Brit Jow Forums

What’s everyone goals for 2019?

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get to 21 btc and move to the us, ideally

been attempting to sustain a 84hr/week studying schedule for a month now... It hasn't been perfect but hopefully the warm-up was enough to give 2019 a great start

Get cheap stocks when Brexit sends us down the shitter

buy more chainlink

you got to think brexit will be a good thing then, banking on recovery

The plan is to finally buy my first house (down south but not London).
Don't know how long to hold out or how much of an impact Brexit/a recession will have on the housing market.

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Fuck off la

Get out

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>Get fitter
>Get a simple job (warehouse or admin or some other shit)
>Increase knowledge of financial markets

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The recovery will happen once politicians come to their senses and Brexit gets cancelled

The vast majority of politicians (along with the other pillars of the globalist establishment--media, academia, finance) have been trying to cancel Brexit since June 24th 2016, you would have to be an utter brainlet not to realize this.

whereabouts and why?



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Leave the UK

I am currently living at home with my parents in BIRMINGHAM after graduating at uni last summer. I literally can't stand living in this hellhole any longer bros. Birmingham will legit be Detroit in 10 years. My goals are to save and invest enough money so that i can get out of here and at least go somewhere that is 80% white

poo poo and also maybe pee pee

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anyone shorting gbp?

>britstain thread shitting up yet another board for no reason
Every user with a spine is required to report and sage this and any similar threads in future. Don't allow entryism of these turds on this noble board.

Hope to save up enough £ for me spoon loicence m8. Can't even stir me bloody tea!

reminder that brexit is bullish for the uk and the media fud is pricing in fear for accumulation.
the eu is doomed and will collapse every euro holding country with it, with the uk picking up whatever financial business left on the mainland

also a reminder for newfags we had a thread not long ago showing evidence the rothschilds dumped their dollar reserves for pounds already.
theyre going to collapse the states and germany.before 2020

most stocks will initially go up as the pound will get crushed and FTSE 100/250 are mostly getting their money abroad.

I will and have put money into platinum and silver ETFs set in USD, to benefit from the upcoming shit pound and because PMs are gonna peak in the next 5 yrs.

you can rent mine m8. 2 shillings a week

My goal is to just collect more licenses. I got like 5 this year, one of them allows me to hold 30 more licenses

This desu. Genuinely curious to know how many UK Linkies there are.

post a stinky meme on /brit/pol. they appear.

Just bought my first house just outside of Birmingham, starting next year I'm gonna get the flat roof redone and board up the loft so I can use it as a room

>Get my side business's MVP in a fit enough state to go for a funding round
>Quit my shit job as an accountant (60 hours a week minimum, get paid for 37.5)
>Quit vaping - already started this since I'm ill as fuck today
>hit target of 100k LINK, currently at 78k

>retards think Brexit will irreparably ruin the UK economy
>economy takes a short term hit
>we don't have the Germans rigging the rules against us any more
>other countries smell opportunity in the uncertainty
>become Jap/South Korea/Australia-tier independent trading nation again

Join the military to learn how to do something useful since I fell for the university meme.

moar link

Huh, i want to go to uni because i fell for the military meme

>hope the pound stops shitting the bed and we get a reversal on brexit
>grow biz to £150k/yr (revenue)
>do more for charity
>get lifts to 80/110/160/200 @80kg
>get my own place
>shag more
>visit some cool places
>cut down on the cocaine

Biz one is out of my control a little bit, unironically waiting on a loicense. Looking forward to the next year, was a great 2018.

Funeral stocks
P2P loans with security
Shorting gbp ftse500
Laughing at dumb pro/anti EU sheeple

Only go if you are studying STEM and are serious about it. Otherwise go for just the first year to shag roasties and quit.

based and nopants

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Bahahah spot on, top kek.
Disgusting subhuman bog trash

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Getting rekt by Brexit

What are you studying for?

get rekt

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I work in international road haulage as part of the world's leading passenger and freight ferry operator. There's a lot of words to say on the topic but basically, no, you are mistaken. At our present course and speed, Brexit is going to be an economic disaster.

For us, going back to the days of a man with a hat and stamper, inspecting containers for contraband, is going to ruin us. The sums simply don't add up, cost wise or manpower wise.

My 2019 goal is to make it to this time next year with our contracts intact. We're doing our best to prepare, but even with a blank cheque you can't wave a magic wand and make warehouses and trained customs/border staff appear like Cinderella.

>passenger and freight ferry operator

no shit Sherlock, of course you're going to be hit in the short term. Sorry, but this is for the good of the collective, not you personally.

...I don't think you grasp what I'm saying. This isn't about the 'good of the collective' (what?), Brexit is going to make international trade ... difficult, to put it somewhat mildly. End of, no ifs or ahs. That's bad.

Simply saying 'ah she'll be alright' isn't going to cut it, frankly, when our business relies on getting pallets from Amsterdam to Gateshead in three business days. Intra-EU trading is a piece of piss, but try explaining what a hard customs border *does*, what it *requires* to someone, and their eyes glaze over.

Just saying 'it'll be alright,' like it'll all blow over in a few weeks or something, makes my blood boil. Doesn't work like that.

get a 30k + job
launch my business
just generally be more of a winner. massively reduce my time spent consuming bullshit. better myself as much as possible.

As for 'brexit' - i see it as nothing but another episode in a series of events that demonstrate the ugly nature of '''democracy''' and '''bureaucracy'''. I can only hope future events force people to wake up to the great scam of the modern world.

does Jean-Claude Juncker's spunk taste of cognac?

What about in 5 or 10 years when the changeover costs have been absorbed?

Mate I'm just frustrated with the whole mess.

you do realize that countries were trading with each other way before they had the European union. there can still be trade agreement, GB could even be part of the EWC and not the EU (like switzerland and liechtenstein) so there would be plenty of free trade. its pure fear mongering to keep you brits in the EU to tell you trade wont be possible if you leave. the real joke is that GB has all the trump cards and yet your politicians are sucking the EUs dick like theyre doing you a favour to let you out of this unholy union.

>What about in 5 or 10 years
That's half a decade away. I'm worried about the immediate, concrete issues, like 'do we have enough warehouse space for the material our customers are sending us in preparation for no deal' (we don't, yet, bulging at the seams already). Stuff like that.

I just want to be sure we're still in business and I'm still in a job this time next year, you know? Looking to the next five years is for the C-suite's concern, growing the business and all that.

>GB could even be part of the EWC and not the EU
Maybe we could. End of the day a trade agreement is just that.

My point is that we *already* have a favourable trade agreement in place, today, here and now, as part of the wider EU. What frustrates me is trying to communicate this to the I WANT ARE CUNTRY BACK squad.

>you can't wave a magic wand and make warehouses and trained customs/border staff appear like Cinderella

that's what I was referring to. Sure it will be difficult at first, but sooner or later it will be sorted

>when our business relies on getting pallets from Amsterdam to Gateshead in three business days

maybe our country will then be forced to uncuck itself and start making things again, including whatever the fuck you need to be here within three working days

>My point is that we *already* have a favourable trade agreement in place, today,
this "favourable" trade agreement comes at the cost of giving up your sovereignty to the EU user. its completely insane to enslave yourself to a supranational body of government that you have absolutely zero control over just to keep trade agreements going. if your politicians werent completely cucked they could easily opt out and still negotiate a beneficial trade agreement (because newsflash; the EU needs GB way more than GB needs the EU). the I WANT ARE CUNTRY BACK squad is completely right and youre a short sighted faggot who cares mroe about moving goods and products around than staying a sovereign nation

>you have absolutely zero control over

Same as every year. Get money. Fuck bitches.

Leave the country

Hang all politicians in the country from a rope and bring back the BUF.

de facto zero control, yes. They will always get their way in their end.

We have as much control over Europe as a child with a toy steering wheel has over the course of the car being driven by their parents.

You should board up the windows to keep the shitskins out while you’re at it.

lo, what. England has sweetheart deals on literally everything.

About to try out Nutmeg for the first time, what would be a reasonable starting amount to put in given I have around 20k liquid assets?

what control DO you have over the EUs decisions user? the EU council and commission are not even voted in, the parliament is voted in by your representatives who have shown time and time again that they dont give a fuck about you and your interests. the EU will first and foremost serve its own interests, which are diametrically opposed to the interest of the citizens it should be serving. bottom line is the EU is a globalist institution that undermines the sovereignty of its member states. it should be pretty obvious at that point that globalism hurts the majority of people while only a small elite benfits from it. by voting "leave" because of muh trade agreements you are basically voting for globalism and against your own interests.

>Sure it will be difficult at first, but sooner or later it will be sorted
user I know you're not saying this in malice or anger or anything, but that's not a phrase that would inspire confidence on our clients' part in my company.

>maybe our country will then be forced to uncuck itself and start making things again
My contracts are with two blue-chip Swedish paperboard product suppliers. I get their material from the Swedish mills, to factories in the UK - six months ago was the Christmas rush, and we've just finished the last of the Easter egg runs. My point is, Sweden has a hell of a lot of trees. Forestry is one of their biggest export industries. We don't have so much of that here, so we rely on imports to supply the packaging industry (plus greetings cards, newspaper print, etc.) So, simply saying 'we'll do it here instead' a) puts me out of a job lol and b) means having to create an entire large-scale forestry industry from scratch.

Cartons are fucking mental man. That M&S frozen pizza box is fucking space-age design like you wouldn't believe. The bags that dry pet food comes in would blow your fucking mind haha

Hell yeah.

>About to try out Nutmeg for the first time
Oh! I was with them for a few years, if you're literally 'babbys first investor' (no shame!) they're good, set it and forget it and watch your hoard go to work.

I'd absolutely recommend Vanguard though, they're cheaper because you're not paying a fund manager.

ITT: Underage pol posters discuss brexit politics

> le uncuck ourselves xD
> just re-negotiate everything xD
> its May's fault shes a cuck xD
> EU needs us more than we need them xD

Enjoy your 2nd world tier economy and worthless pound. Businesses are already moving to Paris and Dublin. You need to be in serious denial not to see this.

But why would you care if you're unemployed and just shitpost all day ?

t. I actually live and work in this country

>the parliament is voted in by your representatives who have shown time and time again that they dont give a fuck about you and your interests.
The doublethink here is hilarious. So those same representatives who you dont trust to represent you at the EU, you now trust them to have full control over your country?

What are you investing for? Money down for a house, or just somewhere to park your cash and hopefully beat inflation?

This country is doomed to become 2nd world regardless of any vote

Mostly money for a house yeah, I already have a help to buy set up to give the max bonus in around 5 years but I'd also like to put away the rest of my money except for a couple of grand for big spends

Glad to know you had a positive experience, what else can you tell me about their services? Would you recommend any of the managed accounts or go with the fixed allocation?

>Enjoy your 2nd world tier economy and worthless pound.

i like how lefties imply this country isn't already on track to become a third world caliphate. they only admit the downward trajectory of the country when it benefits them

>Enjoy your 2nd world tier economy
Eurozone grows slower compared to countries outside of it.
We'll be 3rd world soon whatever the case if we don't stop importing all these undesirables.

>Mostly money for a house yeah
OK cool. Only reason I ask is because risk correlates with reward - sounds like you're middle of the road to me, but Nutmeg quiz you on your goals to work out what a 'healthy' risk would be for you.
(Pensions for example, it doesn't matter if a 20-year-old loses half his money in a recession because he still has thirty, fourty working years left to get it back. Losing half your money if you needed it in three years for a new car would be a disaster, though.)

>what else can you tell me about their services? Would you recommend any of the managed accounts or go with the fixed allocation?
I treated them like a bank savings account that I couldn't touch, besides dropping in £100 each month. Sometimes it lost, sometimes it gained. Qué sera sera haha. I'd go with the fixed allocation setup, as they're cheaper - because you're not paying a human manager to bet they'll get better results than just leaving it the fuck alone.

Still, you can set up an account with their projections and everything without setting up a direct debit, have a play around and see if it smells OK to you.

Saving cash to buy into the dip after Brexit. Also for the American Recession.

Make sure all you retards are maxing out on 5% Current Account offers from Nationwide and TSB. It's free money, and you can set up single as well as joint accounts in most cases.

Aren't they something stupid like 5% up to like £200?

I'm with Santander, the £5 monthly charge for a 123 account hurts but after cashback for utilities and council tax, the 1.5% interest still comes out ahead.

Nationwide is $2500
TSB is £1500, it's so cosy

Don't need direct debits either, just set up standing orders between the different bank accounts and it counts as if you've "paid in" the required amount.

I've done the sums, and I'm lucky enough that the 123 from Santander is still better for me, even with the bloody monthly charge. Still, worth checking anyway

It's not an or, it's an and. You can have this as well as your santander.
Just drive any excess into the other accounts, it's good to have 6 months of living expenses in cash

Get my car paid off in full

Start saving for a property

Currently 25 and earning £105k/year so pretty ahead of the game, I just need crypto to moon in 2020 to achieve god status

nice strawman you faggot
Im against democracy and im ESPECIALLY against representative democracy. I think ultimately people are too easily manipulated by propaganda and will vote against their own interests, as is clearly shown ITT
however if we have a democratic system then yes I would prefer to at least vote in the people that fuck me over not have them vote in completely different people who dont even live in the same country

>Currently 25 and earning £105k/year
Why would you need to fuck around with cryptocurrency if you're already earning almost four times the median wage?

>and earning £105k/year
What do you do?

My goal is to find a good looking British woman.

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good luck user.

I still want to be retired or at least have the option of being retired in my early 30s

Had a rough year lads. First post on Jow Forums in a year or year and a half at least, at least I can count on this shithole to always be there.

>got from fat to fit
>struggle with a lot of mental shit from the past
>even though I went from kissless virgin to fucking a decent amount this year
>became the Chad I always hated, but I was in pursuit of the love I was never given
>get heart broken by not 1 but 2 girls this year
>realise I give parts of myself away too easily
>realised I stopped striving for better, stopped lifting as hard, stooped reading as much
>after the 2nd mental breakdown of the year (2 weeks ago) finally realised I need to focus on myself and helping others
>what will be will be
>tfw didn’t feel even 1/10th as crushed when looking at my portfolio
>it’s the universe giving me a chance to DCA while depriving me of love and affection

Thanks for always being here anons. You honestly don’t know how much of a difference you guys make with your posts. I learn a surprising amount from you guys and your retarded shenanigans make me chuckle. I’m just going to focus on lifting and learning for a while. Larping aside, I know we’re all gonna make it.

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Sounds good, information on Nutmeg seems really easy to digest which is good for first time investors like me, how accurate would you say is the chance to lose your investment in their projections? Currently it's giving me 5% chance but obviously it would be good to know how much that can fluctuate.

Also, any hidden charges or rules about pulling out at any point? I know the minimum time frame is 3 years and I'm willing to stay on for that but just in case.

>how accurate would you say is the chance to lose your investment in their projections?
Not to be glib, but if I knew that I'd be on a Barbados beach by now. A general rule of thumb is to only invest what you can afford to lose - which is why I started out just putting £100 into the ISA - but other than that it'll go up and down, fact of life. All you can do is find a level of risk you're comfortable with, work out how long you want to invest for, and leave it alone until you need it.

The only fee they charge is the quarterly (iirc) charge that covers everything - and they take it from your account invisibly, so you don't need to worry about settling accounts or sperate payments or anything, just set up a standing order or direct debit and you're done.

I don't recall a fixed three year thing - they ask you contribute I think a minimum of £50 a month, as long as you do that there's literally no other catches or clever tricks.

Bottom line, the £ value you see when you log in is what is yours. Can't fault them for that.

Past performance doesn't guarantee future returns, but I've dug out my Nutmeg figures:

Started with a £1000 deposit 01/02/2014
Added £100/mth thereafter
Final balance on 02/09/17 was £6405

At some point I switched to the fixed allocation setup when they became available, before that I was in the managed account thing. Switching out was exactly like swapping a current account, give details to the new place and they handle everything over a few weeks.

76k linker
But will aim for 100k by the end of Jan

Brexit bad, globalism good

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What is the evidence of gpb accumulation by the Rothschilds. Do you have the link to the thread?

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Why are developers in the UK unappropriated?

>starting salaries of 18k
>average salary of 35 - 40k

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Based tooth doctor

software developers that is

Because the figures you listed are often graduate to mid tier salaries

> low entry requirement
Degree is not important, literally any STEM related thing will do

> outsourcing and remote
These are becoming increasingly common, lowers costs

> high growth potential industry
It's competitive and while the demand is high so is supply of workers

That being said, with enough experience that is worthwhile (and diversifying skills) you are guaranteed to find opportunities just about everywhere you go. Don't be the clock in clock out code monkey who only does what they're told, working on personal projects in your free time to fill out your portfolio really makes your skills more attractive for an employer.

this uk get rid of a whole layer of gov.

No matter all the fake news, think about the millions of unless people in eu gov you dont have to pay

1. make more money
2. finish the album I've been procrastinating on forever
3. buy a moog voyager
4. buy a new house
5. meditate more often

Any anons in /london/ here?

I'm trying to figure out how to make the most of the city. I moved here a couple months ago from the continent and so far I've managed to put together a fairly active social calendar by going to events hosted by societies and clubs that I'm a member of (was lucky enough to have reciprocity agreements with a few of them) etc.

But what else is there to do than going to formal dinners and cocktail receptions? I regularly meet a lot of nice people there but I'd also like to experienece the other side of London, and more importantly where do I meet qts in this city that aren't 21st century status-seeking slags?