Oh boi

Found something you fags might find interesting.

Taking a break from Trading and did some reading on Egyptian deities. The Kek shit in 2016 got me hooked like some hella fine kush. Loving the up market today and found a bull-headed deity named Apis (a piss). Top kek! Anyways, saw its symbol as a bull as well as two up arrows. My curiosity went up about as fast as my dick at that point. Wanted to know if there was a bear-headed god. What I found was extraordinary.

I found an old Eastern European god named Veles. Has the head of a bear and body of a snake. Potential son of Loki, has influence over wealth and trickery, and also imagined as a dragon. Looked at some of the symbols and I saw images similar to the Bogdanoff brothers as well as the symbol for the deity looking like a downward arrow! Dump eet???

I'll be posting pictures of the evidence below. Is this memetic? Perhaps we have some new deities bizfags :)

Attached: 1538856534367m.jpg (1024x1024, 173K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 20181226_142950.png (1080x1684, 259K)

Attached: 20181226_143444.png (1080x1843, 117K)

Attached: 20181226_142028.png (1080x1826, 334K)

It's all satire dude kys

Attached: 20181226_142513.png (1080x1789, 350K)

Nice find OP, keep sharing

Attached: 20181226_142820.png (1080x1841, 936K)

Attached: 20181226_142856.png (760x749, 697K)

nah son, enough collective belief in a fictional character gives it autonomy in our unconscious minds. kek was a living symbol which empowered us to resist the demon witch hillary

Absolutely cringed

research tulpas you dense nig

OP here
Found this.
Bull spearing a snake.

Attached: setombos2.jpg (1908x2862, 2.09M)

OP is not a fag. Reality=memes. Memes=reality.

Most memetic research is done at Jow Forums though, you should share this there too, its a decent find.

>give me your cum, Apis

That's Slavic lore, not Egyptian, you brainlet

What are your thoughts on link 1k eoy? What did kek mean? Doesn't look like it meant $1,000 eoy 2018...

>he doesn't know Egypt had a strong influence from Indo-European cultures.

APIS is also a masternode platform coin btw

>Bull spearing a snake.


True and has an 'Eye of Ra' in the symbol. Think we're on to something kek

The bull market defeating the bear market . . . Something like that m8

fuck off to /x/

This shit was already cringe in 2016. Go back to pol.

neat thread



stop it op. This is getting about as cringe when 4chinners made troll face.