
Will you become a ghost when you make it Jow Forums?

By that I mean deleting social media so roasties and other undesireables won't know how rich you are, living in houses and apartments owned by offshore corps etc.

Attached: black-tie-match-metals3.jpg (675x800, 59K)

Of course this assumes that your social life can be maintained through a healthy society life, which is entirely doable in a major city. Less so if you are rurally-based.

I will quadruple my larping efforts via all avenues

that just makes it more obvious. i'd keep posting same poorfag shit

How much do I need to have to "make it?" I've got enough to never need to work again, but I still wagecuck and drive an old car and dress shabbily and have no social media whatsoever.

It's not about your current network knowing about your financial status, it is more about avoiding revealing such information to strangers in the future as well as people who you may want to befriend.

I'd say you've made it then.

Personally, I am reaching the limit of a wagecucks earning potential (at least in Europe), so soon I will hopefully start my own firm and drop this wagecuckery forever.

its to easy to hide assets, ghost mode is best putting your face out there and when people reach out most only want to use you. i still have a lot of friends cause being broke thats all someone can really do but ill be careful on who i friend especially if they know im wealthy already

I'm already ghost mode. Does this mean I made it?

I'm going fill billionaire mode when I get liquid for $100k

I'm already a ghost.


Jokes on you I'm already a ghost.

Only online trace is a linkedin profile like a good wagie

What if you made social media private?

That is what I am doing now, and I think it is reasonable enough. My Instagram is private anyway.

this, we alredy made it brahs

im already a ghost. when i /makeit/ i will go full ghost mode and go to a different country change my name, go to another country, change my name again - fake my death, start a new life pretending to have been an orphan that grew up in third world (thats why i have no records) then buy all shit i need and settle down.

Gotta fake your death in a cave diving disappearance, they don't need to find your body.

ahh yes, the famous "i am nothing but empathy"-lifestyle.


i will become even more of a troll

Instant nessaging?

I will not change a thing. I don't need money anyway, not even now. I work in R&D and could quit, but if I did, I'd mostly stop learning, which I want to avoid.

What would you do if you inherited a fortune- how would you spend your time? What would you learn if you no longer needed to work?

Of course I will go full ghost Mode. Thats the dream

mos def

I'm already a ghost, can't stand normies.

I will find a smelly jap artist gf at comiket