
Genius is eternal patience.

We will make it, Marines.

Love Chainlink.

Love life.

I love you all.

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I Really like this project. I'm trying to get to an even 1000 links so i can be a part of the singularity. Just hope it doesn't happen for a few more months.


You have /DAYS/, dude. 1.35k link stack over here. I'm never going to make it, but I might just be able to sustain a perpetual NEET lifestyle if I save my shillings.

How much do they pay you?

I have 943 links, are you saying this isn't enough to make it? Should i just sell now? :(

Thats like a couple hundred bucks invested. You probably shouldn't sell for milk money, but seriously if you could buy Eth at 1 dollar a couple years ago would you not put everything you can afford to in it?

How soon is soon ?

EOY is four days user.

943 will, after taxes (in4 someone tries to say they're going to cheat (((THEM))) out of their share) probably net you 600-700k. If you think you can live off that investment income for the rest of your life, then ok

6.5K link stack here. Singularity when? I can’t wagecuck anymore, Marines.

I have put everything i can afford right now :(
We don't get paid much here in poland

Specifically? Two and a half weeks, EOY (Gregorian fags BTFO'd). If we don't reach 1k BY that point, we're at least going to start shooting into the stratosphere with that trajectory...
Aaaaahhh, well if you're in Eastern Europe then honestly you'll make it v. easily. Here in Burgerland it's much more expensive haha

I have 9000 link. Will I make it in America?

I have 16K but I'm planning on going to another country to live out my days in a little bungalow next to the ocean somewhere.

>Specifically? Two and a half weeks, EOY (Gregorian fags BTFO'd)
I'm literally all in but this is pretty pathetic. It would be a miracle if LINK hit $1 at any point in 2019. Don't get your hopes up.

Attached: disbeleif.jpg (604x610, 60K)

you will make it, if you have a serious exit strategy. never sell everything at once and put up some price targets - sell 100 at 20$ for your initial, then 100 at 50$, and so on. just keep working and some day you will wake up to some good news

Will have 10k link soon bring on the singularity :^)

>EOY is four days user.
oh shit is $1000 EOY refers to this year?

Unlikely but check the pivotal some of the team are back to work

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Love you too buddy

Hold fast friend! You will make it! You’ll just have to be frugal. I only have 1.1k LINK and I believe I will make it. Don’t let the LINK whales get you down. We’ll all make it friend.

No one care anymore are people still doing this PnD?