This is just a dead cat bounce you're retarded if you think we're in a good spot

This is just a dead cat bounce you're retarded if you think we're in a good spot

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Fundamentals too good. Look at all the handrubbing over sales. We good.

You sold the bottom?

Announcing it’s a dead car bounce when dead cat bounces are only identified in retrospect. You’re retarded and you can’t predict the market, tard. Just stop

You expect people to take advice from a retard who doesn't even know how to screencap?
Actually they're not despite the good economy. Stocks were way overvalued.

This is why hodling is the best strategy. You can't predict this shit.

Remember all the Faggot communist posters talking shit at the exact bottom? :p

>Stock were way overvalued

Smug anons and boomers indicate you are right. We shall see

Eh, sales numbers were pretty good.

It's goingto pump this week and then have a suicide inducing selloff on the first trading day of 2019. Faggot fund managers have to show they made some money this year.

y-yeah fuck drumpf, orange man bad
markets are t-totally gonna crash and prove us right, isn't that right comrades?

No. your “crash” was a bear trap. This bull Reich will last 1000 years

Trump himself was calling the stock market a bubble in 2016.

If the Trump agenda comes down to angry tweets, giving jews tax cuts and cucking out of the trade war with China, count me out.

its only a bubble when democrats are president

no one has commented on the fact that op literally took a screen shot

Who cares what he says? Markets are gonna market no matter what shit he pulls and this is a perfect example of it

He used his camera, not a screenshot

Well fiscal policy does have an impact. He cut the taxes on the Jews, and the pumped up the market for him.

He even claimed credit for the stock market highs.

So he'll get blamed for the lows too.

To be fair, he also called the absolute bottom and urged people to buy the dip.

Nope fuck that boomers are going to the moon and there’s nothing you can do about it. Lambos and veneers for everyone!

>1,000 point dead cat
Kys lib

>1,000 point surge
>literally a day after Trump met with the pluge protection team
You're right it's not a dead cat bounce it's the fucking bull trap that precedes every large crash.

Did you take a picture of your computer screen grandpa?

>all 2018 gains gone in weeks
>2% red days past 10 days
>sharp 5% rise right after
G-goldumb bull rum confirmed

Dead cat bounces are common, expected, and not newsworthy. We're entering a bear market, and that's not exactly news. But here you are, trying to larp that you have your greasy finger on the pulse of the market, AFTER THE FUCKING FACT.

Gee, you're SO SMART, I should listen to you and put all of my money in Link! Right?

Niggah, please. Get the fuck out of here, telling us water is wet, like you have a fucking clue.

Why the everliving fuck would fund managers sell off in January? That's not how they make money for their customers, you fucking retard.

All I want with my gains is a John Deere riding lawnmower

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Companies are having record years

DOW 50k eoy

No. I'm thinking, WE ARE BACK BABY!!!

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Retard who thinks he understands market terms off an infograph. DCB is retrospective.

It's stocks, so OP is probably some grampa.
No one even expects otherwise.

>everyone is scared that the market will crash so they turn their imaginary shekels to less imaginary shekels because orange man bad
>turns out orange man isn't that bad
>jews fw

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>he doesn't know about the PPT

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Wtf does PowerPoint have to do with this?

I took a powerpoint class in community college

Go back to facebook or twitter with that shit meme.

Relax user, you’re getting sweaty again.

hello fellow 4channeler, our memes are the best. Literally nobody can compete with our superior memes. Those libtard cucks can't meme haha