Why are Bitcoin maximalists such faggots?

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Because they're the brainlets of crypto.

because you're salty you're forced to buy alts to give yourself the illusional you can ever catch up.


they're too retarded to learn how to trade and went all-in on the shittiest of all shitcoins

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deep down you know they're right


Crypto is a psychological trap. The scammers parroted the phrase “skin in the game” to get you to put money in, and like the dumbest rat in the world, you bait the trap with your own money and walk right in.

Once the trap is set, it’s 24 hours of torture. Initially the price jumps up, but you don’t sell. WHAT IF IT GOES UP MORE. People say wait for 50k, 100k. The scammers cash out real money (YOUR MONEY) and those who rake in big money leave the system rich.

Large amounts of money leave, and the price starts a long, slow dive. And now you are trapped.

SELL AT A LOSS? Sorry, loss aversion kicks in. And that would be admitting you were dumb. Surely all those smart people can’t be mistaken. This is the future of money! And if it moons again you’ll feel like shit. Let’s just hodl.

BUY MORE? Sure why not. After all it MUST go up eventually. You start putting money in. A little at first. Then more. Then you’re out of money and the value is still sliding.

The human brain is wonderful. It protects you from going mad from the horrors of reality. So your brain, to convince you not to go crazy, makes you believe this: “just hodl user, it’ll go up FOR SURE. Dont worry at the no coiners laughing at us, it’s our turn next time. BELIEVE IT.”


Crypto is a fucking psychological trap. And you put the bait yourself.

We've been through this before like 5 times though and every time hodling was the right call.

They are faggots in the eyes of faggots.


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>yes sir we have had five past events that all involved cme futures and large scammy exchanges so let’s do the exact same thing again. the sixth time will be even bigger!!

Because they refuse to acknowledge the possibility that BTC is shall become the Netscape, the AOL, the MySpace, the Rotary phone and Compact Disc of crypto.

The sooner they capitulate and let WallStreet consolidate all the BTC, the sooner Satoshi Wallet can dump on the market so that better, more efficient protocols may take its place.

Futures are the only new thing. They are commonly used to help stabilize price of commodities and that's exactly what has been happening good sir.

>futures are the only new thing
>yes for the past five cycles normies have also been talking about bitcoin nonstop
>yes we will go to new all time highs! no normie money, no problem, we’ll be taking money from (((((them)))))

>same lines as always
>yes for the past five cycles normies have also been talking about bitcoin nonstop
Yes in 2013 we had more normie fomo, most of the people I know that entered then just got burned and didn't even enter this time.

>all the normies I know pushed the price to 20k in 2013! there were less people in 2017 unfortunately so the price didnt go up as much
>surely the normies will come back for a sixth round!
>tether has been here since 2009!

The median bitcoin maximalist has an IQ >150 and a near perfect understanding of game theory

Any "maximalist" is a faggot.

dubs proves this is true.

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wat? 1k in 2013. 20k in 2017. We don't need normies.


kek wills it

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third times the charm

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Holy shit based

Honestly, the only issue with Bitcoin is the blocksize, Satoshi was a faggot for not having the hindsight that getting consensus for required changes to the protocol with no central leadership would be extremely difficult with millions of users. He could of at least included timestamps for incremental increases through the years, but noooo. He handed development to Gavin who was talking about increasing the blocksize since 2015, but now he's out and making any changes in the future will be extremely difficult without painful forks and drama. BCH, BV and all the other pajeet shit could of been easily avoided with a few extra lines of code.

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Based af

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Because they still believe the "crypto as a currency" meme.