What is going on with Deutsche Bank? Is a bail out possible?

I fear that it could cause a chain reaction and the implosion of the European Union. It also seems to me that we have a situation in which everybody knows but nobody speaks, a palpable tension is visible even across media.
What may happen, and when ?also and how should I prepare?

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>the implosion of the European Union

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stack up on food, water and ammo
learn building mud huts, learn to hunt and survive

Have they been lending money to all those roody poos you let in?

How will we know who to shoot first user

What isnit about poor loser social outcasts that makes them wish for the collapse of society?
Its a mystery! kek

everyone, people will go crazy after electricity is gone

how anybody can believe that the direction the west is heading in is good is the real mystery to me

>It's another lunatic commie raid

Attached: Where+are+your+brainlet+images+fj_d237bc_6691842.jpg (692x800, 73K)

Shoot at anybody whose skin is darker than yours.

Plunge fund reserve was released recently, inrelation to banks ?

Why the bank should have a problem? Germanbro here

The better question is why society has so many social outcasts, stupid commie fuck.

>how should I prepare?
Read your Bible. Pray. Repent of your sins.

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Du willst mich doch verarschen, oder?! Lurk more until you die, newfag.

Wenn es Probleme gibt wäre das schon lange in den News

hör auf zu ködern joscher.
deutsche bank nearly failed in the past and has giant amounts of debt. they sold of some parts of their business this year, but so far it hasnt been successful. their stock is falling rapidly atm.

Anyone know, what price they do a bank bail in ? For DB

Don't worry. Finland will dedicate the next 10 years of her budget to bail out Deutche bank just to keep EU alive, for free.

yeah, what's not to love about a slave world ruled by jews stomping on your face forever. you have to be a total loser who doesn't get enough sex to want it to end.

Heut schon Fliesentisch geputzt?

>supermarkets vs canned food
>no medical attention
>internet gets cut

yeah fuck the revolution and yo uwould cry like a baby once your mommy takes your nintendo ds away

>Wenn es Probleme gibt wäre das schon lange in den News

>What isnit about poor loser social outcasts that makes them wish for the collapse of society?
You know the answer. The feeling of nothing to lose. That same feeling has been fertile ground for many government overthrows through history. Happy and comfy people don't revolt.

Ich hoffe, dass dein Beitrag nur ein Köder ist.

short the bottom...hurenkinder

>Is a bail out possible?
I would say mandatory! The germans can't let it go to zero! But how close it gets is anyones guess

Seems like the Germans need some sort of leader to guide them through these tough times.

Best advice to yurofrens: pull your savings out of your banks in cash. Read up on the Cyprus bail-ins if you want to know why.

lol 10/10 bait hans

who cares about deutsche bank? just let them go bankrupt?

As great as this would be, it would probably usher in a global recession on the scale of 2008.

Chances of a 3rd world war beginning in europe due to immigration crisis? Or pretty much impossible today?

deutsche bank is fucked. literally fucked. i work in IB and here are some cues:

> massively oversupplied compared to other banks on senior level (MD's), earning hundreds of dollars a year without doing anythingm.
> banks got massive fined for leveraged business, means the fine was double leverage (business leverage + increased amount to deter other banks from performing in similar behaviour)
> the fines come on top during a time the bank decided to "cut costs". and they were determined to "cut cost", obviously also harming their (still) profitable business areas
> massive exposure to southern europe

my guess is this shit will blow the fuck up when southern european countries start to default, or another financial crisis occurs. DB is a behemoth in the market, but its way too old, slow and weak to survive the next financial crisis

Meddl loide

Almost fucked

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if they're black
send 'em back

If they’re brown, mow them down

Everybody in germany knows that they we're artificially held up during the financial crisis and burned so much fucking money, but nobody really cares about them anymore.
Just let it die already.

>Deutsche Bank is German because it's called "Deutsche Bank"

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Their trillion dollar balance sheet is made up of dogshit. That company is a ticking time bomb and will be the first domino of many to fall.

bigger than 2008

>they scared of this bank

DB is insolvent, what can be done other than a bailout? Who can possibly afford to bailout DB?

I no dats rite.

>I honestly don't understand why this would cause a recession, and I work in education, which means I am in charge of educating the next generation

the future is bright guys

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Watch Inside Job, read the Bitcoin Standard

The ECB can print and hand out trillions of euros, as they've already been doing in the past decade. At some point it can get out of hand as too many banks receive gibs, but it's certainly the path of least resistance and is consistent with everything they've been doing. If things get too bad they can also start expropriating people. For now printing money is quick and easy, and pushes the problem a bit further down the road.

Read? Was dat?

For example, look at the LTRO programme, 1 trillion created out of thin air and handed out just like that:


They can do this with 2 or 3 or 10 trillion euros as well if they need to. The system is fucked no matter what, throwing more good money at this ruined market does not make a difference in the long run.

>Pajeet larper thinks a hundred bucks a year is a lot of money

The fact that they don t screaming out loud, but they whisper it is the real concern.
They want to avoid panic

Every bank in Europe is struggling, and is also inter-twined with every other bank in Europe, of which DB is the largest. If it goes, the entire thing goes, and EU along with it. If Germany bails it out, it will have broken EU rules it itself set up, and everybody will leave the EU to look after their own struggling banking systems.

As I said earlier, pull any savings you have in Eurobanks unless you enjoy the prospect of having them used to bail in your banks. It’s the only way.

don't worry, Italians will bail the bank out like we did in 2011.

too big to fail. Hans, your tax money and your lifes savings will safe those banksters over and over again. You might be broke and find.yourself living from HartzIV, but rest ashured, not a single one of those suits will ever face poverty.

As you mention, the whole interconnected web is a clusterfuck. Do you know who's buying 90% of italian debt right now? The ECB. Literally no one else wants to touch it. Southern europe will be a circus when this goes under.