Who's a faketoshi now bitch

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kek daniel treccia

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Szabo is at least 50 IQ points higher than this well know scammer & impersonator.

Buy Craig coin sirs, creg Wright is unironically satoj

Watch the video of them debating in 2015 and you'll see what a fool you are, szabo is too low energy, people mistake that for wisdom or humble worldliness when he is actually an autist who cant stop dropping red pills on twitter and will probably get fired by blockstream eventually.

Speaking of which; the whole notion that he is satoshi is a fiction created in late 2014 to distract you from craig wright. they literally cherrypicked the already small list of known cypherpunks and picked him to be satoshi.

you are a late adopter, but NOBODY was talking about nick zabo in 2013.

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"im satoshi here let me proof it"
*pays some dudes money so they confirm it*
"oh you figured out i just copy & pasted something out of an old satoshi transaction"
"im shy now"
"i need to protect my family!"
"thus im not providing further proof"
*forks shitcoin*
"guys buy this coin im gonna prove im unironically satoshi next year"

like how fucking retarded can you be?

The difference:
>CSW has yet to prove he is Satoshi. >Szabo has yet to prove he isn't Satoshi.

And NOBODY with a brain believes csw is satoshi.

Thats the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard. Leave my thread and piss off for good.

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Joseph VaughnPerling, Ian Grigg, Jon Matonis and Gavin Andressen

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>I-it doesn't matter anyways, we're going to turn the internet into one endless series of microtransactions because everyone loves that shit

How long until he ends up in jail?

you are an idiot, csw is an idiot, Szabo is part of the collective that consists of him, hal finney, and maybe a few other old heads like ari juels, Finneys childhood fren. Nobody takes csw seriously cuz he has been proven time and again to be a fraud.


bch sanjays vision is a joke, csw claims at finally creating black net are a joke, and anyone beleiving this fraud is satoshi in 2018 is a joke. Fuck off shill.

Wrong pictures sir

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Great minds think about ideas; ordinary minds think about people..

Keep showing your hand though, brainlet

NPCs like you are going to lose so much money because you didn't do your due dilligence

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Truth hurts that much OP? Szabo has denied being Satoshi for years, people just naturally conclude it's likely him;"Unlike CSW who needs to insist he is Satoshi.

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Rand Paul is globalist deconstructing the US.
So is Trump. How foolish you faggots are..

im all in Link, aka THE GOD PROTOCOL nigger.

I don't give a shit about your faggy austrailian scammer or anyone else claiming to be something they cant prove. Whatever craig is paying you to shit up this board, is never gonna be enough to convince us he is anything other than a shitcoin scammer.

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>Great minds think about ideas; ordinary minds think about people..
>7 posts by this ID
Fuck off tumblrina

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LINK is just another scam security token. You don't understand economics as they relate to security; nor does Mr. Szabo.

Here is CSW's phd thesis. Read it and weep. The guy is a genius, and you're a delusional faggot with a bunch of jewish ETH tokens.

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Is that why he’s crashing the world’s markets? Fucking retard.

Btw, in some circles this paper is said to be the precursor, or the companion piece, to the Bitcoin white paper itself

it's finally settled

whoever craig wright says is NOT satoshi absolutely HAS TO BE satoshi

case closed

>grown men arguing on twitter whos better
you guys are like the normies of biz, yo dude my team is better they scored a point!

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Classic american goys.
One can tell you the unconmfortable truth and you will dismiss it.
You will see in a couple years.

> Is that why he’s crashing the world’s markets? Fucking retard.
He is not doing anything with markets.
If anything he supports US isolationism which is in line with globalist agenda.

I just want to say that just looking at that image hurts. Amazing

Im starting to believe you are csw at this point. Your faggotry is certainly on par with his, and the level to which you insist on sucking his dick really reminds me of his own self aggrandizing ways. Link is a utility token dipshit, just ask gosner, Benioff, the head of the WEF, the heads of Swift, Blythe Masters, Ari Juels, etc. etc.

But pls tell me again about the sheer genius of this faggot strayan retard who partnered with jihan and roger vers and then forked a fork cuz his plan didn't work out.

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>Btw, in some circles this paper is said to be the precursor, or the companion piece, to the Bitcoin white paper itself
more like in some sircles

Szabo himself having to make efforts to prove he isnt Satoshi. I arrest my case.

Metanet is stupid. It will never get adopted. Nickel and diming users will never fucking work

>utility token

Piss off

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craig, your not fooling anyone, you should just stick to fucking 6/10 Asian hookers and enjoy the money you do have. We are never gonna believe you. Just stop, it's embarrassing.

lmao link has taken every approach to not be considered a sec. level 1 fud man, wonder how big your link bag is and please stfu about link the less people that know the better dumbass twitter faggot

What an absolute turd of a post. 85% of all bitcoin mining occurs in China, and about 75% of that in szechuan province. Faketoshi doesn’t have any fabs or chips to build miners. Bitmain bought almost all of TSMC production run.

Faketoshi have nothing apart from wasted private investors money

Here is a video where CSW redpills nick szabo in front of a live audience on bitcoin being turing complete. For anyone that actually saw this vid when it first came out back then, it was quite a big deal. Nobody knew who the fuck CSW was, and Szabo himself was still a big mystery. CSW was added last minute by the roastie moderator, who got shit on by everyone for letting him on and disgracing Sensei Nick. Fun times.

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Squire dummy

Squire is the only real player in this game

Read more!

Not really it’s all fake technobabble. Enough to fool retards and if he looks like he believes it himself most people will be too polite to deny him the platform. Craig talks like shit. He knows nothing. He’s an enemy of cryptocurrency at heart, he doesn’t really understand the point of what this is all for.

Holy fuck is this drunken Australian cunt still on a rant

Absolute nonsense. Samsung has nothing. There is nothing there. China and eventually Asia, will dominate mining for the foreseeable. Africa lol. What a joke. Samsung kek. Are you serious? Do you even have a concept of how much bitmain and then China dominate sha256? You wouldn’t because you’re a fucking shill.

you guys are so fucking gay and stupid hahahahhahaha WHO FUCKING CARES NONE OF THESE PEOPLE CARE ABOUT YOU, literally you guys are like a bunchof bitches watching a soap show lmfao hahahahahahahhahah
Omfg you guys are so fucking stupid



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Cope, you just havent done your research


eat shit faggit

Reading your stupid shill articles isn’t research you dunce

>Szabo himself was still a big mystery
Only to retards who didn't know about smart contracts and the origins of bitcoin/bitgold/double spending problem.

You're mentally ill, get some help. You don't know shit

i respect mr. satoj, the greatest scam artist in this space

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nice stale meme craig, did your son teach you that one?

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That's all you got?

Is anyone here capable of a real argument?

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Someone really brainwashed you with the breadcrumb spam

>CSW, Trump, Kennedy, Ayre, Jackson, Hitler, Jimmy Win, Patton

what did he mean by this?

>Authored in 2017
Come one. Even if his Phd took seven years he would still be 2+ years too late.

Creg Sanjay Right is unironically Satoj

That's just the date the link was posted, it was released in 2007

you do realize while bitcoin is limited, usd is not right ?
(((They))) can't do what they did to gold/silver to btc. They can't supress the price forever. Best they can do is stall the market, hope this bear market extends for a few more month. They want to profit, as much as you do. They don't care about tech or muh decentralization. They didn't at dotcom bubble, didn't care at housing bubble, and they simply won't fucking care in the future.

The question is when they'll want to shill/sell. will it hit $100k ? or $30k ? or something less ? maybe more ? and it will burst again.That's how btc grows. Booms and busts. in 3~4 years another set of normies fill this board and will cry at $15k btc, because "it's dead".

References cited inside the paper itself are from 2010.

I tried to humour you and watch this and just saw CSW embarrass himself at around 16 mins, motherfucker doesn't even understand crypto and private keys
"Bitcoin is a promissory note" -CSW
Fucking idiot

havent had the time to look up all this but what does Jow Forums have to say about this?

CSW browses Jow Forums. That's all the info I need in order to know he's a drooling retard, and quite frankly if the entire crypto spaces dies I won't shed a tear as long as that scammers Craig and his five hundred fake doctorates die with it

I wonder how csw maintains his superior self-image when he's had a dozen dicks up his asshole at once. Cognitive dissonance really is powerful I guess



Charles who university?

Go home creg, you are unironically drunk

Hmmm it took me a while to understand the whole DSV controversy. My takeaway was that enabling oracles on the base protocol changes bitcoin from a commodity to a security. You need third parties to act as oracles and assume the risk (for payment of course). LINK fills this role perfectly.

Also, LINK needs a blockchain that can scale. BSV+LINK seems like a match made in heaven to me.

What are the mining requirements for this right now?

wtf, I love Sanjeys vision now.

These street shitting Craig shills are hilarious to watch, it's like watching some Scientology cultists or some shit.

craig doing the same sleight of hand he has been doing for years. surprised people are still going for this nonsense

genesis block or bust. alt account bullshit, backdated paperwork, faked emails, its all noise. its absolutely transparent he is not when he pours all his effort into this peripheral stuff but whenever asked to sign the genesis block he goes ... oops, sorry, can't do it, that's too dangerous. but at the same time he has no problem trying to prove its him all these sideways methods? come on

what if craig was a psy-op to act so infuriating the real satoshi would reveal himself?