What kind of car do you drive Jow Forums?

What kind of car do you drive Jow Forums?

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More than you could afford pal, Ferrari.

2007 Subaru WRX wagon

Don't need a car, haven't had one since 2016.

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I don't own a car. Not because I can't afford it, but just because I really don't need it. Public transportation is great in my country (northern Europe). I also use my bike a lot to get around. From what I've seen in movies and read online, it's almost a requirement to have a car as a man in the US. It's nothing like that here. People (including girls) don't care if you own a car a not.

2012 F30 BMW 320D - britbong version with no leather, manual and weakest version of 2-litre diesel. Efficient Dynamics.
Pretty decent car, but I'm pissed off because it has no leather seats, old as fuck electronic package and it's not as fast as even my older car I had. Yes, I am poor.

Nobody who buys a ferrari just says "Ferrari". This would be a better larp if you at least gave us a model name.

As for me, I drive a luxurious 96 ford ranger with the 4 liter v6 lol

A future classic, coming soon to a hair salon near you.

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sa22 rx7

Is that old MX-5. Miata?

>t. has never seen fast and furious

Yep, gen 1 limited edition.

'08 4runner
>tfw live in south florida and go to uni in north fl so cant boulder

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2017 Tacoma TRD off-road

I’m 22 and have a paid off truck and 30k in the bank, y’all suck.

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Woman detected.

2018 Lamborghini

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Just ordered 2019 RF CLUB RECARO, got to wait couple months more for it to come from Hiroshima.

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Bought it last November, best car I've ever owned.

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sick monster logo on the headlight man, rock on!!!

I'll beat your ass mate
I might live in florida but I'm a saffa and we're the manliest men out there

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