, 7K)

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>pumps and dumps
>impossible to trade

Attached: 1522918782909.png (1440x1557, 738K)

I'll go easy on you but point out to others that it's impossible for retail investors to consistently profit off whale actions on a coin with a supply as high as ADA. you can get lucky but the swings are too hard and fast for the average trader and you'll never know the tops or bottoms because the whales are already at 10000%+ profit and can enter and exit whenever they want, usually when your profit is still small.

retail investors would not listen to your advice even if you did know what you were talking about, which you do not

>t. retail investor

supply has nothing to do with a coins profitability you retarded faggot.

High marketcap?
kek its marketcap its just high enough to not be a shitcoin 99.99% of coins with a marketcap below 500 milion are shitcoins only a few exceptions

well guys, the most have no clue.
whats really worth something.

LIke the most peeps hated google, apple, and this stranger who tried to sell books online. WTF.

Well, if you want free Cardano, post your wallet address below. its x-mas time.

if you dont know how to get a wallet:

Attached: DXsuihjWsAEu2xx.jpg (1200x630, 68K)

Thank you dude ,Merry Christmas


thanks man

have fun with your coins

big if true


Merry Christmas, I didnt know about this web wallet. its cool.

it is, hes a man of his word.

thank you based santa



Thanks DdzFFzCqrhsz4SfUsbTR1sdp86hNnBmgGEr1niX3J5MK41K9cCL8UiGLNWxUBqzHszoqgN4CFrN738k2Cp8h7nvTWLCkEDjmv6SD7Fqn

ADA 100 000$ eoy, we will all make it!

I guess I can buy some candy hahaha thanks anyways...


thank you santa

Thanks user!


Merry Christmas

Thank you


thanks user

Thanks man, Merry Christmas


>Team full of academics
>Slow but perfectionists
>PoS soon
>Cardano 1.4
>Full of Japanese investors who won't sell at all
>Emurgo Credit Card released on Seoul, South Korean about a week or two ago
>FULLY transparent CEO with surprise AMA's almost weekly
>coinbase soon after XRP or before XRP
>almost on every exchange out there
Do you hate money fag? Cardano ain't a short term crypto, it's a sleeping Bull. Give it time by 2021 youll be amazed when it's fully set up.

Thank you happy Xmas


Confirmed 20 ADA received

Thank you Annon. 0.40 cents :( let's hope it will be worth 20$ by 2019 Eoy :)

Ath 1.41 ADA

Thank you

wow thanks!


wow what an infuriating wallet

anyway heres my public key, thanks fren


1). the wallet that you speak of is a full node
2). they could have slapdashed a nice fix like other crypto projects do bit they are developing things with extreme vigilance with regards to security and future upgradability/modularity
3). it is fixed

hey thanks for the 100 ada and merry christmas / happy holidays / happy feast of winterveil / whatever

seriously, hope ur having a good day user.

You, sir, are a gift :) - DdzFFzCqrhsroXmt1zGtgNTg3WpNsvG9jZRKwVCMq1TqteZsaiqKH8oQ3Mtfv7RQznGif47QxojV1koNY9LPtSvfroQRB58EcvHX2z6m

merry christmas, user


also, whats the trade comp?


Merry Christmas brother.
Thanks for letting some of us try to play around with Cardano.

thank you, friend of haskell!

Attached: IMG_20181218_074850.jpg (600x702, 73K)

What a time for the app to do a wallet migration!!!


user if you are still there. thank you and merry christmas fren



Rafa, is that you?!

Attached: Untitled.png (703x704, 873K)

I don't even hold any ada but seeing how retarded it's haters are I think I should.

Thank you user, Merry Christmas! :)


>No product

That's the biggest concern. "We're working on it" turns off investors. It might be a risk worth taking, though.

I will need cardano to get to 20$ to be a millionaire, no chance for me.
still riding this to the moon.

Seems like a bullshit coin. All ppl can say is “but it’s backed by actual scientists and it’s peer reviewed”.who cares?

No. If you really want to buy this, wait until it falls below ICO with all the rest of them at $2K bitcoin.