Anyone else here had their lives destroyed by #metoo?

anyone else here had their lives destroyed by #metoo?

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My boss was accused of sexual harassment, he denies it and now refuses to hire women because he's scared it'll happen again.

no because im a virgin

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tell your story user

Yeah so what, Vishnu is hanging out in the blockchain now. What are you gonna do about it?

Just try and stop me, gonna go ahead and get buttfucked by Vishnu in the blockchain. That's right, Vishnu is gonna crypto-fuck my asshole. And there's nothing you can do about it, fucker.

Time to repent for your unfilled butthole user, it's all over for you.

doesn't make you safe either fren, the thot will lie simply if she don't like you and you can prove your virginity

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Only wagies and actual criminals get their lives ruined by that

Holy shit
Basement-dwelling virgins FTW
Can't get accused of sexual assault/rape if you never interact with women or even leave your room

How can she lie on him when his kind is completely invisible to all women

Any woman has the power at her disposal to destroy your life. All it takes is a reason for her to do it.

Another key point is to have no social media. If you don't have snapchat/facecuck/insta, to a roastie its like you don't even exist. Like how a T Rex can't see you if you stand still.

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I drive for coffee daily, but yeah otherwise I'm actually a basement dwelling virgin that works from home

i dont even know what 2018 workplace male-female interactions are like. Is it really all that bad? Can some wagies fill me in

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>tfw ywn be cryptoraped by an ancient aryan deity in the blockchain matrix while trying to beg for shitty erc20 tokens to the AI overlord
why even live desu

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>be me
>roastie files a federal lawsuit alleging I serially raped her at the age of 14 for 2 years straight to get money out of my highschool
>lawsuit is structured to imply that I am 18 at the time, making it a federal crime
>be at college
>other roastie takes vigilante justice on me after reading the suit
>tells me she hates feminism
>hook up w/her, no sex
>says i raped her
>kicked out of college
>spend the night in jail


this holy shit

No, I don't associate with the kind of women who partake in such fuckery.

massive F, you are living my nightmare

you never know until they do bro

I'm a faggot, so if any roastie tries to falsely get me in trouble she's in a rude awakening when I sue her ass off

Why not get a coffee machine and never have to leave the basement fren?

You want to know how I know you live in New York

My ex tried. It didn't go anywhere. Was with her for 6 years, supported her through depression, suicide attempts, etc. Finally have enough because she won't get a full time job and break up with her. She refused to move out because she was on the lease. Went to the police and told them I raped her, sent letters to everyone in my family calling me a rapist and abuser, same with my employer. Harassed my new gf (now wife) on social media and tried to slut shame her. Two years later I'm getting married and she's sending letters to my now mother in law talking about me being a rapist and abuser.

Nothing ever went anywhere, and I never addressed her. She wanted attention, and I refused to give her the satisfaction.

Me too user. 28 year old virgin who rarely interacts with females. At least we will be rich from ChainLink and don't have to worry about being accused.

probably becuase you know her, lol

So user, did you at least get to rape her?

I like getting a little bit of sunlight. Interacting with employees (even if im just giving an order) also helps

We had lots of sex while we were together and she lived with me. As far as I know it was consensual. She tried to tell the police I forced her into it for 6 years.

what did you tell the cops?

I didn't even find out she went to the police about it til she posted on social media and a friend told me. I went to the police to ask what the fuck was going on and they said there was no evidence, no proof, and no case. They never even contacted me.

very lucky my friend. it would have been different, were you on a college campus

Oh, and the funny part was she tried to play it off on social media and in the letters that she was just reporting it and doing the right thing. You know? Incase another woman reported me that there would be something on record.

Except when I spoke with the Vice Detective he said she tried to press charges.

It's scary. My wife and I just had a son and we talk all the time about how we need to raise him to protect himself.

dude it was fucked in my experience. she told the cops and bam, they brought me in for questioning. next thing i know im in country jail for the night and have to present to a grand jury not to get indicted. i fucking hate this world

first things first. tell him never, under any circumstances, to talk to ANY authority figure unless he talks to you first. teach him to magic words: "do i have a right to be silent?" "then i will excersize that right"

It's a bit different for me since her and I hadn't had sex in a month (no physical evidence), we lived together, I'd never hit or abused her, and there were zero threatening texts or phone calls. There was literally nothing. She just turned psycho because I didn't want her anymore.

>kicked out of college
Did they at least refund you the money?

That's actually pretty hilarious considering that those feminist chicks must be Gen Z, and according to Jow Forums zoomers are very based and repilled.

I haven't had my life destroyed, but I did have an ex who made false allegations to the cops about me. I believe she had a friend who was a cop and that's why they took it so serious. A different cop eventually took me in for questioning, reviewed the evidence and realized the whole case was a joke and my ex was in fact a crazy person.

>other roastie takes vigilante justice on me after reading the suit
>hook up w/her, no sex
it was painfully obvious she wanted the D user, she must have a fetish about pedo raping, and you didn't delivered, thus the rape claim following your non delivery.

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not all of it

>yfw she claim you identified as a woman at this time

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Literally not bad at all. I have a great relationship with all the women. I have accidentally bumped ass and she giggled and bumped me again. We do have this one creepy dude though that talked about his "hobbies" during work. Me and another manager had to have a talk with him about appropriate conversation at the workplace. Good grief!

Why did they kick you out if you weren't indicted?

just the way college works. once the wheel squeaks, the grease gets applied, if youre a protected class

What's your age? Also, how would you rate your own appearance?

Trying to get a gauge of things. I know personality and social skills matter a lot, too

>She tried to tell the police I forced her into it for 6 years.
el famoso 'narcistic male manipulator' femin virus excuse developped & hyped in the (((media))) by the psychiatric jews to try to fuck with us at any cost.

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They seriously hate money.

Do you guys know what is worst?

A 3 world country with feminism on steroids.
My childhood friend gone to a "fluxo" its a street open party where poor people go to dance, use drugs, drink as fuck and get high, some medium upper class girls goes there from time to time like they were in the zoo looking for BBC, loool.

Then the upper class girl used coke, weed, alcohol with red bull and monster, got gangbanged and even the video got leaked, her family went to the cops and argued she was lured and imposed and forced to go there, they got some camera footage and busted like 5 guys, one of those were my childhood friend.

Her family paid the jail cops to say he was a rapist and a pedo and imagine? He got assfucked and now he have HIV/AIDS agressive type.

Imagine what? He is now innocent because the guild confessed he wasnt one of the guys who fucked her. The guy look like a zombie, his mother look like a living corpse, all family ruined.

Women are their money, they spend way more and don't give a shit about debt.

Best thing you guys can do is to sue for libel/slander/defamation. Also get a restraining order against them which includes preventing them from contacting your associates to slander you, and the first time they violate that order drag her to court and demand she be held custodially for contempt. Make the consequences happen for these thots!

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plot twist: OP is a geniune rapist but is too brainlet to realise

they hate getting sued

You're in a 3 world country, murder has to be legal there. :^)

>t. accuser

You all guys are playing yourselves. Even the virgin ones. Stop being wage slaves, disregard bitches, stay Hikki, do trade.
99 problems, etc, all the wisdom had been there since the old memes.

I strongly considered it. And then I realized it was most likely what she wanted. Attention. It was far better for me to move on and never give her the satisfaction.

Looks matter far more. See the various incel atomic blackpills and do some catfishing with male-model pics vs normie joe vs virgin virgil pics.

It's not "attention" you pushover shitbag, it's putting her where she belongs as an example to others: in the poor-house and/or into a cage!

you forgot to add your wallet address this time around, are you ok?

That's because it's a (((college campus)))

I'm clearly not as full of hate and angst as you are. I pity her, and have no interest in ever seeing or hearing from her again. Why on earth would I want to get into a long court battle and have every private conversation I've had with her dragged into public?

Because when you're done with her, you'll own every penny she earns over the federal poverty line for the rest of her life, and have the judgment papers to counteract her bullshit.

Still not worth it. Literally everyone who's opinion I give a shit about knows she's insane. It's not worth the court battle or giving her the attention she seeks to do anything other than forget she ever existed.

If it was your mother would had aborted you, hurr durr.

Its into your ass, please take it out from there, thanks ;)

you think that'll cover the legal fees lol?