Crypto has left the speculative cycle and entered adoption cycle

Crypto has left the speculative cycle and entered adoption cycle.

That means no more huge shorterm gains. Instead we have a 10 year slow bullrun?

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Better buy it all up now then user

21m BTC divided by 7 billion = 0.003 BTC

>10 year bear
at least desu

>Crypto has left the speculative cycle and entered adoption cycle.
>Literally has no adoption except as a ponzi tool

The truest thing I've seen posted all month.
We are at the very beginning of adoption. It will be exponential

I only have 0.05 BTC. Will I make it?

Would take 10 years if it required physical capital purchases
Would take 5 years if it required hardware development like the dotcom era
Get it yet?

The most active dapp on that site has less than 1,000 users and its been more a year and a half since "crypto" became a normalfag word. You're deluded if you think crypto has any adoption.

>Crypto has left the speculative cycle and entered adoption cycle.
Not yet, but 1H 2019 will be the start. 2 things will propel general adoption and usability of ethereum bound projects:
Trustless Oracles
Flexible use case trustless 2nd layer scaling.

Specialized projects like supply chain projects on their own chain can succeed independently of that.

Checked. But also, this is actually one of the most important threads of all Jow Forums timeline and anons everywhere should take note, because this is the truth. We won't have any more insane rides like late 2017, but we will absolutely see new ATH's and a lot of coins and tokens will make people very rich. This is the beginning of a technological shift which will change the way all data is transacted, and we live in a data transaction heavy world. Placing the right bets in 2019 means in 5-10 years you will have made it without question. Those with strong hands will fare best, though it's equally as important that you pick the winners. Look for crypto with a use case, crypto with a future, crypto with current adoption, etc. Don't worry about current price. Are big companies using and talking about it? It probably is a good bet, even if it lost 95% of its value this year. Guess what? The largest companies in the world lost 20-30% of their value in the last TWO WEEKS. You think they're done? No, their stocks will continue to soar far beyond where they're at now. Pick the right crypto in 2019 and HODL and you will be rich beyond what you ever imagined. Continue to ADHD your way through shitcoins and frequent trades and you'll miss the boat.

Screencap this and post it in 3 years I guarantee I'll look like a fucking prophet. Good luck & Godspeed.


Is Brave/BAT crypto's best chance at real world adoption?

You sir are very intelligent user. Well said. Your wisdom is lost on this lot.

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Too many people will pass up your comment, but I couldn't agree more, user

I capped it user. See you in christmas of 2021

This would be godlike. I would prefer this over anything. Knowing that when I’m 34 I could get a couple thousand because I threw in a few hundred. Why not?

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Delusion. The future of blockchain will be the current companies implementing their own inhouse solutions to speed up their existing networks, thus any price increases will be shown in the traditional markets.This meme token market will collapse as nobody will use or better yet trust them to run with any part of their business.

It doesn't work like that, the cost savings are in decentralization. Creating a centralized digital ledger is nothing new. But when you have the ability to create a tamper-proof digital ledger, which implies and requires decentralization, suddenly you have on your hands the ability to save millions and billions of dollars. Decentralization is literally the only aspect of blockchain solutions which allows them to stand apart from current security and data transfer methods. Network speed issues have been eliminated ever since the introduction of clustered cloud servers. The delusion is your own.

>to speed up networks
I think you'll find you are a retard kind sir.

Inhouse doesnt mean it wont be decentralized. It will be easy for everyone to create their own tamper proof digital ledger in a few years.The need for a meme market to be built around it just wont be there.Again this industry is far too shady for anyone legit to trust any of the players.They will all just be building their own.

> he thinks them using blockchain means their whole business will be 100% blockchain based with no use of current networks, and they would not be sped up.

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Capped it. See you Christmas 2021 user.

It doesn't matter how much of the application is based around a blockchain, the system itself is designed to be slow, and thus it *will* be the bottleneck. You can employ a wide area cryptographic-proof-based database, and possibly see some performance benefit, but not a blockchain per se. I implore you to better understand how bitcoin and other chains actually work, to some technical degree, before you continue throwing money at it.

I wouldn't say that it's designed to be slow, it's more that it's designed to be decentralized, and a consequence of that is that speed is sacrificed. You do have a point though, all of these companies that jumped onto crypto in 2017 really didn't understand what they were getting into, they heard "serverless architecture" and thought it meant "cheaper than paying for cloud servers"

>crypto is no longer speculative
>being this new/retarded


>Not decentralized
I'm not understanding you. The only way your statement makes sense is if you think each company will create their own decentralized network, which makes zero sense as (1) we don't need thousands of decentralized networks and (2) No company is going to spend millions to build something they already have access to for a fraction of the cost. That's why companies use salesforce instead of building their own CRM, or they use docusign for their contracts, or they use Amazon for their server hosting. Building something in house is in most cases the wrong answer from a business case perspective.

We've reached plateau of adoption

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That’s not even on your meme chart

And if amazon create an awesome service for cryptographic databases, blockchain services etc then people will use them, and you know its pribanly coming,Again the meme market isnt needed,

Crossing the chasm now
Buy top ETH tokens
BAT $50

Unless the crypto is something that works in the background it will never take off, no normie is going to go through coinbase to register and give all their info to buy a coin to use on binance where they will also have to register and give all their info so they can exchange it for a shitcoin to use on a shitty service created by lazy/corrupted devs who don't give a shit because they are already rich from the ICO and the only advantage is MAH DECENTRALIZATION which is ironic because you probably given up more of your info than anywhere else.

well when you put it that way....

>download ark wallet
>buy ark in wallet using credit card
>use and invest in anything

Holy shit. Now I understand

Amazon doesn’t usually build anything, they acquire things. If what you’re saying is amazon will acquire some blockchain tech then surely you realize with that acquisition if you’re holding coins/tokens involved with that tech the company is going to negotiate payout for token holders, yes? Do you realize how legally fucked they would be if they didn’t? In your scenario holding the right tokens is literally a winning lotto ticket. Cha Ching, big instant payout. I think you’re failing to make a valid argument.

Of course one or 2 will probably make bank.But you have to pick that one or 2 out of 5000 or so,Like a raffle, but worse odds lol.

2 out of 5,000 (1/2500) to never have to work again are incredible odds. Winning the Powerball ticket is 1:292,201,338 and you’re concerned about 1:2,500 for the same result. Unbelievable.

Who says it will be the same result as powerball?No crypto you are putting a dollar in and getting 100 million back.Need to go back to 2009 to have any chance of that.

No. Just no.

>Instead we have a 10 year slow bullrun?

Bring that shit on...
On that note the bear market is not over.

It's the beginning, you stupid piece of human garbage.

except normies don’t give a fuck about there privacy, and have no problem giving out there information. Facebook leak, literally nobody gave a shit.



unironically believing BTC is going to be used by everyone on the planet as a medium of exchange.. yikes

>Pick the right crypto in 2019

What would that be ? I can think of following - BTC / ZIL / ETH / SOVRIN / POLYMATH / NEX / LINK / RADIX / tZERO

Facebook stock crashed after their privacy shenaniagans were expose. This prompt many users to leave the platform. Most people do care a lot about privacy.

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you reckon it has nothing to do with Facebook becoming all political, a.k.a. thought police?

Its even more than that: Every single ERC20 token and withit all the exchanges that came out of nowhere profiting on the speculation, will go to 0, worthless. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM claim to be utility tokens, but something that only gives you utility just CANT BE also traded in some monetary way. Atleast not in the degree we saw in the last bullrun.

All of this will turn worthless with certainy.

There will be 3 or 4 standartized protocols of blockchain/DAG solutions that actually establish themselves by scaling much like with the internet. And they will be open source.

The money will be made building specific usecases for current existing billion dollar industries on top of them that are closed source in a way making some sort of business model and that have hundrets of million active users a day. the only way to make money as retail will be then, having stake in them inform as digital, tokenized shares basically

Bitcoin itself was just a pipedream, thinking that you can revolutionize the whole world as we know it today that established itself over thousand of years, overnight, distributing power, wealth everything. Just a pipe dream.

Good picks. ZIL and Radix are the next Top 5 coins imo

>The world will use China's currency

user why would the western world, including those in power just hand over their power and wealth to China?

>hurr durr bitcoin is speculative hrrrrrrrrrrr

Attached: Dovr_BaX0AA2GTQ.png (1200x879, 161K)

LOL how much denial are you going to evoke?

The scam that is crapto has run its course. It NEVER had merit because you look to dollars to gauge its value in fake markets set up by scammers.

Stop pissing money away on bullshit and start making some real investments like your own business - but you'll actually have to get good at doing something.

>Da internet is slow. Internet bad. Internet cut out when make phone call internet dumb.

You cant compare Internet 1994 to the blockchain 2018 tough. Internet for the masses (half of earths population has internet access now) was made possible to centralized server solutions. From the endusers retail device to the corperate server farm everything is designed and build up in that way:

The majority of work is done on central servers and enddevices just display it so that you have a interface to respond to it again.

With blockchain the current system is flipped upside down. Consensus Mechanisms around all end users devices is not a thing current infrastructure is designed after.