I am a legendary btc whale that coordinates with three others who began mining with me in 2010...

I am a legendary btc whale that coordinates with three others who began mining with me in 2010. We have thousands of wallets to disguise our movements. Right now, as I speak, hundreds of millions worth of our btc is en route to five different exchanges to push down the price. You should sell now and buy back only when I return to say so.

Attached: 382Kyogre_Pokemon_Battle_Revolution.png (1728x1440, 934K)

What is your price target user?

I wished i cared, theres threads like this every hour

Attached: 9376C5A4-95AA-491B-A144-25AE81C2F5FE.jpg (238x212, 9K)

Do it. BTC is disentangling from the crypto markets. Tether had more trade volume than it for a week straight.
You are losing your only real use case as a base pair by playing stupid whale games.
Fucking idiots.

thanks based whale i just sold every last bitcoin i ever accumulated, i will buy back only when you tell me it is safe to do so

This. I don't believe OP and I don't care if it's true
>implying whales ever help biz

>BTC will moon with ETF approval
>SEC won't approve ETF due to faggy whale games
>"pssst we're gonna make waves look i'm a whale!"
good job?

How much LINK do you have?

Attached: 99-level-of-stress-when-your-wife-checks-the-search-35483290.jpg (500x496, 53K)

You realise without a morsel of proof, youre as trustworthy as a street shitter pajeet accessing the internet on his motorola razr.
Either substantiate your claim In the slightest or fuck In an offward direction.

>trusting anything anyone said on 4cucks
top kek kys faggot.

Thanks whale. I'm glad I listened for once.


Attached: F330C0A4-539A-4277-B52D-24C21560FAB7.png (630x420, 175K)

Let me guess, if btc goes any higher you will get liquidated?
Fuck off, nobody believes your bullshit.

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you posted this after the dump, post proof nigger

>posted 1 hour and 20 minutes ago


targets based whale?

> when I come back
> no trip code

So.. were supposed to believe that no one else will take your shitty gif and LARP?


look when the dump ended and when he posted dumbass

Attached: Screenshot_20181227-205855.png (1080x1920, 164K)

You are dumb. He clearly posted before the dump. kys

lmao fucking idiot

You guys do realize anyone can act like a whale?? Literally every hour theres whale thread going "durp hey guys its going to go up/down" and than btc barts and then you post the pic "durp told you so! Duuurp" the people on this board have to be the most stupid type of people

Who is the idiot here. Your Tradeview is UTC timezone, now gtfo

That doesnt matter anyone who can do simple ta could have told you a dump is coming, stop spreading your stupid to everyone else

Please tell me it will go under 3500

>You should sell now and buy back only when I return to say so.

Attached: 1544220829702.jpg (640x502, 16K)


What price do you guys tentatively have for the bottom?

Attached: Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM.png (1354x784, 869K)

suck me

Attached: IMG_20181227_212614.png (852x305, 77K)

So? Dump happened 1 hour later.
See >>

> when I return
> no trip

Lmao amateur larp hour

are you going to post here when to buy back or somewhere else mr.whale?

BTC tanks every 5 minutes its really not a big accomplishment to call a dump right now

Update op, dont be a faggot. When should Jow Forumsraelis buy back?