Starting with $100, how long does it usually take for an experienced trader to get it to $1000 in stocks or crypto?
Starting with $100, how long does it usually take for an experienced trader to get it to $1000 in stocks or crypto?
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i dont know but i can tell you that you can go from 100 to 30 in an afternoon.
You have a better chance of reaching ZERO!
Yes I understand that.
So you are saying that you should risk more?
You’re competing against funds that are trading with billions of dollars. They spend millions on the best algos, analysts, data etc. The vast majority of traders (>99.9%) can’t beat the market in the long run. You’ll literally have to dedicate most of your life to make it AND be extremely talented/smart. If all you have is $100 (or even $10k) then it’s not worth it to try to learn trading.
The answer to your question entirely depends on how much risk (leverage and beta) you are willing to take.
>So you are saying that you should risk more?
Start learning about things before you stick your money in. Think 2 years you might get there quicker
YES, this is supposed to demoralise you! Don't rush in!
If only .1% of traders are successful then why the hell do markets even exist? I thought it was more about having a knack for the emotional swings people go through when trading and the realization of which companies/products/services will be successful in the long run.
Thanks for that. I'm going from poker to trading and I'm looking for something that is less volatile.
somewhere between 2 hours and 2 years