Any anons here in love?
Any anons here in love?
who is this bitch you little faggot ?
my love
never talk about my waifu again
fuck off mate i have the biggest album of her
I've watched their Xbox channel exclusively because of her for the last 4 years. She's so perfect
Lmao literal 5/10 would not bang
>I have shit taste: the thread
kys incel
blogpost...followed by
>I've watched their Xbox channel exclusively
This is some absolutely disgusting normalfag trash thread. Go back on social media, fucking newfags. Your normalfag egoism and flaccid eceleb-loving self-disarming pop culture is not welcome here.
Fucking sage. Fuck mods. Fuck jannies. Fuck OP.
nope but have told 2 that I'm currently in love with them.
with myself
I am always in love. Beta submissive cuck checking in
I thought so but I was just deceiving myself to give myself a meaning to life.
I'm in love with money.
looks just like another crazy old bitch, who anytime would betray you with other asshole.
just TRASH... woman trash.
I'll be always single with my hentai-lolis, fuck you.
Kinda looks like jihyo from twice
You shut your whore mouth.
she looks like she fucks black guys
It's not that she's hot, she's just okay. It's how she acts. She's super cringey but in an innocent retarded girl sorta way that it becomes cute.
I came across this cringefu while looking up gaming video's and she definitely stood out among all the other youtubers doing gaming video's. Didn't know she had a fanbase here though.
I prefer the gook Nintendo pays to have in their videos.
Fuck off OP that's my waifu. I called dibs on her months ago
love is the dumbest thing I've ever experienced. stupid waste of time
it feels so fucking good
with money
Yeah that sums it up right, good job user
I've been in love before
was it good?
bump bump!
>the left
Now we're getting somewhere.
I dont know this girl, but for some reason i like caked up, and slim women. I really want to become rich and spoil her with money. (And plant my seed)
How this thread actually survived so much?