Every downfall of a scam begins when information is withheld for nonsensical reasons. For example, bundle numbers have been withheld due to “regulations” altough the CEO is not afraid to announce 30+ partnerships out of the blue and previously estimated 1 million bundles a day 1-2 years after Amb-net launch
Second sign a scam is about to fall is when anything remotely negative is supressed. Any sort of due diligence by people who raised money to start a company in the first place is withheld.
Third sign is threats by management. In order to do damage control, a very effective tactic is used to silence due diligence. As such angel resorted to extreme tactics such as suing for defamation
Hiding the past: background research into Angel has shown in his LinkedIn that he has his venture capital company listed. Except for SSS that he and CTO Stefan Meyer founded. Interestingly, Stefan recently deleted SSS from his work history. Angel claims SSS is functional but their website is non existent.
Kayden Price
Does Stefan still work at Ambrosus?
Jose Fisher
Not even a relevant coin dude fuck off
Aaron Gutierrez
8 AMB have been deposited into your wallet
Colton Ward
Yes him and Angel both started a company called SSS using the same AMB logo but did not disclose it
What does 'partnership' actually mean in the strange language spoken by the retarded libtard ancaps who make up crypto society?
Is it like a sov citizen partnership, where you can just say that you're partners with volvo because you drive a volvo car? Is there money involved? Who benefits from it? How can every shitty ICO startup all 'partner' with mcdonalds at the same time? Do they eat all their food there?
Gavin Foster
Well. This is where it gets interesting. Vechain “partnerships” have the worst reputation where just taking a picture with BMW and shaking hands is considered a partner.
Ambrosus tried to be the opposite and only partnered with paying clients such as Vanilla. But recently Ambrosus announced 30 partnerships out of nowhere without revealing a single one who they are partners with in what seems like a desperate attempt to gain attention.
Jordan Gray
The splendor of the crypto crank cargocult never ceases to amaze me. Would it be against their religion if I put on a nice suit and posed with the cult leaders of crypto, then declared that I've entered strategic partnerships with all of them? Is it possibly too formal, and I'd need to present some kind of crank idea, and/or self-serving motive before the crypto spirit dancers?
>Ambrosus announced 30 partnerships out of nowhere without revealing a single one who they are partners with in what seems like a desperate attempt to gain attention What do you mean? Where did they make this announcement?
Sweet that guy is the man. Overall great team at AMB don't really see any reason to be worried about them, always keep in mind tho that startups are in no way guaranteed success.
Adam Rodriguez
Not disclosing your previous startups is nothing to worry about?
Alexander Peterson
Cameron Gray
What do you mean by disclosing? Why would the other company matter at all? I don't understand the obsession with this whole other startup thing ITT. Why is it such a big deal?
Leo White
It matters because we want to know who funded their previous company. The fact that Stefan Meyer deleted SSS in his LinkedIn only adds to suspicious. The fact that the SSS website is nonexistent when Angel claims otherwise is ALSO suspicious.
I checked SSS in swiss commercial registry and found nothing. I said this before, the shills alerted Angel versetti and he rushed in to make bullshit claims of the company being operational to fight the FUD need to emphasize: 30+ SUDDEN ANONYMOUS PARTNERSHIPS A MONTH AFTER BARELY SCRAPING 5 PARTNERSHIPS FOR CRINGE MRBEARWOLF "SHOWDOWN" IS HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS SCAMMERS ALWAYS GO BOLD RIGHT BEFORE EXIT TO DELUDE VICTIMS ONE LAST TIME facts. try to argue. protip: you cant
Gavin Flores
Also the team just delayed everything kinda perfect till the token lovk up period ends in January.
Caleb Clark
Who is "we"? Why does the funding of their previous company have anything to do with AMB?
Charles Thomas
Don’t you want to know what happened to their previous investors?
Isaiah Martin
Not really. Were you an investor and now you're angry or something? Is that what this is about? I don't see any investors from that company coming around for blood so I guess they're fine.
Kayden Jenkins
No point opening the eyes of those who wish to stay blind.
Nathan King
Sss was brought up in telegram and everybody was screaming “le fud”
It was the last red flag for me. I sold my 30k node. Fuck this scam
Owen Green
Supply chain management on blockchain is just a meme. Either too slow and expensive or not denctralized if you want to have to somewhat usable. They went with the centralized approach, but it doesn't really matter, as it's just not worth it for any company to buy into their service. Not enough customers care where their shit comes from. >But muh babies dying from bad baby food Yeah, but guess what, people are still buying the cheap shit, because the probability of you buying something thats really bad is so low.
Angel Kelly
yea people trust brands. If that brand has a recall, they wont buy that brand again or it will take a long time to regain trust. Consumers will just move on to their 2nd best favorite brand.
Adrian Young
Also companies already have a cost-benefit budget put aside in case of recalls or lawsuits. They have already calculated that it is cheaper to pay infrequent lawsuits than to pay for a system that is not even 100% foolproof
Brandon Thomas
Honestly this is the only reason I sold. He allegedly gave the team an ultimatum to come up with 5 partnerships or get sacked. They barely got 5 partnerships in time, announced them, and now out of the blue there's 30+? Anyone who does not think this is suspicious is a deluded bagholder fanboy
Camden Russell
The delusion knows no bounds. Even if they would reveal that there are single digits bundles, these people would still hold loyalty to their shitcoin. Some really do marry their investment.
why the fuk would anyone want to invest in AMB when Vechain is the number 1 supply chain and it is at its all time low.
Leo Bell
because AMB is the same value proposition as Vechain only 30 times lower market cap.
Asher Phillips
and not chinky
Aiden Barnes
I veried, the sss Ltd page does not load. I’m gonna to try to verify sss info I’m Switzerland. This shit is starting to stink. Never seen a “still functioning” company as versetti says with a downed page, and a “founder” who has taken it off of his LinkedIn
Brody Green
Exactly this.. if it’s still functioning, why is not on LinkedIn? Why is his venture capital LLC in there but not SSS? And why did Stefan Meyer remove SSS in HIS LinkedIn?
Can someone just please explain to me why their previous startup is a big deal? You guys are just posting info about it and then acting like it's a huge deal for some reason? Was it a huge scam or something? Any sources on this? I can't fathom why you guys are so upset about this.
Adam Powell
Because instead of owning up to it, angel decided to lie and say it was still functional. So of course that needs to be verified and it’s turning out that he lied. The SSS website doesn’t exist. Stefan Meyer is hiding his connection to it.
If they can lie at something like this, what can else are they willing to lie about? It’s not about the SSS company itself or if he failed, it’s about trying to hide something. Integrity matters specially in scam infested crypto
Jack Young
the whole thing is fucking annoying, its a 9 mil market cap token, what other crypto that insignificant is fudded as cancereous as this
Eli Robinson
A website being down and a linkedin removal mean that the company is not operating? Didn't he say that it operates under Ambrosus? It seems more like SSS gave birth to the idea of AMB and that if AMB succeeds SSS can succeed. It will probably operate on the Ambrosus network.
Joseph Brown
For one, Ambrosus was hyped as a non-hype company that didn’t shill paper partnerships to pump the price. People really liked that they are operating like a NORMAL company.
But recently they are hiding their reasons behind illogical reasons such as bundle numbers citing “regulation” and to prevent speculation. Funny thing is posting 30+ partnerships and forward looking statements such as projects and smart cities in 2019 boost speculation
Asher Taylor
Exactly. You can go as far as to say they exit scammed sss. Idk about you retards, but if they exit scammed this, what’s to say they pull a “o well, we tried our best, adoption didn’t come” with amb after moving money around.
The fact that angel lied about this whole sss fiasco is not normal. Wtf is he hiding. If it failed, why didn’t he fess up?
Jack Nelson
>Libtard Back to iFunny you go.
Christopher Jones
Yes that’s what Angel says. Would you believe Monsanto if they said their product Roundup wasn’t cancerous?
Kevin Young
What about this? Why isn't this a possibility?
Chase Moore
Wtf kind of comparison is that are you an idiot?
Robert Lewis
Can somebody check the official Swiss business registry to figure this shit out once and for all?
Christopher Morales
Look at it this way. If it was functional why did they need to rise even more funds with an ICO? The goal was $100 million. If SSS was a non-crypto company they could have had vc money and series funding.
What happened to the funding from SSS or was it self funded? Again lots of questions that are being avoided
Adam Evans
Very good argument calling me an idiot. You don’t trust a source if that source has conflict of interest.
Tyler Jones
Based. Maybe somebody can call the office phone number or check the registered location in person to see if it’s still functioning.
Bentley Wilson
>if it was functional why did they need an ICO What in the world are you talking about? If what was functional? AMB? SSS was a blockchain project but it didn't have a token so there was no ICO, there was an ICO for Ambrosus because it uses a token for the network. I think you're trying to say something like SSS funding could have been used for AMB? Why in the world would you do that when you can get the project funded separately? That makes no sense business wise, I don't even think you know what you're trying to say here.
Andrew Roberts
Why can't one of you call or go check? You care more about this than anybody but you won't even check it? Are you guys having some sort of mental breakdown here.
Easton Brooks
>assumes everybody lives in fake Germany. Low iq amb holder detected
Levi Bennett
Well I don't live there so I can't check, you're the one asking about it so much why don't you actually do something about it instead of posting it here where nobody seems to care.
Henry James
Amblets, amblets, amblets... You neber learn.
Hunter Davis
Any explanation here? It really looks like you guys are whining for the sake of whining at this point.
Samuel Kelly
This is exactly why Angel needs to be transparent. As an advocate for blockchain and transparency, he can’t just tell people that SSS is still functional yet independent investigation turns out that website is nonexistent.
Alexander Baker
So was the company just a website in the first place? I didn't realize that websites were the sole determining factor in whether a company is operational or not.
Also you didn't even elaborate on your gibberish from that other post. I mean it's obvious you are just fudding bullshit, I'm just dragging you on really there is 0 chance you will FUD me out of my position I'm much smarter than you are. Come on with your "holding AMB thinks he's smart brainlet lmao" posts or your other deflections, I like watching you put in the effort for nothing, failure.
Nathan Powell
Why did Meyer disown sss and take it off of his linked in. There are more issues than the website.
Ryan Thompson
Frankly you can be smarter than me all you want yet I still have more wisdom than you not to blindly trust and marry your investments
Easton Barnes
So no they aren't just a website so the website is not a concrete 100% indicator for whether they are operating or not, thanks for clearing that up and proving you're stupid.
Benjamin Flores
>mfw when amb is using an ultrasound device developed by sss in IoT gateway on amb.net
Brayden Richardson
If you do not like critical discussion you are free to go back to TG with the cult following. I’m sure there you will hear whatever you want to hear, but not what you need to know
James Robinson
I do not blindly trust my investment you just haven't given me a single good reason to distrust them. Your whole premise is pure speculation, this is a conspiracy theory on them being seasoned scammers. Guess what? I'm gonna pick the more down to the earth option which is that they are actually working on Ambrosus and aren't sitting around doing nothing for years just to exit scam. Why would anybody go through this kind of trouble when they can just as easily take the money and leave without painting this extremely elaborate picture.
Lucas Roberts
Like I’ve said, it’s all about trust. When that trust is broken is when speculation and conspiracies abound.
For example... the bundle numbers. Kate please don’t tell me that the reason you’re not showing numbers is because you don’t want speculation, then what was Angel doing when he was the one suggesting 1 million bundles in 1-2 years?
who said they are seasoned scammers? Here is the real down to the earth option. Angel & team had a pet project called SSS then saw they could raise easy money through an ICO for Ambrosus, using same ideas and logo. They hopped on the supply chain bandwagon after VEN, WTC, WABI. Maybe they had some plans to make it work, BUT they realized companies don't really care about blockchain unless the consumer does and they banked most of their success on bull market returning. Right now consumers don't give a shit about blockchain after crypto market crash Ambrosus will do a legit exit where they say the funds ran out and Angel says "crypto was a gamble anyways"
Jacob Diaz
Why was he even mentioning NDAs? To create speculation. That’s the only reason. An nda could literally mean you simply had a meeting and the info was not to be shared.
Liam White
>Ambrosus will do a legit exit where they say the funds ran out and Angel says "crypto was a gamble anyways" It's practically finished. This fud campaign overall is pretty good though. Versetti stooping to mr bearwolf's level with the 5 partnership memes didn't do him any favours. Big mistake trying to pressure large customers to commit before service maturity for no tangible benefit to themselves. Best case scenario the bizdevs got laughed at and told to wait.
Levi Powell
"Kate" is just pushing the narrative "bundles don't really matter, AMB-NET can have ICOs and dAPPS" to groom cult members for another round of bagholding The retards in telegram are already telling themselves it's okay to have low bundle numbers. Saying it's okay to get strung along for an year on "billion-dollar" NDAs, hidden mainnet, lose 90% of money holding through trust, and let the team dump on them. Literal cucks all of them.
Jackson Moore
This. Can't really blame them all that much though. ICO money was just way too easy to get and hundreds of other projects will end development in 2019 / 2020.
Chase Thompson
>at least we can track our powdered food on the blockchain! Said nobody ever
Landon Edwards
What irks me is not low bundle numbers. I understand that there will be low bundle numbers. What irks me is the reasoning and hypocrisy of that reasonsing
Connor Williams
Page 8 vapourware I don't even need to do any research to know this is a long draw scam, just like 99.4% of the rest of these crypto projects.
Evan Jenkins
So what should I invest in instead of AMB?
William Cox
Unironically link
Jace Cook
It irks you because Angel and his marketers built this image of Ambrosus of being an "anti-hype, legit" company quietly building billion-dollar partnerships and following all laws Truth is, there is nothing special at all about Ambrosus. It should be valuated at couple hundred thousand dollars, not even 1 million. "Kate" says the "whole team" is sick of hearing FUD. How? There are 60+ employees "working overtime" and cooperating with 30+ companies. They are all reading Jow Forums FUD and telegram questions? Fuck off scammers. The whole team is actually angel, vlad, stefan, kate, and maybe one more. That's it, look at the AMA on the street to understand. The only reason they don't do a blatant exit scam is because their identities are known. They WILL do a legit exit, where they submit paperwork for bankruptcy after funds "run out".
Thomas Evans
Speedy runup: >Weird and Creepy guy who stalks everything Ambrosus related in order to FUD it >patrols and trolls the Amb telegram and reddit 24/7, gets banned but keeps coming back under different names >spends his time taking screenshots, photoshopping infographics (poorly) and blacking out his timestamps to hide his Indian/South East Asian timezone >is responsible for 95% of "pro"-Ambrosus and FUD threads on Jow Forums over the last 6 MONTHS, spamming them constantly to annoy you >mentally ill and/or paid by *insert competitor here*
>latest flavor of the week is "muh SSS", spamming these threads even throughout CHRISTMAS kek Note: these are excluding the false flag pro-Amb threads he spams at the same time (eg. ). Pic related also needs to be updated with the extra 100+ threads he made since July.
Keep the above in mind and enjoy observing this OBSESSED & SEETHING fudjeet.
On the original slide even the lowest estimate of 10k bundles per day is completely delusional at this point. There aren't even 10 bundles per day on current *hidden* mainnet.
Evan Ward
He could move past all this fud showing the use case. He says the vanilla is currently tracked on main net on reddit. Disclose the bundles from this "medium" size company. There is no reason to not disclose unless...
Brayden Collins
Tell me all you want that its a secret or sec will get involved but seriously, why would you not want to know. Everyone fucking does. He comes on 4 chan in full defensive state and insulting anyone trying to shed light. Muh christmas you are all losers. Let your fucking holders in on the truth. Quit lying.
Sebastian Diaz
He 100% reads biz and he 100% started a thread on here. I know this for a fact due to his writing style and exactly what was stated. It was verbatim what he posted on Reddit. It’s sad desu.
Dominic Jackson
When liars lie, they always slip up. Think about this: If vanilla is tracked on main net, generating bundles, and nodes are being run on Ambrosus, WHY CANT ANYONE ELSE RUN THE NODES? WHY DO WE NEED TO APPLY TO PARTICIPATE IN A -->DECENTRALIZED
Caleb Cox
When truth=fud and legitimate questions are scoffed. That would be a legitimate red flag.
Jace Jones
>Crypto is a gamble, don't blame me for losing all your money. >Get a life
This is how the global CEO talks to people, to investors putting their money and faith into him. We desperately need a purge in the crypto space. Projects like AMB need to be laughed and ridiculed all the way to zero.
>all these posts >all this effort for screenshots >page 6 And it's literally just you fudders talking to yourselves lmao
Landon Evans
Good job user. True work for the supporters of amb.
Leo Clark
lol yes that user is truly a paragon of the community he is not full of shit my own of 10 confirms this lmao
Luis Stewart
>19 posts by this ID >all this desperate white-knighting for shitcoin bags Someone with knowledge of a true hidden gem investment would shut up and accumulate. Bags feeling heavy? "lmao" indeed
Levi Brooks
lmao I just like messing with you guys you should be thanking me otherwise this thread would have died quickly like they all do because again nobody gives a fuck
Blake Sullivan
>I just like messing with you guys says the nervous bagholder >nobody gives a fuck you do
Hudson Cook
Enough posts and we at least might get to see Angel go nuts and do some crazy shit
Gabriel Stewart
Their biggest partnership gook beef won’t be worth more than 1k bundles a days. That’s 16 million events. That’s a huge number of events.
>Hurr durr smart cities >hurr durr name drop Dubai
Fucking scammers. We don’t want speculation but let’s name drop Dubai and smart cities.
Zachary Nguyen
Don’t forget the supposed “locked” tokens of 90 million have been distributed. Inb4 white knight cults say it’s for main net
Henry Mitchell
did some xtra digging to Ambrosia is not even one of a crypto project it never exists I found out biggest scam thx for the needful spam here sirs
Ryder White
In a year or two there will be 1mm bundles. Angel said so.