Recession time

>Orange man GOOD!

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i voted for orange man to crash it so i can buy the dip

Ever notice the left can't meme? They just copy every original idea from the right, ie: "NPC" and "Snowflake" and try to "rubber band" it at Conservatives.

taken from a nigga rapper
taken from two lib trannies
>pepe frog
taken from a soiboi

the most popular Jow Forums memes were made by leftists

I'm not announcing my report I'm just giving advice

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>He thinks a meme is nothing more than the content of the meme and not the phenomenon of said content going viral in a highly unexpected context.

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>when we steal memes i-its different!!!

The side that knows at their core theyre wrong cant be funny
Deep honesty is the core of humor

You can't really argue Trump is an NPC though. He's blowing up the global order in a way that makes NPC's very uncomfortable.

fuck you OP fuck you id rather have a recession than sgt dumbass as presidents. at least having a recession is something other countries can respect.

t.retard who thinks memes are macros and other images and not the idea behind.

calling someone an NPC is not an original idea, people have been calling others sheeple for centuries. NPC is just the zoomer version of calling someone a sheep

I also wouldn't call Tyler the Creator a leftist. He straight up said you could call him a nigger to his face and he wouldn't give a shit. That's not being a leftist.

Redpill originates from the Matrix

As for Pepe, we took a leftist meme and turned it so foul and racist the left declared it "The Frog of White supremacy." He's ours, your people disowned him

It’s hard for the left to meme when everything is off limits to them. Also the npc meme really stung them and they’re still reeeing about it

nothing more cringe than a meme historian
you get no pussy

Why does some fucking meme get you so upset you need to debate about it with anonymous people on a Chinese washing machine board filled with people larping as crypto millionaires?
You should probably kys desu senpai

>t. Redditor newfaggot retard who thinks there are big ideas and culture behind internet memes
You are the literal reason it becomes cancerous shit. The npc meme was literally taken by everyone on here because of some retarded clickbate article and it had nothing to do with someone being a democrat or whatever you faggot.

Seems like you’re pretty upset

>nigga rapper is Jow Forums guy now
you know matrix was made by two leftist trannies right?
nobody is upset here boy, I think you might be projecting your feelings after being called out on your bullshit and can't offer any counter-argument

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>no u

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Deflecting af

>I think you might be projecting your feelings after being called out on your bullshit.

Nice word salad dude but if you had more than 2 brain cells to rub together you would know how to check IDs. Back to plebbit you go!

Keep digging

Jesus christ it's not from tyler the creator. Do people here seriously forgot already who Lil b is?
Calling someone a special snowflake is not an exclusive Jow Forums meme you twat. We really are full of underage retards.

>doesn’t know how to check ID’s
Plebbitors everywhere tonight

>blaming presidents for recessions

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>Using IDs

>bukk to leddit!
so this is the Jow Forumstard originality we've been hearing about

who even cares about this left vs right cripplefight, we just need to solve the shitskin problem, everything else is secondary

Never said he was a /pol guy. He's just not one of you faggot. Good to see leftists actually DO call black people niggers in private but are too cucked to say it to their face. I always suspected it.

The Matrix is unironically the most red pilled movie of all time even if it's not what they intended.

please tell me how many times you called them niggers in their face?

pretty much

Never mind you 2 are pajeet tier

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I don't call black people niggers in public or private. In general racial slurs aren't a thing I do.

t.cucked faggot

>The left can't meme.

>The right can't win factual arguments.

>inplying lil b is a leftist
>redpilled is from the matrix, no clue what trannies youre talking about
>pepe the character was made by a basedboy, pepe the meme was created by chan culture

>majority of code consists of if statements

I never said it was but it is a new spin on an old concept that everyone more readily understands.
I've never been to read it.
I never said anything about the npc memes or conservatives.
I was just pointing out you're mentally retarded and think images are memes and not the unit of ides expressed.
Also I have been here for a decade, fuck off and play fork knife twink

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That's not word salad at all. Word salad sounds more like the average Trump speech, or take the Q people as an example. It's awful rich of you to be implying anyone else is showing symptoms of schizophrenia, fashy.

Lmao underage, lil b voted for bernie sanders, the creators of the matrix are trannies, and what you mean to say is that Jow Forums popularized pepe.

>taken from two lib trannies
It's from the Matrix, you dolt

retarded leftists

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Ever notice how "conservatard" works way better than "libtard", but nobody says it.

redpilled already meant something in popular culture
pepe already meant something in popular culture

based is the only one that trumpers really made a thing rather than corrupted from its original meaning...

fucking retard

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you little faggots are going to lose your minds when bernie sanders gets elected in 2 years

Trump was the last hope to save the US. Guess your fate is sealed with this news, now you'll all die in some gay nuclear race war.

>lil b, taken out of context by autists
>the matrix, taken out of context by autists
>a cartoon, taken out of context by autists

this is not a right vs left issue, this is an autists vs normies issue

Imagine being this retarded...

did you even look into trump's history before he won? Disaster was literally imminent everything he touches turns to shit

Trump will bankrupt the US. Why do you think Russia and Saudi gave his campaign so much money? He's owned by oil, international mostly

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lmao at all the impotent rage from alt-white faggots trying to explain away this shit hahahahahaha

the left can meme but it's usually about some normie shit.

I don't understand this meme, I tried to be overly conservative at one point in my life and I literally became an emotionless robot, until I finally decided it was retarded to be far left or right and that I should just be a centrist. The right-wing has always been seen as soulless grey suits without emotions, so the right-wing is trying to push that the "left" are in fact the robots? Would make more sense to call the left-wing overly emotional cavemen, the right-wing have always been the soulless robots. This meme goes against traditional viewpoints, guess that's why they call it the alt-right...


Not how memes work, freindo.
The soiboi who made pepe for instance has been ree-ing about the memes for years now, for instance.

I think a more accurate description would be that the right aren't 'robots' but more stoic, realistic, and pragmatic about life. The left is usually associated with the opposite qualities. These are usually qualities that are gained through life experience and hardship in the case of the right. They might appear to seem 'robotic' because they aren't as 'humanistic' or they are too callous with a hardened heart and not as optimistic about change and pipe dreams. The difference is that at least those people became that way through a natural process of development. The modern left are called 'npcs' because instead of actually forming opinions and positions based on experience, they have just downloaded the 'program' from the media, other lefties, etc. and regurgitate a rhetoric without thinking it experiencing things for themselves in life. Most of the time their opinions are based on emotions and wanting things to be perfect but many times it does not work due to human nature. Funnily enough, even the modern right is now like this too because it's the only way to combat the left doing this shit. Both are retarded. I find the most well adjusted individuals are more centrist, but right leaning. Left qualities are still important however because they contribute to things like peace, some forms of innovation etc, but it's disastrous to society if it goes unchecked (degeneracy).

"If you are not a liberal before the age of 20 you have no heart. If you are not conservative before the age of 30 you have no brain."

Try being a fascist instead of a cucked libertarian.

fascists are insects who want the gov't to think for them

>based is the only one that trumpers really made a thing rather than corrupted from its original meaning...

this is because memes are the domain of internet losers. lefties are all NormalPCs so you can’t expect them to adjust to imageboard humor.

The right cant meme either mate. Ideologues of all types are completely retarded.



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Trumpanzees are just desperate retards who are running out of bullshit to excuse this daily shit show of a presidency

It's not about left or right, if you haven't realized that the mongoloid in the white house is too retarded to understand that his policies are hurting the economy, you're fucking hopeless and you deserve to eat shit in the upcoming recession more than anyone else

They are both preprogrammed and resistant to facts and reason. Both liberals & conservatives value emotion & dictating the values other around them should therefore contradicting both of their proclaimed platforms.
If you dispute this or it makes you upset then you are a Cyberman NPC who has been well programed by the fringes of partisan politics.

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Your economy runs on blood. You have the choice between never ending brutal wars and the possibility of a recession. You always choose war and it will eventually kill you all. Trump is the only tiny glimmer of hope that American politics will change before you kill yourselves.

wtf she is fucking hairy ass.

not how memes work

also, pepe is hardly the same thing from the boy's club comic. it may have been originally inspired by that, but every iteration since then is different

>Redpill originates from the Matrix
which was made by trans women
hormone replacement therapy pills are red.
you figure it out genius

>he still doesn't know feminizing hormone pills were red in the 90's

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If you unironically use the word "based" without knowing who Lil B is then you need to kill yourself.

Don't listen to that fag, based has been a thing for a decade now and the right did not corrupt it.

To say conservatives are
>stoic, realistic, and pragmatic

is like saying liberals are
>compassionate, visionary, and creative

Ever notice that every single funny meme isn't actually created by either ends of the ideologies, but rather centrist neutral guys having fun and giggles, and how both of those radical ideologies proceed to appropriate that meme and attach an unfunny propaganda to it?
The "NPC" meme is actually far older than Jow Forums and revolves around generic "Heracletianism" as you should actually call it if you want to truly give credit to the true origin, which is basically "me smart everyone else dumb zombie" and has never been about conservatism, until Jow Forums appropriated it, attached their agenda to it and made it unfunny

Jow Forums emerged out of post-ironic /b/ culture. The engine behind all the memes is the rage of idiots like you. When the right is more idiotic than the left they become the target. Since around 2008 there is no dumber group in the world than brainwashed leftists.

"Based", "Woke" and "redpilled" are all post-ironic jabs at leftists using their own braindead pop culture references. The current iteration of the NPC meme is a deep reflection on the nature of the inner monologue, a huge step towards philosophical maturity of common people.

nice choice of dolt over dingus, really made it more believable

Just from your typing style I can guarantee that you're an electionfag or somewhere close to that. By the way, if you truly believe in what you're saying and especially the whole "it's all just ironizing their idiotic stereotypes", you should probably check out Jow Forums someday, it's literally Ironizing Jow Forums Stereotypes: the Board.

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Reality is more complicated than a shitpost encompasses but my shitposts are still closer to reality than your delusions. I'm from the old internet. We made all of you and you are all faggots.

The arguments in the meme are legit though. Venezuela is a good example of socialism/communism. Gun violence in chicago is shitty and does deserve to be brought up. Black on black crime is way higher than black on white crime. On top of that white people are far more likely to be attacked by black people.

So the meme fucking sucks, it brought up legit factual arguments that do matter. Whoever made the meme is a fucking careless racist piece of shit honestly.

Shareblue you seriously need to fucking KYS. You just said fuck gun violence in Chicago because my feelings matter more than humans gunning each other down.

Imagine what mindset do you have to be in to type something this cringy

>Imagine what mindset do you have to be in to type something this cringy

The op made a thread that belittles black on black crime and gun violence in Chicago to push an agenda. That is insanely fucking cringe....

everyone in this thread is a faggot except for me.

case closed.

Sincerity makes you cringe because you don't believe in truth. You perceive sincerity as a weakness and lying as strength because you serve death and darkness. Accept Christ, vote for Trump and gas the jews.

Imagine wanting the global economy to crash rather than admitting you were wrong about a politician.

You either crash now or crash later. if you crash later you're going to have a higher percent of angry third-worlders wondering where the gibs are because you brought them in to drive consumption and pump land prices to keep the economy propped up. I'd rather just collapse now, the US and Italy have the right idea desu