/NKN General

4M marketcap, one of those coin that dropped hardest because of lack of liquidity, Americans cant still buy. Business and tech development haven't slowed down during the bear market, they're even hiring more devs now while other teams are dropping people. top team, stellar advisors, finalist in Bell Labs Innovation Challenge. Stephen Wolfram, joining recently. 10M and 10k TPS without sharding in a year. Mainnet in June. YOU CAN MINE NOW on testnet and get rewarded (better than haunting retarded airdrops, this is airdrop itself LOL). Rumours about erc20 swap in the community cuz no one wants to list nep5. Americucks cant still buy. team supposedly following blockchaintransparency.org/december-2018-rankings. Superior tech, stellar team, the next gen blockchain with highly scalable consensus and proof of relay (greener than NANO, useful work only) Connect the dots, start mining (you mine with your internet connection) on testnet and maybe drop a few dollars into this before it hits americucks. Partnered with IoTeX, U Network, Bluzelle, Portal Network, Noia Network. Supposedly NDAs with billion dollar telecom and vendor companies in US (like AT&T), Europe, Asia, Singapore, some of them will be released in 2019.

Mining - english

如何在测试网上挖矿(并获得奖励)? 图形用户界面(GUI)和命令行界面(CLI)方式以及链接:
Chinese instructions on reddit.com/r/nknblockchain

Final parts are being rewritten and the full featured and full performance release will happen in January. Then they'll focus on building the ecosystem and launch in June.


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no scam?

I don’t think Stephen wolfram or Diffie the inventor of public cryptogrography would put their names on a scam


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Nobody buying this shit, enjoy your bags loser.

hey guys we have a man in denial here

retard detected

Partnered with IoTeX on a technological level which is fucking solid as fuck and makes NKN even more legitimate.

state of biz


Great thing about NKN is their partnerships have already shown substance from a tech standpoint and weren't just empty back patting exercises

They built some decentralised IOT controlled home devices with IOTEX, and a decentralised instant ,messaging app along with Bluzelle, Noia and a couple others

The last time these pajeets spammed biz with NKN posts the price dropped 90% in a matter of 2 months. People got absolutely rekt. Do not buy or reply to this pajeet chink. Most of the replies in here are samefaggotry

price based fundamental analysis, thanks idiot.

this pajeet literally thinks I'm a scammer, but Google, Apple, Amazon use my technology, WHAT DO?-Stephen Wolfram

Attached: nknshiller.png (567x622, 391K)

Wolfram has been looking to cash in for a long time now and has in fact put his name on scams before.
Now diffie is another story but it's likely he's partly very interested in the inherent cryptographic challenges involved here and partly trying to cash in as well.
It's very unlikely either of them are actually working on the project proper.

>>partly very interested in the inherent cryptographic challenges involved here

>>It's very unlikely either of them are actually working on the project proper

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 44K)

it's been confirmed, so it is more than likely nkn dont lie

You know very little about the way businesses work. It's very sad for someone browsing, let alone posting on, Jow Forums.

no source, GTFO

both are technical advisors who are consulted by the team as and when required. diffie for example meets with the team each month for discussions on research/progress. no one ever claimed they are full time or even part time working for NKN, that's not what advisor means, fucking brainlet

Thanks for repeating what I said so that the brainlet naysayers can try to attempt to keep up. No need to be so abrasive about your vocal agreement with me though.

This. And people aren't even commenting about how good the actual team is anyway..


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