Has Adelyn been made aware of this?

Has Adelyn been made aware of this?

Connections & Breadcrumbs:imgur.com/a/HS9hIfr
Positive & Bullish Thoughts:imgur.com/a/bklfSCi

Attached: teledildo.jpg (949x1770, 390K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Based Eric

Based Eric

checked. autism's finest.

chainlink: the ultimate cringe

I still can't believe they were both browsing here, and at the same time.

what is it about White Gods that makes AFs sperg the fuck out?

Attached: 1539840231276.webm (480x320, 948K)

Its just me?

I read her name not normally "Shuya"
It's like a Xaolin Monking spelling at the same time as Jackie Chan

what makes you so gay

Attached: f2c3b9023b7b4d2e61018689c7d4c0d1--snl-the-face.jpg (201x250, 7K)

>every AF reaction

Attached: 1541975280993.webm (900x488, 2.98M)

>the way eddy just casually mosies over, knowing full well he has the zinger to ruin the rest of lao's day

what movie is that

>designer at some gay company

Does any of it matter when you look like the frog guy from kung fu hustle?

Attached: 1103912738_LmaO3Z.jpg (400x233, 13K)

she browses here, don't be rude

catch me if you can

Keep running faggot, no one wants that booty.

me neighbour 20 years ago looked fucking exactly like young di caprio but short hair, it just hit me holy shit

>she browses here so don't be rude

I don't understand how your statement gets me closer to a lambo

Attached: CHdwqY7UcAEROWv.jpg (600x224, 23K)

Shuya... I'm still here shuya.... Waiting for you in Boston.

I will give you everything you always wanted to have, shuya. Just marry me. I want u to give birth to my children. Please Shuya come cuddle with me. I will give you infinite pleasure, Shuaya.

Attached: hello.jpg (2943x2448, 1.26M)

based and pervypilled

That made me wet and I'm a guy.

Unironically I'm the guy in the pic. I regret doing this daily, lol. I only did it for a good chuckle and now I can't even browse my favorite imageboard without seeing my face lol.

There he is.

Still blows my mind that every day someone wakes up, and posts the pic claiming "I'm gay and I hold chain link".

Good meme I guess lol

Gas yourself faggot. I feel the same disgust every time I see your face. Goddamn you.

You deserve this you massive douchebag. You posted the pictures of a bunch of women without their consent. I hope you learn the lesson.

Attached: 1545111778120.png (1080x1920, 1.48M)

Lol that was my ex. I dated her for a few years.

Didn't realize I had to ask permission to post on an imageboard, you sound like an incel

You're just projecting inner hatred about your own pathetic life.

Attached: NowWithHair.png (850x400, 263K)

How can one project having a disgusting face?


I'm not sure what you're asking? If you're calling my face disgusting, I don't care because I still get laid regularly.

If youre saying your face is disgusting, I'm sorry. If you're ever in the southeast US, I'll buy you a drink and smoke you out and introduce you to some of my tinder rejects that still hit me up regularly.

If this is your favorite board then you really are retarded.

Admittedly, it is. My friend suggested /pol but its too weird for me. I've looked at /fit and /b but that's about it.

Attached: nigbeach.jpg (768x1024, 512K)

Not an incel at all.
I just wish you could have some respect for people's dignity instead of treating them like shit and posting their pictures (without permission) on a board full of mentally ill people. This is common sense. No one does this stuff here. This is not /b/. You're not supposed to go around posting pictures of people you fucked on an anonymous board. Please have some respect for people's privacy.

Also, no one fucking cares about you. No one gives a shit about how many women you've fucked. APOLOGIZE NOW.

Attached: 1545108286349.png (1080x1920, 2.14M)

That's fucked up....

Attached: Screenshot_20180801-134605.png (720x1280, 332K)

Fine, I can be humble. I just got bored and made posts. It's just weird that you felt the need to actually save the images. That blows my mind.

You're definitely white knighting right now though.

nice back hair

Thanks. I actually started shaving / waxing it a few times a year.

>You posted the pictures of a bunch of women without their consent. I hope you learn the lesson.
why the fuck aren't you on reddit

Post timestamp, we miss you based baldbro

>t. baldlet

How am I white knighting? I don't even know these people (and couldn't care less about them). I just want you to understand that there is a reason why you're being mocked here. We are just going you the same kind of treatment you gave to those women. You showed no respect for their privacy, so why should we respect yours? That's why in life you need to think about the consequences of the stuff you're doing. Please have some common sense and decency. Don't post pictures of people you fucked on an anonymous image board.

To conclude, FUCK YOU, CANCER BOY!

I think I’m in love

Image saved

Real talk here. If I share digital media of myself with someone, I assume the whole world will see it. I also live in a one party state and record all my phone conversations. Do you really share pictures with someone and not expect them to be shared with others? This is the internet we are talking about. I mean, I guess it is morally wrong to an extent but these are pictures I took with girls on a boat and in our apartment, etc. I could post a picture of a couple I know on facebook and be like "he fucked her". Same thing, right?

Attached: hurrr.png (830x562, 619K)

You’re creepy as fuck and deserve to be memed into infamy.

>cringe, the post

Is that creepy? Idk desu. I started recording my phone calls when my ex wife started blatantly lying in court. Nothing I've done was illegal, and we can argue morals all day.

Fuck you, roastie

Oh look, it's cancer boy posting from different IPs.

>I can’t get laid so I randomly lash out anonymously like a coward


But ironically, it's not.

Cambridge MA chainlink crew checking in.

Only reason my IP changed once was because I just got home from a restaurant and connected to WiFi automatically.

OP of the thread didn't post her pics though. He just posted her insufferable "I'm just sooooo fucking smart' cringe as fuck desription and that alone was enough to dox her. I think I put in '3 of the buzzwords and it was immediately clear she was the girl in OP's description. About 5 other anons did the same. Op did nothing wrong but cancerboy is...... cancer

I'll take you up on that

Get the fuck out of Cambridge. Only good part is Harvard Square.

You're alright in my book. You made a twitch-thot self-implode her "intelligent" argument with a single question. You made her debate herself and she fucking lost lmao

>my favorite imageboard
Well I take it back, you're not alright. You have shit taste. Fuck this gayass board and fuck you

You can literally type in Shuya Harvard and every bit of info about her pops up

What state you in? I'll be in Columbia, SC tomorrow night. Raleigh the following week, southern Georgia the next.

Utah but I have family in FL that I visit sometimes

Sounds good brother. If you're ever in the area and I'm not working we can chill. Definitely know how to have a good time

Alright I'll just post a "summon cancer linkman" thread on biz if I'm around

I browse this board daily it'll do it. Or just Kik me AS1153

Thanks man maybe you can get me laid with your tinder thots my only condition is that you hold at least 10k link

>t. Not going to rob you of your linkies

You couldnt care less?

Why the long post? Ijs if you truly didn't give a fuck you'd stop mid sente

>/pol but its too weird for me
>I've looked at /fit and /b but that's about it

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Stop fetishizing Asian women

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What happened to your hair

Holy shit it's the beast from kung fu hustle

Attached: download.jpg (200x200, 6K)

What the actual fuck is going on in here. I've been following/biz/ ChainLink drama almost every day but took a couple days off cause it's the god damn holidays and now I feel like an outsider someone give me the deets pls

>now I feel like an outsider someone give me the deets pls

Attached: 1526334586388.jpg (900x900, 111K)

>ou made a twitch-thot self-implode her "intelligent" argument with a single question. You made her debate herself and she fucking lost lmao


>white knighting on an icelandic pizzaiolo mailing list
I think we reached a whole new level of soÿ

underrated comment

wow what faggot samefag

>Fine, I can be humble. I just got bored and made posts.
And I just got bored and raped your ass. How do you like dem apples.

>Is that creepy? Idk desu. I started recording my phone calls when my ex wife started blatantly lying in court. Nothing I've done was illegal, and we can argue morals all day.

Actually that's literally illegal (recording without letting someone know you are doing it), but it was justified, self-defense and based.

What baldie did was different though. He posts people's images here who have nothing to do with the board and aren't public figures, knowing fully that a possible of consequence of this is that they may become a target of harassment of some of the creepy fuckers that hang out here. For seemingly no good reason.

Holy cringe

Why do i get the feeling that "Eric" was a photo of some guy and some Jow Forumsaerali was just cat fishing and that "Shuya" was actually adelyn?

It's absolutely not illegal to record a phone conversation you are a part of if the phone conversation is being recorded in a one party consent state. I have literally brought this up in court. I live in a one party consent state, my ex wife lives in a two party consent state. I am allowed to legally record our conversation without her consent and she can not record the exact same conversation without my consent if she is physically in that state at the time of conversation.

Don't just state shit that you have no fucking clue about. It makes you look like a retard and a faggot.

Literally the only girl I posted a face picture of was my ex girlfriend and our pictures are already all over the internet. You're being ridiculous

What's the matter, are you a sex worker with asian women cutting into your bottom line? It's not my fault white women don't tickle my sapiosexuality. White women show their intelligence off in art, and standards in art are so bad that it's like trying to find the smartest cave painter.

Attached: raifu_rage.png (835x983, 256K)

The Adventures of Cancer Boy and Candleja-

>Megan isn't 300lbs

Fake and gay

I’m going to find Shuya and demand to know how link marine rating.


Attached: 11176CD5-6FAF-4CC0-AC93-4C958460DF80.png (640x1136, 795K)

Asians are so fucking hot!

>that man leg covered in zits and blemishes
what the FUCK shuya

She needs to invest in kneepads.



How the fuck has nobody other than noticed? What did she mean by this?