How the heck are we gonna get rich now?

how the heck are we gonna get rich now?

Attached: wagecuck_tax_cow.jpg (231x218, 14K)

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Idk fren idk....

Unironically working hard and having a aggressive Roth IRA

what happened?

>On a BUSINESS board talking about BUSINESS.
>"How do we get rich?"

dollar cost averaging over 30 years. your probably, what, 23?

>pick a good looking ETF
>invest the most you can per month ($500 is a good start)
>do this for 30 years
>you’ll be 53 with a nest egg likely worth ~700k

combined with building a saving + investing in 401k until then, you’ll be able to retire the day you turn 53 and live comfortably for the rest of your life. it’s pretty simple.

Businesses are hard and boring. I want to get rich fast without doing absolutely nothing that involves more than 10 clicks a week

In that case, just start buying rental houses and build up that passive income.

same bro.

Wtf? I had 800k in January bullrun from 35k initial. Im not waiting that long

>you’ll be able to retire the day you turn 53 and live comfortably for the rest of your life

You won't have much of a life left though, will you buddy?

>wagecuck for another 20-30 years
no thanks

he asked how to make it. Barring a miraculous return of crypto, with limited funds this is the most surefire way.

If you want to test your luck, drop all your available funds into LINK or ETH or BTC and cross your fingers and wait.

But if you 100% want to make it, then my way works.

i want a unicorn and a blowjob from kate upton.

kys now to avoid the pain of being disappointed you're entire life without hard work

>invest for 30 years
>you now have 700k in your 50s
>meanwhile inflation has wiped out two thirds of your purchasing power, so its only really ~250k in 2018 money
gee cant wait to retire with my fat money bags!

you stupid ass boomer, American economy isn't going to exist by the time I'm 53. gas yourself

Unironically this.

I'm 24 and dumping 2k/month on banks and financial companies while they're down and plan on holding for at least 20 years so I'm not concerned about volatility. Dividends are your fren, fren.

No mention of NEO, stay poor. Im not propping up your SS ponzi you entitled boomer fuck

Attached: 1529252494877.png (3840x2160, 2.28M)

>bank and financial companies
>holding for 20 years

Larp or not, you won't make it. I would rather just hoard cash than "invest" it in a fucking bank.

Live at home, save all income from decent job. Buy a family sized house and rent it out, keep saving and buy a small apartment for myself.

Then buy a third house and cut back my hours to 20.

Attached: 1508063506239.jpg (630x630, 119K)

I'm getting buying mutual fund companies at 2010 levels down 60% from ATH. These are slow moving conglomerates and thinking in a decade time frame is more pragmatic than trying to swing trade in a correcting market. Accumulating is the safest thing for someone my age to do.

Also I'm in leafistan and our banking system is historically pretty insulated from downturns.

XRP is a $10 token. Buy accordingly

Can't imagine unironically being this stupid and short sighted.

Seriously, neck yourself. You won't contribute to the species.

This is terrible advice. This nigger won't even beat inflation.

I hope it's insulated, it's so cold there! heh heh
