life is so fucking boring what the hell am I supposed to be doing its the same shit everyday
Life is so fucking boring what the hell am I supposed to be doing its the same shit everyday
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I wasted 20 years in a hell hole small town with flakey and shitty immature friends.
Just focus on doing shit like making small amounts of cash or learning some skill. Then hookers and then inspiration.
that's why drugs exist... try with coke or meth
im too scared I dont know how to find any
>prescribing a nihilist mindless stimulants
Do not listen to these shills. Do psychedelics if you want to do drugs. Youll find this reality is as magical as any, if you cant achieve contentment here you wont do it anywhere
Don't listen to either of those two idiots recommending stimulants or psychedelics.
The only happiness in life is heroin. In fact I was happier during my 3 year binge even though I lost everything, was living in my car that wouldn't turn on anymore, etc as long as I got my daily heroin dosage.
Now I have money, crypto, apartment, salary. But nothing is like that heroin. If you're bored, trust me heroin will be fun as fuck at the beginning, and you won't be bored when you start to spiral out of control.
yeah what said
also if you are going to do drugs, do ones that arent physically addicting, as all drugs are mentally addictive. just makes it easier to lay off em when you need to
Don't listen to this guy and fuck your life up. Not worth doing heroin til your 70s.
do something else
we’re all just waiting to die fäm. make money, do drugs, distract yourself, fuck roasties
listen to me OP. one day you're gonna fucking wish you were just bored every day. enjoy it while it lasts.
This. Everything is cope.
How can you be bored in this day and age? The only issue you should have is not having enough time to learn shit
what did he mean by this
dont listen to any of these 3 idiots recommending stims, psychs and heroin. benzodiazepines are what you're after.
literally fast forward on life to get by mundane shit. you wont remember much, so when you stop, there'll be a lot of new shit happening that you didn't even notice the whole time. then once you've caught up on the latest stuff and are bored again just rinse and repeat.
legitimate time traveling.
normalfag detected.
kys it's literally the best timeline to learn whatever and start whatever business you want. Assuming OP is in his early 20s he still have his youth to fail a couple more times.
Late twenties DOOMER detected
get a job
Do shit you've never done before-- life is too short to be stuck in a mundane routine. I gamble, try to see how much I can get over on people, flip cars, and travel. Do what you want! Just don't do anything horrendous like murder, rape, or get addicted to drugs.
dont listen to any of these 4 idiots recommending stims, psychs and heroin and benzodiazepines. Jesus is what you're after.
literally give your time and energy to the service of the lord. you will help other people so much, that when you rest, there'll be a lot of angels and shit looking over you that you didn't even notice the whole time. then once you've passed from this life, St Michael will greet you personally at the gate. If you get bored living in heaven you can be reborn again, just rinse and repeat.
legitimate time traveling.
yeah, that should be fun
Don't listen.Try to have less stimuli instead of more. Listen to the silence.
>what did he mean by this
Raising your wifes son
>do all these boring things but DON'T DO ALL THESE AWESOME THINGS, GOY
What a cuck
Welcome to adulthood.
Fill it with useless hobbies to distract you.
I'm 22 and finally stopped being a nihilistic cunt.
Now everything is just cope, like the other user said.
Is this it? What adults complain about? Having to cope? Because this isn't that bad at all.
To be honest I quite enjoy it.
Is this bad?