Techies Are Killing It

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how is T3/L3 an entry level position?


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making 200k in San Fransisco isn't enough to even afford a 1BR apartment and instant ramen, kek... not to mention all the student loan debt. I live in bumfuck Texas working from home as a systems engineer, dirt cheap cost of living and make $120k. Frisco _soy_boy "software engineers" BTFO

engineer here
the cost of living in the bay area sucks. i make more than this but it really feels like nothing. my rent for an unwalkable area is 3k a month

I'm moving to San Antonio from Alabama for a Job in a few weeks. I'm also making $120k base salary. Will I make it?

Can you live in Oakland and work in San Fran?

Yeah, is it possible to live outside of San Francisco and still make the commute to work?

If I got a job at Google I would just live in a camper van in the carpark and use all of Google's facilities lol.

The top 1% of very many career paths/majors are making very much money. Pareto principle applies everywhere. These are no median/average salaries.

Betcha think you're the first asshole to assume this a practical scanario.

I feel like by the time someone else shows me the lucrative salary of some job it means the job is probably now becoming insanely oversaturated and there is no point in me trying to land that career.

There's like two guys who have done it working for Google. It's not a bad way to live and make bank.

all these shitters aying 200k isn't much in SF...
SF COL is only 30k more per year than rural america. 200k in SF is $170k anywhere else

>It's not a bad way to live
Very few women will want to sleep with you if you live in a trailer. Even if you're Zuckerberg-tier with money, living in a trailer < living in an apartment or home

I heard Apple is hiring like 1k engineers for their Apple car project. At the moment, the demand is still much more than the supplies

You can always rent out an Airbnb to take them back somewhere or even a hotel.

absolutely. are u going to Rackspace by chance?

If I made that in rural Utah I could buy the town

120k in san antonio will let u buy a McMansion in the north side suburbs and eat all the In-n-Out burgers and Raisin Cane's tendies you could dream of

Nope, going to Skanska.

but then you have to live in california

>In-n-Out burgers
If given a choice, real southerners eat Whataburger

>making more than 236k
>36k in rent
>netting 200k+ a year and hates life

yo, why don't you larp in Oakland instead.

want to know how everyone knows you've never worked a day in your life?

He's obviosuly pretty comfy, but after deducting taxes, insane rent, insurances and high living expenses he probably doesn't have a ton left over.

>Make $180k working in SF
>Take the train up every day
>Have room mates
>Saving a fuck load of money and investing 10% of my paycheck into 401k

??? Are you retarded?

If you make over 100k and live alone you should be saving/investing 50% of your paycheck retard

unless you have debt out the ass, of course you can afford a 1BR apartment in SF on a 200k salary.

you're taking home over $10k/mo after taxes. your apartment and utilities will run you $4k-ish. you can survive on the leftover $6k.

get crazy and find a roommate making a decent salary and the 2 of you can live in a pretty pimp 2BR for $5k/mo.

obviously if you want to save a lot - it's not easy - but this oh fuck i can't live on my tech salary omg it's so expensive shit is a lie. it does suck bad for other professions. dunno how they do it.

>a guy that lives in Russian Hill

> making 200K
> paying 100K for tax

Why not just camp in Walmart in an RV. You'd save tons of money.

>real southerners
>eating whataburger
Texas isn't Southern except the absolute most Eastern part, and at that point it's just Louisiana. It's Southern-like at best.

t. lived in Georgia, now live in Texas

I'm in SF on 7 digits and barely making it.

You just get a hotel room and an american hooker everytime you wanna fuck

Why don't you commute in to the city

>making 200k in San Fransisco isn't enough to even afford a 1BR apartment
This is cope from people who can't program

Also, tech companies aren't in San francisco retard

>caring about what women want
Never going to make it

I used to work and live in San Francisco and had a similar salary to the pic OP posted. It's practically poverty-tier and you'll want to just kill yourself after six months or less
$200k may sound good on paper, but given the area it's actually complete shit

Nice larp cope

I'd live in Vallejo and ferry into the city, have yourself a millennial electric scooter to zip around once you're on the shore.

$40 per month for ferry costs sounds alright to me.


Bullshit, they told me the same about LA. Im here and its so cheap to live. Skidrow is cheap af

SF is great if you don't mind dating girls who are dating 3 other guys at the same time.

Pretty red desu

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Kys commiefornians. Literally slit your wrists.

I think if you are on Jow Forums, you would be at least anything but a cuck

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Are you coping because you realize someone is making twice your salary in California and will be able to retire and move to your area and live twice as well? This is why you guys get so hilariously and impotently furious about Californians moving to your state. You know they're richer than you and you can't do a thing about it.

poorfag cope. sad to see but not surprised


I went into the wrong part of IT. I make less than $70k in a major city doing desktop/network for a unicorn fml

I applied to 1700 tech jobs and couldn't get anything. Where the fuck are these jobs?

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how is this not a bubble? the fuck? Do those companies only hire the cream of the crop?


Poorfag Cope. Sad to see. Not surprised, however

Lol. I make 75k a year as a frontend dev without any prior work experienc in my first job.

$236k in San Francisco is basically minimum wage.