co-worker called off

> co-worker called off
> now I have to work 13 hours by myself to cover him without a lunch

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Other urls found in this thread:

report your employer to the dept of labor for not having a mandatory meal break

>answered your phone when work called
your fault

bring a bag of granola and eat it from your pocket while working

>2019 minus one week
>having a job
Kys normal

Don't worry your teflon now. Make sure your supervisor knows you are hanging in there and maintaining as best as you can. This part is important - REDUCE your output. Actually do LESS than you normally would. You are giving the impression that you are a team player.. a beast.. yet you are actually not doing a fucking thing. Standby your promotion is coming.

I was already at work I came in at 7 am he’s supposed to come in at 12 pm and work till 8

fugg rip

You have to have a lunch hour by law. I'm pretty sure you can report that.

can you imagine being this much of a fag about having to work hard

God I would hate to be you. I honestly don't know how you do it. You are literally someone's bitch, they can talk to you however they want, make demands, dictate your schedule. What an awful existence

guarantee literally nothing would come of it and if it did, the state would just call OP's employer. rumors would circulate. everyone at work would know OP as a "snitch". his boss would treat him like shit and write him out of shifts or possible promotions indefinitely.

based co-worker having the time of his live cucking you as a collateral

No such thing in most states

>his boss would treat him like shit and write him out of shifts or possible promotions indefinitely.
this is the best possible outcome!
cause OP should be recording/documenting all this for his lawsuit. (see: "Retaliation")
then when they settle, he can move on to a better job

Absolutely illegal in America...where you at? Shit hole countries shouldn't post here.

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I tried looking this law up before and didn’t find anything


If he has vacay/sick leave saved up, dont you fucking dare blame him for utilizing the benefits promised to him in his initial interview. Wagecucks like you are the reason I come in sick, because you bitch and complain when I first took a day off when I was contagious.
Don't dox yourself and tell people what state you live in unless you don't care.

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no laws for my state unless you’re a minor JUST


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America is a shithole country though

Eat something on the way to the bathroom.

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“Sorry wagie, no breaks or lunches for you, Mr. Goldberg needs you available and working at ALL times”

>have to
Just quit and go have lunch. If you have such a shit job that you don't get a lunch break you can get another one just like it.

This user knows how the game works

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