Chinese Scientists Literally Turn Copper into Silver and Gold


>A team of Chinese researchers have turned cheap copper into a new material “almost identical” to gold, according to a study published in peer-reviewed journal Science Advances on Saturday. The discovery will significantly reduce the use of rare, expensive metals in factories, said the authors.

>The new material created by Sun’s lab cannot be used to make fake gold pennies. Its density remains the same as ordinary copper. But the process could prove lucrative and provide a significant boost for Chinese industries, according to the researchers.

>Precious metals remain central to modern economies. The components of electronic devices, for instance, contain a large amount of gold, silver and platinum. About 40 smartphones can contain as much gold as a tonne of ore, it has been estimated. The method developed by Sun’s team can inject a large amount of energy into copper atoms and made the electrons more dense and stable, they said.

>Professor Sun Jian and colleagues at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Liaoning, shot a copper target with a jet of hot, electrically charged argon gas. The fast-moving ionised particles blasted copper atoms off the target. The atoms cooled down and condensed on the surface of a collecting device, producing a thin layer of sand. The researchers put the material in a reaction chamber and used it as a catalyst to turn coal to alcohol, a sophisticated and difficult chemical process that only precious metals can handle efficiently.

>“The copper nano particles achieved catalytic performance extremely similar to that of gold or silver,” Sun and collaborators said in a statement posted on the academy’s website on Saturday. The new material can resist high temperatures, oxidisation and erosion, according to the researchers.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>trust me gweilo it same as gold

>forking gold

>Chinese scientists
Stopped right there.

autism transcends race

>Science Advances
Literal shit tier journal. I would never accept to publish there

imagine actually having a fucking ROCK as a store of value.

Attached: 1540976687058.png (562x350, 99K)

>imagine owning a real life frog that you bought at the pet store when you can have 50 Pepe frogs on your computer

Link to paper?

>imagine actually having a fucking ROCK as a store of value.

Attached: Grug.jpg (800x450, 41K)

haha this would be just my luck considering I bought some for the first time in my life only recently


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good for bitcoin, fud gold


the whole "gold has use while bitcoin hasent" argument just went down the rain

now it's simply a shiny rock

Gold and silver have "bullshit" value like a currency and is not just about its intristic properties.

also, the amount of energy it takes to produce that material probably costs more than its worth than to just use gold

>t. dumdum uneducated racist fuckers underestimating the chinks gooks pajeets and japs
and this is the reason the eastern people will dominate in the future

>Chinese making knock off shit

How stereotypical

Not reading the article but it probably costs so much energy that it isn’t worth it

Another chink scam, most likely

>A team of Chinese researchers have turned cheap copper into a new material “almost identical” to gold
>Almost identical to gold
>Almost identical

yeah... no.

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gold: xinping vision is the real gold

This is just jews spamming false flags to make the plebs sell before the reset. don't fall for it.

no, this is jews selling us fake gold for 30+ years and them just now telling us in an obscure way. they have the real gold

>he hasn't traded his pepes in for apus

Chinese technological progress: pretending alchemy is real

Fuck off, the White man will fix it, just like everything else

Imagine ignoring the fact that gold has had value since the beginning of time and the world functions differently than your brain. Imagine being so poor that you attempt to fud something that people kill for

yikes. if this can really be a substitute for gold and silver in electronics, and is cheap to produce by comparison, then silver is going to get megajusted. idk about gold, but it's sure to lose some value at least.

Market will fix it.

Once kike cartel collapses, the price of precious metals will revert to their open market value, not their naked short paper metal values.

Businesses which rely on cheap PM will become unviable and new businesses will form in their place. This is how it is supposed to work.


wow I’m bad at Jow Forums.... also checkem

Is it always like this?
Im a newfag trying to learn my grandfathers job, is this a recurring thing?

Top lad

that would mean DB and their short position on silver dosent get REKT and the recession is delayed

based chinamen

underrated post

Actually they’re forking copper.

if it becomes indistinguishable that's more like attacking. like if someone was able to create bitcoin out of thin air, forking is different

Nice job slipping pajeets in there, sir.

did anyone notice the internet shutdown before the stocks opened up today? was that to stop panic sells?

similar to gold in industrial use case buy still identifiably copper. Not gold.

Found the shitskin

>made the electrons more dense and stable
Does it really.


They're copper nanoparticles embedded onto a surface you uneducated mongs.

>similar to gold in industrial use case
allegedly! by some chink scammers.
to my knowledge of chemical and quantum mechanics it's not possible to alter an atoms electron shell and keep it stable because the natural form is the stable form.

project baby strikes again

the chinese can make knockoffs of anything

I agree completely however gold is made by nature. If people learn the process and duplicate it then they can in theory make gold.

dunno what he could mean by that metals have free floating electrons, meaning you can't really condense them even the idea of keeping them in place by any means is retarded.

well we already did, in the large hadron collider if you blamm a proton into a lead plate you have a chance to make some gold. all it takes is the gdp of a decent sized country and you can make a few micrograms of gold per year. a hobo panning gold in any river would probably find more tho.


sorry not lead mercury my mistake!

>gold is made by nature
well if you consider star sized fusion reactors nature... btw as it turns out some gold is also created in reactors (like other platinum group metals) from uranium.




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Sure friend, underestimate those who will btfo you.

Pajeets are actuallly incredible intelligent despite their shitskin and lack of hygen. Well thats if you compare them to idiot Americans:

There is no way in hell that they are in the sane level as Chinks and Japs though


It’s a numbers game. If geniuses make up 0.1% of the population and there’s 1000000000 of them, you do the math. Poos are no smarter on average than any other group.

This might affect my company, which actually makes gold targets. It does not affect you or the gold market. This is an extremely niche application that accounts for a small fraction of a percent of gold consumed worldwide.

As a person who uses wires a lot, this is cool.

As a person who loves chemistry, this is fucking awesome.

CUAU is the real CU

>CUAU, the Big Bang's vision


Bumping with more fake gold from China

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>almost identical

kek tungsten bars, nice

It’s almost the same as gold

Chinese only know how to steal intellectual property in this day and age.

bch is almost the same as btc, better sell all your btc

but how do you do that?

gold certs will always be used and so fractional

Does anyone have a link to the actual paper? This article doesn't really make sense and media always misrepresented science. Also, as someone in chemistry research, be very skeptical of chink and pajeet research

If you were actually educated you would know Chinese pollute scientific journals with shit tier papers copying whatever the new trend is.

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Whatever these chinks did enabled copper to act the way gold does when used as a sputtering target, which is a very niche method of depositing insanely thin films of metal over a substrate. It uses almost no gold whatsoever and customers return their used targets after the disk gets deformed so it can be remelted. The majority of the cost of these things is from the fabrication process.

yeah I was confused why they are calling this a new material. What makes these CuNPs special? I see it says it resists oxidation and high temp

And yeah, the article is very misleading. They bring up the use of metals in electronics, as if the copper would be replacing gold then talk about catalyst generation with sputtering lmao

Here's the published study:

On the off chance this isn't yet another case of chinks commiting academic fraud, this may save companies money on certain manufacturing processes. It will however have close to zero effect on the price of gold though. My company may lose a bit of business, but it won't be replacing gold bonding wire or gold in medical devices.

>Its density remains the same as ordinary copper.
Then it's not fucking gold. Gold is defined as atoms with 79 protons. Does your material have 79 protons? No? Fuck off then. The only way to manufacture gold is with nuclear fusion with supernova-tier energies, or the fission of similarly expensive as fuck heavy elements. We can definitely make small numbers of gold atoms with particle accelerators, but it's like ten orders of magnitude easier to dig it out of the ground.

Nobody is going to just find a way to magic up some easy gold.

The energy required to do this would be immense and dangerous. Did people here fail out of junior high physical science?

>Chinese sell knock-off iPhones
>sell all Apple stock right now!!!

How many geniuses are from sub-Saharan Africa?


You retards still using CU when higher density metals can't scale. Buy CUAU.

Fake news. This isn't even gold like you think it is you fucking retards
The powder ONLY resembles gold or silver during a chemical reaction, doesn't mean it can be molded into gold that's usable in devices

>its old so its good


>"Rare earth metals"
Oh look, that moon right beside us also has a fuck ton of them.

>rare earth metals
They’re not earth metals if they’re on the moon

Yeah, just call them Lanthanides you nerd

>almost identical

it would take more energy to 51 attack bitcoin than to literally print fake gold
>yea im thinkin were back

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Based and rockpilled

Imagine thinking the generations who pay thousands to roll dice in virtual skinner boxes for skins in a game they dont own a physical copy of and who also think men can be women with penises will be concerned about "the past" and what was accepted then.

what are you you really thinking about, user?

>almost identical

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People kill for women too, user. I'll FUD them all fucking day.

>trusting chinks
seriously niggers?

He's probably referring to the retarded boomers who think "you can't hold Bitcoin in your hands" is a good argument against crypto/BTC.

About tree fiddy

Seriously though, I was referring to modern humans, not Australian abos or sub-Saharan niggers.

All ILLenials and zoomers have phones. They prefer to use the phones to even a computer. Powerful computer, portable computers, etc fuck 'em.

Pocket computers it shall be. And tap to pay digital wallets are a reality.

No one will accept a "shilling" for anything.

I can't believe nobody has said it. They literally did a Chinese knockoff of a fucking element.


>China using science to make more fake things
What a surprise. Maybe China can make a fake girlfriend for us since they're so good at making fake things. Completely serious, senpai

It is yellow and fake. Brb, filing a trademark.