Why is africa so far behind the rest of the world...

why is africa so far behind the rest of the world? are there investment opportunities here we can profit off or is it a lost cause?

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>are there investment opportunities
Yes, that's why China is taking over the whole place

Of course it's a lost cause, what do you expect from niggers?

Because all of the countries hate each other. They need to unify and have one elected leader.

Blacks have low IQs

>investing in niggers

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White people believe in treating people equally and not treating them according to their actual qualities, it's why China is currently taking the place over, they know they are dealing with inferiors.

blacks are low IQ animals
chinks are master copycats
whites are the only race actually advancing humanity

Their genetics.

africa is trying but others have tried before and given up. maybe it'll be different this time, but probably won't succeed without a lot of brutality.


fuck meant to say china is trying

you gotta be chinese. the rest of the world has already too much ill blood.



Africa is unironically gonna be pretty awesome in 30-50 years.

Blacks. Period. Colonialism was making something out of the place, but then all the feral blacks got in the way. Now the Chinese are moving in to fix that.

You know the average IQ of an African black is sub-70 and they have no concept in their culture of a promise, rule of law above family obligations, or delayed gratification, right? Combine that with poor impulse control and a propensity towards violence and general lack of empathy for human life and it's a bad, bad mix.

thinking the whole of africa is blacks, go look at south africa, shit is paradise

Sure, but that doesn't explain what happened. All humans originated from Africa if you go back far enough.

I spent over three decades conducting comparative research and trying to explain why Africa has failed to catch up with the rest of the developing world. After looking into this issue from all possible angles, I came to the following conclusion: niggers.

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its murder rate is comparable to war zones

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Because Niggers are fucking stupid. This is a worldwide consensus from the Himalayas to the deepest pits of Bangledesh

They don't have an idea of value that generates wealth. It's all gimmedats and warlords. They are not capable of logistics, just distribution of wealth through family guilt. Indoctrinated socialism. There was a terrific write-up posted here a month ago about this.

Progressive equality ideology is in the process of dying right now.

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The out of Africa theory has been debunked. Do some research.

Black Africa is a lost cause man. The Only Thing Worth investing in on the continent is the Chinese companies moving in. The Chinese will protect them with its super massive Army, and the West will be too weak to stop the purging of the darkness to come. Also look into desalination, Africa isn't known for its vast water supply.

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No, it hasn't lol. How about you provide a link to your claims.

wrong. blacks are actually the missing link. pic related

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Demographics is destiny.

Countries where the aggregate IQ is 20-30 points lower than the rest of the world is not a good investment opportunity unless you are investing purely in multinationals that operate there to merely extract resources for export.

it was until the jews wrecked it by sanctioning the fuck out of it until they finally ended apartheid

now the whole country is falling apart and white farmers are being murdered

>look at south africa, shit is paradise
This is because whites decided to colonize that country, but now niggers are going after the white's land and murdering them

read this and watch this if china turns them into slaves it might be profitable but you probably won't be able to invest

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if you want to profit just short south africa. is there any reason why this would end up any different to zimbabwe?

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asians invented gunpowder and movable type, printing and the compass.

muh whites advance humanity my ass


Watch empire of dust.
The people and the culture there is fucked. Change will happen over generations, but because of this no one wants to work for that change because they will never benefit. Their kid's kids will, and no one thinks that far ahead.

In Europe's past the monarch and feudal system COULD think that far ahead, and if you didn't pay your taxes, or you didn't till the land for your lord like a good peasant you'd be put to death. What Africa needs is a good political system change, Democracy doesn't work unless you're already established.

>all those
They weren't able to really capitalize from it. They could had conquered america and europe. But instead they kept behaving like sheeps and obeyed when the emperor said it was illegal to invent new technologies, they even weren't able to keep going on the glassware tech tree so their chemistry remained medieval at best until the XXth century. By then Europe won because they were free thinkers, your fucking chinks had never been free thinkers since the time of Kung-fu Panda Tse and the yellow emperor Ching-Chong-Chungus.

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>staying within the confines of your own nation and not murdering foreigners is a bad thing

jesus fucking christ. you guys deserve the sand nigger invasion going on.

imagine thinking all people are equal

65IQ niggers

>staying within the confines of your own nation and not murdering foreigners is a bad thing

Murdering people within your country is no better than murdering people elsewhere.

C'mon OP, I'm sure you've seen the IQ stats. Niggers are the inferior species...

>staying within the confines of your own nation
Lel Imagine being this much of a hypocrite chink, you even have chinese politicians being elected in South Africa right now, lmfao, while you fap to the idea of owning each little rock in the sea.

>and not murdering
Chinks are the ones that have killed the most chinks ever, do you even history bro? You shot yourselves in the foot since always and now you do the crying wojak meme wanting some cake too. The worst thing is you'll do it again, you'll kill billions of yourselves any time soon, you blood thirsty zipperhead soulless drones. Mark the date and my words.

>asians invented gunpowder and movable type, printing and the compass.
>didn't list anything from the last 500 years
>thinks he made a point about Asians contributing

>Oh, and also, what about all that land in India, we the ching-chongs reclaim as ours.

>Oh, but comrade, the tibet is china by birth-right chinese too!

Why do we have chink shills here? is Winnie the pooh that much envious of our success?
Go cry some Xiaomi tears somewhere else, ltrying to wipe them with african cock and thinking smegma is profit.

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If you like commodities, there are lots of public companies owning mines there. Glencore is probably the biggest, but there are several dozens. Those with significant Chinese stakes (e.g. IVN) are particularly interesting because you know the Africans don't want to mess with them too much.

Lel, even amateur league tier sheeple wangs think this about niggers.

Communism turned the Chinese into ant people, they just steal western IP or buy stuff from Russia nowadays.

>staying within the confines of your own nation
Pic related
>not murdering foreigners

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Kek xi jinpooh looks exactly like Winnie the pooh. Just an evil version that has no problem with killing 10% of his own people in secret.


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They were like that since they built the wall. They all got homogenized into generic NPCs.

black people or as I call them, niggers

why is the rest of the world so far behind africa?

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>why is the rest of the world so far behind africa?
Love your sarcasm, but try to be less subtle and tell low IQ niggers directly about how much of a failure they are when not living in a wellfare state. #wakandaisntreal

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Is Africa a good place for sex tourism? I don't want to wear condoms and I want give out hot and sticky creampies.


The future is African whether we want it or not. By the turn of the century, half of all humans on the planet will be African. And a huge amount of them while emigrate to wealthier nations in America, Europe, and Asia.

If I had to place my bets, it would be on housing and infrastructure industry in Africa. That has to develop for the people that remain in Africa.

Africa will break the chinks just like Afghanistan has broken every invader since Alexander. It’s just how it do.

Found the chink. What have you done for me lately?



>Is Africa a good place for sex tourism?
Yes, if you are an old white lady and you are into collecting STDs.

>I don't want to wear condoms and I want give out hot and sticky creampies.
Sure, go ahead, I hope you'll enjoy your AIDS, not really criticizing you, but to each their own lmao.

Basically evolution happened - Mutations eventually snowballed into separate races with different qualities.

Someone photoshop Tyrone on a Hill Giant from Runescape

put shaq in there

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It used to be decent, but it's turning to shit. Watch some documentataries about South Africa. Not even Vice can make their "progressive uprising against the whites" look good.

You’re probably right. What about in 500 years, will it still be the same? The gap just keeps increasing?

As long as people keep feeding them they’ll keep breeding without any selective pressure to evolve increased intelligence. There is the remote possibility that the injection of chink DNA will moderately increase the intelligence of the general population, but best case they’ll likely wind up about as intelligent as American blacks.


he got aids after that right?


Yep, humans spontaneously appeared on each continent. Makes sense to me.

no, he had sex with women.

Because niggers.

came here to say this. Also because of all the countries in africa that china is now influecning, they are gaining way more power in the UN through votes

Horrible climate.


why do you think the chink is there if there is no money?

meanwhile, I'm sitting comfy AF in Cape Town. Hot women, cheap food, great climate, awesome parties. Its a mini Europe without all the kaffers if you stay in the right places.

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because of the Americans, British, and French stealing shit and selling weapons to the warlords to wage civil war

It's meme money, all of china's money is meme money, like their paper tiger military, the party encourages chink corporations to make up all the books to appear strong internationally, just look at the low in the chink real state lately. Being a corporation with nuclear bombs and no opposition totally warps reality worst than a sillicion valley meeting full of lefty buzzwords.
It's like Mao Zedong's several historical socio-politico-economic oopsies all over again, just photoshop chairman winnie the pooh over his portrait.

The chink had always shot himself in the foot, since thousands of years ago. Don't buy memes my friends.

oh dear kek

are the high speed railways memes too? kek

monero is made in south africa

We wuzz kangs and shit

Who gives a shit? We fly airplanes like civilized people

depends, are you transporting products and people on them or just making them to go along with all the empty ghost towns chinks made niggers build while the mayority of niggers eat rats and mice outside the walls?

Chinks love to invest on houses made of cards so much, it's just appearances, like your stupid shit wall, it was a useless waste of resources without any real military use but for show, ask your homies in the khanate and manchuria about it.

Lel, you chink shills aren't even smart, I'd bet it's just self-fullfilled shallow memes, what is beijing hiring for these psyops? school girls?

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And Elon Musk is South African by birth, so Charlize Theron, does that means it isn't shit by nowadays when niggers are the government instead like when whites were taking care of you all biped wild animals.

Your Rainbow nation has more AIDS than San Francisco and Thailand combined, if you're white it would be better get your white ass out of there before you'll get fully culturally enriched by BBC 24/7 until you die, and that's no british tv colonization my dude.

the climate is fine. very good for growing food actually.

Only the very south.

Most of Africa has horrible droughts and horrible torrential rains.

Dirt is irrelevant, only blood matters.

Dirt have humans on it, land is prosperous.
Dirt have subhumans on it, land is shit.


locusts create chaos, but parasites thrive in it
blacks aren't the ones who engineered decolonization. the average african cares little who rules over him as long as he has a working power grid to watch football and enough money to get his drink on

financed with debt. China is going to get burned hard when it realizes there will never be money to be made in africa.

lmao dude you're fucking retarded
there is obviously money to be made in Africa
now if you say "there will never be money to be made in AFRICANS", then you have a point
china is making money off precious metals in africa RIGHT NOW

buy dirt when subhumans are living on it (low)
sell dirt when subhumans have died and only humans are left there (high)

who the fuck is investing in niggers?

lmao dude, they're just selling themselves as slaves again
imagine getting colonized twice

first humans came from bulgaria and greece
that's where the earliest signs and remains of humans were found

Not for a pleb. Even giant investment funds are put on a waiting list to pull money out of there.
And pulling dollars is almost impossible. For most of Africa they are just starved for it.

why a lot of africans are living like this, since the sun will burn earth in the future if they're not advanced enough to escape?

do they not care about their civilization being erased or what?

China is just looting the whole place, they build roads but only to connect their facilities to the nearest port.
Do they invest to educate the population? No.
Do they transfer any technology? No.
Do they employ natives? Barely any, in fact most workers used by these companies there are chinese.

Retard, it's called multiregional hypothesis and it's basically confirmed at this point.

The problem isn't China taking over because they are strong, it's them remaining stable while the West collapse in rampant civil wars and dysgenics because of multiculturalism and cosmopolitan leadership.

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Why do nigs always destroy everything around them.