Rate my portfolio

Attached: Screenshot_20181227-161705.jpg (365x491, 44K)

/outside/ - 0%

Jow Forums - 75%
Jow Forums - 25%

0% Jow Forums and 4channel here, am I going to make it?

>Implying I don't browse at the uni, work or during my runs

Sell /tv/ for 20% Jow Forums and 5% /tg/

Attached: 1537366038065.jpg (1080x1159, 337K)

>Jow Forums 25%
>Jow Forums 25%
>Jow Forums 25%
>Jow Forums 25%
a truly balanced chadfolio

Jow Forums 40%
/fa/ 20%
/x/ 10%
Jow Forums 10%
Jow Forums 10%
/mu/ 5%
/tv/ 5%

But /tv/ has the best memes though

Jow Forums 60%
/ck/ 35%
/c/ 5%

Attached: DuKNSssWsAALV4u.jpg (674x720, 78K)

Jow Forums 90%
Jow Forums 10% when the fake internet money is tanking, I don't even own any myself lol

Jow Forums - 40%
Jow Forums - 30%
/ck/ - 15%
/tv/ - 10%
/vr/ - 5%

Based. /c/ pays great dividends

Attached: DnuSBFV4AAhpTx.jpg (1459x1748, 300K)

Drop /lit/, /his/ and /mu/ entirely and consolidate into /tv/.

All in /link/
Retirement, here I come

Attached: bb_wt02.jpg (640x474, 55K)

Forgot my portfolio:
75% /tv/
10% Jow Forums
5% /v/
5% /vg/ (/twg/)
5% Jow Forums

Disgusting. Sell the /tv/ and Jow Forums; I'd also ditch the /mu/, but the position's small enough that I won't harp on it. Buy up a little /ck/ and /o/, Jow Forums is also a decent hold, and Jow Forums if you're up for the higher risk-reward.

>But /tv/ has the best memes though
You'd think that if you spend half your time here on Jow Forums, /tv/, and Jow Forums.

>doesn't hold /x/
>vishnu in the blockchain
>thinks he's going to make it

>Jow Forums 70%
>/x/ 25%
>Jow Forums 5%
am I going to make it ? Should I dump the r9k bags? I think they only making it worse

the original creators of the schlop schlop meme Jow Forums are a diamond in the rough.

Pretty good, here's mine:
>60% /vp/
>25% Jow Forums
>15% Jow Forums

>he didn't buy actual privately owned shares of Jow Forums in July

>/sp/ 65%
>Jow Forums 15%
>Jow Forums 10%
>/v/ 8%
>/gif/ rekt threads 2%

/n/ 80%
/o/ 5%
/fa/ 5%
Jow Forums 5% (mostly to see crypto babies cry when market finally dumps)

>holding /vp/ after LGBT memes have played out and before gen 8 fake leaks start dropping
What is opportunity cost?

Jow Forums - 45%
Jow Forums - 25%
/b/ - 10%
/gif/ - 10%
/aco/ - 5%

Diversified, so that no matter what happens I lose something.

Not sure what memes are those. Baneposting is almost 8 years old. /tv/ has imploded under the weight of its own shitposting.

Not enough Jow Forums

Put the last 5% on /wg/
I gotta have my wallpapers.

I'm 45% Jow Forums with about 20% Jow Forums and Jow Forums combined. I'm about 15% in on Jow Forums and another 15% in /lit/, /jp/, and /tv/.

I'm thinking about using my remaining assets to go 5% on /ck/ and/or /fa/ for some direct non-monetary benefits for long term gains.


"The Moderate Test, High Anger, Medium Low Intelligence Fedora, Ready for the Race War Man" Package

Jow Forums - 60%
Jow Forums - 25%
/o/ - 5%
1% or less of multiple other boards

Attached: pumpit.jpg (500x342, 107K)

Jow Forums 100%, i might even get a Jow Forums tattoo been here since i was 14 and now im 19

Jow Forums 30%
/a/ 20%
Jow Forums 10%
/diy/ 10%
/fa/ 10%
/out/ 10%
/n/ 10%

Plus a lot of others in lower frequency. Every board has its charm. It's good to diversify. Pic related it's me

Attached: IMG_20181224_121609.png (1080x1503, 700K)

/tv/ - 40%
/s4s/ - 40%
/wsg/ - 20%

how do you browse while running?

/mu/ and /lit/ are probably the worst boards there
yes, even worse than Jow Forums
Jow Forums only redeeming quality is the hate for kikes, but nowadays the board is full of shills and bait shitposters so there is no point in participating
/tv/ is just shitposting

50% biz
50% tv

They're the only boards that still make me laugh.

biz- 80%
pol- 20%

Jow Forums-50%

Jow Forums 30%
Jow Forums 30%
Jow Forums 30%
/x/ 10%

>biz 100%

Big dick all in Chad coming through

Attached: 1538809155385.jpg (813x1195, 202K)

biz - 15%
r9k - 5%
wizchad - 15%
out - 10 %
lit - 25%
hm - 5%
fit - 25%

tv has too much dialogue, k can be ok but its also top of the mold dialogue cycles. mu is not a real board altogether and should have been abandoned past your 15 year old phase

60% biz
40% fit
15btc portfolio
185lb 10% BF lifting 5 years

Attached: 1538201163970.jpg (720x720, 140K)

if you're looking to maximize diversity I would pick Jow Forums or /his/ but not both.

80% Jow Forums
10% Jow Forums
5% /news/
5% /gif/
2% /cyber/

Attached: 5E631A76-BDDB-4F97-9437-07167202D8C1.jpg (1200x777, 155K)

>he doesn't know

I browse during the rest periods when I do HIIT


>100% Jow Forums

>moderate test
>high anger
damn right
>medium low intelligence
I'd like to see you properly fire a FAL, let alone take it apart and put it together again
>ready for the race war
I'm from Zimbabwe, I have no choice.
and yes I am white

Attached: sgHtBQ7.png (2048x1152, 540K)

Easiest choice to make.

Even if you don't like it, in terms of size and popularity, it is one of the biggest if not the biggest boards.

This means you automatically have large volume, high liquidity, high growth potential, insane exposute and yet is considered a blue chip investment.

Jow Forums 40%
Jow Forums 40%

the rest shared between /a/, Jow Forums and /x/ dependent on mood

Jow Forums-30%
Jow Forums-30%
Jow Forums-7%

all in /biz

At least 75% of your portfolio should be in Jow Forums and Jow Forums. Once you’ve got that solid foundation you can delve into others.

biz fit pol the holy trinity

/o/ - 75%
/his/ - 20%
Jow Forums - 5%


Jow Forums 60%
Jow Forums 20%
/gif/ 10% porn and lols and groves
/h/ or /e/ 5% le anime porn
/gd/ Jow Forums /out/ /a/ make up the remaining

Guys...? I think I might be retarded.

Jow Forums 65%
/gif/ 20%
Jow Forums 5%
/tg/ 5%
/x/ 5%

Attached: ImRetarded.gif (240x180, 2M)

This guy is right.

Jow Forums-30%

all in Jow Forums

>he doesn't primarily post on Jow Forums to prevent falling prey to various botnets.

They already have your private key. It's already over.

Biz 30
Lit 30
Fit 30
Out 10

And b for porn.

Jow Forums 95%
/rk9/ 5%

Jow Forums - 30%
/ck/ - 25%
Jow Forums - 25%
Jow Forums - 15%
/d/ - 5%

Jow Forums 50%
/out/ 45%
/wg/ 5%

>tfw you live in the middle of nowhere, want to make money, but no one to hire you

if you don't browse /a/ you don't belong to Jow Forums

100% in /b/ calls

all trash

you must be a boomer

Am I the only one who literally only browses this board?

Attached: 6ED011E4-5A9F-4A14-814B-8AD97739487D.gif (220x220, 17K)

Jow Forums 80%
Jow Forums 20%

Imagine being retarded enough to read Jow Forums, damn so bleak.

I'm with you fren

are you me?

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>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums

Attached: 1525978947876.png (722x720, 554K)

Jow Forums 50%
Jow Forums 15%
Jow Forums 15%
/tv/ 5%
/v/ 5%
/a/ 10%
/lit/ 5%

Who else /wellrounded/?

this, what has happened here.

40% /a/, 20% Jow Forums, 20% Jow Forums, 10% /x/, 10% Jow Forums

looks anti-fragile, very nice

30% Jow Forums
25% /ic/
25% /cm/
5% /wg/
15% Jow Forums

too many Jow Forumstard drumpftards

Attached: file.png (1110x1534, 226K)

Jow Forums 5
Jow Forums 10
Jow Forums 20
/b/ 96.7
what’s /a/?

40% Jow Forums
40% Jow Forums
5% /trv/
5% /p/
5% /out/
5% /diy/

I watch a shit load of anime (far more than I lurk Jow Forums) but who the fuck wants to talk about it online? Fuck /a/

>Shorted Jow Forums in late 2016
>Shorted Jow Forums in early 2018

Easy as fuck 100x. Currently only in blue chips (/a/, /v/, /vg)

>no Jow Forums
>no Jow Forums

Best memes are Jow Forums by far, the rest is mostly garbage.

50% Jow Forums
50% /gif/

Jow Forums - 50%
Jow Forums - 25%
/sci/ - 25%

peretty based, tho should be more lit, ditch the pol (became retarded after 2012) and his and mu are for teenagers

shill me their most recent shit artist bluechips, pls

Jow Forums 70%
Jow Forums 15%
Jow Forums 5%
Jow Forums 5%
Jow Forums 3 %
/diy/ 2%
> schoolshooter/ 10 portfolio

Stop masturbating

Seriously, who can even stand being on that board anymore. It used to be a good source of current events until it got taken over by the_donald. 9/10 threads are shitposts with no cohesive conversation.

Jow Forums 40%
Jow Forums 30%
/tv/ 15%
Jow Forums 10%
/wg/ 5%

You need to invest at least 10% of your stack into fit if you're already in pol. Otherwise you will not be truly redpilled and thus will never make it

Jow Forums is closet homo, if you need dick/chest/arms comparison to keep working out you already haven't made it

100% biz

>I watch a shit load of anime (far more than I lurk Jow Forums) but who the fuck wants to talk about it online? Fuck /a/

Exactly, I come to Jow Forums so I can use anime memes while talking about stuff that isn't anime. Nobody IRL even knows I watch anime except 1 of my friends. Nobody at work wants to talk ETF's & this seasons best degenerate anime.

Attached: 1534498057339.gif (320x226, 339K)

All in rk9. Wonder why very few robots are here

Attached: 1545895849883.jpg (1278x993, 102K)

>25% /tv/

Attached: 701.png (183x275, 48K)

>Country Generals: The Board has the best memes

Attached: fsd.png (500x431, 126K)

If you are still on pol in this day and age you are literally sub 100 IQ. The glory days are gone, no one left on there is capable of thinking for themselves. Everyone who disagrees with you is a cuck or a kike.