Can we have a good Chainlink thread? I have some fresh dots. Big ones...

Can we have a good Chainlink thread? I have some fresh dots. Big ones. I will share them if this thread have good discussion about CL and Smart Contracts.

I share them 7h from now. Keep thread alive.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Damn bro 7h is long, we want to dig now

We don’t fucking need dots or crumbs anymore, this shits going to be big. End of story.

I presume you've all heard about the swift connection?

Here is a hint:

ATshiuuuuuuhhhhhhhh ohh *sneeze*
ATShiuuuuu *sneeze* *sneeze*

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fuck you we all know you are a shill group trying to take good chainlink memes to make your shitcoin shill thread more attractive?

"guys rate my portfolio 50% LINK 50% TOTAL SHITCOIN praise Sergy but guys really have you seen this TOTAL SHITCOIN it's gonna solve the encryption problem"

>wants a serious discussion
>thinks he won't get bigmacbar'd instead

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Chainlink could literally just be the oracle project that services Accord alone, and the future volume of legal smart contracts would give it a valuation in the billions. Or it could just be the oracle for SWIFT, doing their ISO20022 compliant bond processing, and it would be worth billions. Or it could just be the Web3 specific oracle solution, running under the standard Web3 framework, and be worth billions, or the ZeppelinOS toolkit backend oracle. Or the Kaleido enterprise package oracle. etc etc.
But it's ALL of them. It makes me fucking lightheaded when I think about it. It is the fucking industry standard oracle, across EVERYTHING. Ethereum, Hyperledger, private chains, permissioned ETH forks, etc etc etc. It is a top 3 market cap project on the very brink of exploding and irreversibly changing both the crypto landscape and the world in general.

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Thanks for the boner

We already had all the usefull discussion we could countless times over and over again. It's just the waiting game now. Sergey can tweet that he is exit scamming and actually exit scams and I STILL won't sell. I'd sell my kidney before I sell my link and it's not even a huge stack, just over 15k. I just realized what the potential of this is about 4 months ago and since then I just laugh hysterically at all the FUD and Shills and reverse psyoos that have been going on for such a long time. So if you wanna share some dots go ahead, would pump some more serotonin in my system. Even if it's pregnant Sergey FUD I'll still have a good chuckle at least.

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Automated distribution centres to be using smart contracts to control and track the flow of inbound, outbound and storage of goods?
Goods manufacturing plants will also be utilising smart contracts?
Guessing that's what you're talking about based on the ATS ticker

Thiss user. I still dont understand how people in this hentai forum still dont own any links.

Fucking checked!

Do you happen to know when the majority of link discussions took place? I need a rough timeframe so I can search the archives.
If any anons in this thread have some good screen caps from past threads, it would be nice if you to share them with your biz bros

Yeah, I think we're back, cchhhhyyeeecked.

It's one thing to hear you say this while we poop on the street brother, but reading your words here really makes my chakras resonate with Krishna.

I need to buy some more

Shit i forgot HCL tweeted about chainlink, someone should check up on that

This is really satisfying while we wait for Sergey's medium post.

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Thanks user, godspeed.


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This shit is going to make me go blind. Nice collection though.

I'd say within the next few weeks at the latest. He might drafting it right now.

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Jan 23 - Sergey - Gonser fireside chat
Jan 24 - BAKKT launches
Jan 24 - Davos 2019

Crypto is getting a pump late next month

ATS = Applicant tracking system (Applicant tracking systems are everywhere
Most large corporations utilize applicant tracking systems. Jobscan research found that 98% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS)


I'm from the Chainlink Research group, do you guys think this Kowala timeline looks promising?

Theres some Kowala Chainlink Twitter connections too.

Attached: kowala.png (1481x637, 83K)

Checked. Gonna buy some more tonight. I keep feeling like it's gonna dip back to sub-$0.20 though, I can't pull the trigger

not gonna dip, only up from here

2 hours

The FUD appearing since yesterday has been eating away at me. People saying BTC will go to $1K or even triple digits...What's the fate of LINK in such a case? Are we going to 5 cents? I'm not gonna sell but it would suck if this goes much lower than 20 cents.

A new LINK marine. Has an interesting work history as well. Might help verify an old SherlockLink post...

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We would be lucky if it did. Don’t worry over the short term.

This is why DCA is a good option instead of buying all at once.

I found some interesting information, its not a direct chainlink connection but the usecase is somewhat funny and if true could point out and narrow down a time window for mainnet release.

Attached: 3336AAED-6C8A-46B4-8572-8875DEAA08CF.png (657x527, 440K)

Let's go with it then faggot Jesus Christ

you forgot to say please, jk will post once I‘m back home in ~20 minutes or so

>I share them 7h from now. Keep thread alive
Eat a dick

Nice trips

Check archives for any month earlier than about september. There was a good thread or 10 every week for a year straight.

let me guess you're a gay muslim?

What's all this talk about koalas?

Sorry took longer than expected but now will post funny Link information.

So basically the UK government is exploring Blockchain tech, decentralized identity, smart contracts and legal standards together with the accord project.
This raises the question what they could have possibly planned and I think I know part of the answer.

In April 2019 the UK rolls out their new Age verification system which aims to ensure that every bloke has to pay 10 bucks for an age verification card so he can watch pornsites.
The company that makes this (avsecure) mentions on their site that they are using blockchain technology, zero knowledge proofs and they mention that they want to give the porn starved Uk lads several ways to verify their age.
They also use the phrase ‚missing Link‘ on their website (pic related).

I assume chainlink is likely a part of this system and used somewhere along the way.
But thats not all, other companys in that field and close to avsecure work on ethereum and use oraclize for their oracle needs and since we know that oraclize is garbage and chainlink is in the accord project this could be a hint that they will use chainlink as important piece of their ‚digital identity‘ stuff.

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>other companys in that field and close to avsecure work on ethereum and use oraclize for their oracle needs

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nice find

>missing link
must be chainlink

Total larp unless there is direct mention of link

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how is that Live action roleplay?
it would be larp if I would pretend to work for the UK government or that avsecure company.

all I do is pointing out that this information (which is public) points into a certain direction.
also nice trips.

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Thanks breadcrumbanon

anyone else attending?

Sorry had some work to do anons.

The American Technion Society

The American Technion Society supports visionary education and world-changing impact through the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. Based in New York City, we represent thousands of US donors, alumni and stakeholders who invest in the Technion’s growth and innovation to advance critical research and technologies that serve the State of Israel and the global good.

Blythe Masters is connected to some very powerful Israelis as well.

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oh come on...this was posted in the discord yesterday.

Nah he has been on my radar for about 8 months now. He is just a wagecuck with interest in crypto. He also holds Komodo


>"i have link insider info for real guise" thread #8472954

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So its a ctrl f zero results type situation

Baseless shilling, nice

Checked fren. And we can all buy a piece for under a dollar each. What a nice time to be alive!

"Missing link" = chainlink. Do you confuse the interest in chainlink fences with interest in blockchain middleware too? You're so deluded, you need to see a therapist.

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A worthless ERC token without a working product. >B-b-b-but I'm sure the supposed connections can't all be larps.
LINK is a cult.

>thread #8472954
How new are you ? I have lost my count after 18987458

embarrassing and deluded the community has become.

t. Sergey fan boi baby stack panic accumulator.

Based user, thank you. This might be it, the system clearly needs an oracle.
Don't mind the fudding brainlets

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>the system clearly needs an oracle.

If its so clear then for what exactly ? Sorry, but there is no usecase for decentralized oracle network there brainy.