Name one reason not to move to Chile

name one reason not to move to Chile

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There are places with a freer economy and without the creeping threat of a radical left-wing government being voted into power soon.

some examples?

I see no success in fleeing to a lesser nation to create a life.

Singapore, Ireland, Panama, New Zealand, Switzerland, some US states.


If I can't own main battle tank with a functional smooth bore 120mm Cannon and call people niggers without going to jail, I'm not interested in your shitty country.

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I don't speak Spanish

already lived there. it's ok of you have some money but flaites will kill you in an instant if you don't have cigars. thank god my mom brought me to spain

They have the worst spanish accent side from puerto rico. I hate you all, fucking mapuches.

Shitty internet


No niggers.

Norway, Denmark, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Hungary, Poland, Switzerland

Left and right share the same goal: Money, there won't be a radical left president. Also, south chile is best chile, avoid Santiago.

>Left and right share the same goal: Money, there won't be a radical left president.
Yes tell that to the Venezuelans. Even coffee mills are state owned there now.
Latin American left isn't the same as European left. They are apeshit and extremely ideological.

Attached: cafe_venezuela_produccion[1].jpg (630x340, 58K)

Retard alert

It's too cold

i got a blowjob in a taxi while traveling through chile.

It's a shithole country

Chilians are the niggers of South America

This. Are you a nigger user?