Crypto is over

I sold everything...

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I sold half on 4200 and other half will be sold when/if it reach 5000.


I screenshot this to show to my children in 20 years when they inherit billion usd $

I will say to them 'not everyone was smart as your father, it took iron hard to survive year of FUD, but I knew better'

Kys loser

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Iron hands*
No pajeet, phone has Autocomplete on

>muh iron hands
enjoy watching your money evaporate for the next 2-3 years

Same here, sold everything between 3800 and 4100. I will rebuy between 800 and 1500


Was my last hope and now it’s gone


>I sold everything...
>I sold half on 4200 and other half will be sold when/if it reach 5000.
>Same here, sold everything between 3800 and 4100. I will rebuy between 800 and 1500

Actually, THIS is where crypto starts rising. Bye fags. You won't be missed.

>sold the bottom
never change biz

Not quite. Still a bit to fall. $2.7K is my bet, and where i'll start laddering in.

You mean.. It's over for you. I'd bet almost anything you FOMO back in like a fool on the next bounce.

lol, 1500 is a meme to make the last hodlers capitulate, congrats, you fell for it, enjoy buying back above 6k

Once bitten, twice shy.
The normies are not coming back.

Crypto is dead.

>hi biz I’m the modern version of an SDA follower after The Great Disappointment

crypto won’t rise until we get a product that actually serves a function and real life purpose.

not a good white paper
not a good idea
not something with a roadmap

an actual product with a service to offer people. the time of speculation on ideas is over. until this happens the market will be dead.

It already did rise buddy and it can only go up longterm, just go offline and ask someone who knows something.
Try to understand you are reading opinions of uneducated inexperienced illiterate bitter poor fast food wagies.
Bitcoin will be worth millions and that's a fact.

>crypto won’t rise until we get a product that actually serves a function and real life purpose.

Already happening on many fronts. Within 6 months we will have an assortment of cool dapps that are upgrades from standard applications.

literally everyone on this board with liquidity has said they are buying back in between 800-2800, if you cant think 3 steps ahead, stay poor

name 2

Sure buddy. It’s your money that’s lost, feel free to do what you want to lose it. Once capitulation begins, you’ll be begging people to buy your bags.

Yeah ok. Popular meme. But they’re not wrong. Crypto isn’t mooning for quite some time. 2000s WILL be tested. Do not be delusional

Remember my words idiot, it will NEVER even go below 3200

>Crypto isn’t mooning for quite some time

Pick one and act accordingly. Personally, I will be happy to accumulate since I was late to the 2017 bullrun. The more we keep going sideways the happier I am, no matter which is the bottom.


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K well enjoy putting your money into a blackhole for 5+ years. There are better investments out there.

Tell me one with a potentially higher ROI than crypto, just one. However, I don't mind to burn some money monthly, it's what everyone does no matter for what, at least I will do it with a chance for a brighter future of mine. Indeed, I myself think that I'm going to throw that money in the trash, I accept this premise and I'm good to go.

If you paid attention to even 30% of the projects in the adoption phase, you'd know normies don't even need to be aware of what a blockchain, dpl, or bitcoin even is for all of this to take off.

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Normies? I bet you own XRP and TRON.

After it broke $5800 support I sold

This shitcoin is going straight back to $20

The entire crypto market practically mimics Bitcoin. It was destined to fail.

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this was just sad to read

Hahahaha ROFL fucking idiot, look at the buy walls under 3k NOTHING can break that. We are going back to ATH sooner than you think noob
Selling BTC is just a meme for idiots from reddit just like chain link.
ENTIRE BIZ is holding BTC

Why would anyone sell the bottom, you are literally retarded if you believe in the end of Bitcoin meme

BTC is a shitcoin for boomers that don't use crypto.

Sometimes selling out is waking up

>told myself on last New Years Eve that if I didn't make it by the end of 2018 I will kms
>still haven't made it.

time is running out for me

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what do you mean chainlink is a meme?

Wait another 13 years, AI is coming.
If I find it I will make you a god.

>He thinks he’ll get $5,000 for imaginary “money”

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1000 eoy checkem

The boomers got fleeced.
They aren't coming back.

:') you made me almost forget that we are on Jow Forums, nigger


No fren, stocks are for boomers. Bitcoin is the new thing

obvious shill is obvious

If I lose 5k in crypto oh well I fucking lost. If crypto becomes big I become a millionaire. I'll take the 5k loss, I can easily make that back in 1 month of work.

Shilling to who? 30 wagies? Wake up fucker I have no reason to shill anything I am telling you what I think. Stupid paranoid assholes

hey don't you shittalk chainlink you dirty r*dditor

Never touched reddit mofo, no fb acc either

Never selling my linkies

Will hold them to 1kEOY or zero

good thing safex marketplace is coming out in the winter


Youll buy back in at 8k

Hi joey

>Selling BTC is just a meme for idiots from reddit just like chain link.
>ENTIRE BIZ is holding BTC
all of biz is holding chainlink u retard.

Whats the real talk at 12 AM?

I’m not holding btc or Chainlink. Speak for yourselves anons. Some of us have better picks long term.

the only viable option in this market is LINK BTC XMR ETH. Thats it boy.

lol nub bought high and sold low

Unfortunately you are wrong. Stay poor

Everybody holds gaylink and we all love fresco. Fuck off with your shit coin