It was just a meme!

"there is no Vishnu in the blockchain!..."

nothing personal, kid

Attached: 1skawdpukw621.png (734x583, 331K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This man is an embarrassment.

Everyone instantly talks shit but I actually want to see where he's going with this. Might even throw 1k at SV just for suicide insurance. You all know this has to be Craig dumping this shit. If you don't think he's trying to coordinate some shit behind the scenes you're sadly mistaken. Only when him and Calvin are broke, or have publicly conceded, can anyone truly say the hash war is over

Sorry, that last sentence garbage.

>he thinks some shitfork is gonna do anything except add mcap to REAL MAN coins like EOS

Attached: heh-EOS.png (1200x1200, 298K)

Pft ba ha!

Attached: 1545960396756.png (1556x2048, 3.08M)

The Vishnu is platform agnostic. It can live on any blockchain, neural network or cellular automata.

wtf is this drivel? Keep your FUD based in reality.
Do you even know what transaction malleability is and how it is necessary for a proper Visnhu?

What in the fuck does this man think he's talking about?

Automata in my bongolata
Rat tat
Craig is satoshi Vision

I imagine he reads stuff and gets excited that he understands a little bit and throws it up on Twitter in the hopes it sticks.


By little bit, I mean jargon

it's a cube and the volume is $100MM BSV Eo2020 you troglodyte

Bitcoin is an IQ test and you are losing.

Sorry, these are the only cubes I need.

Attached: stinkystacks.jpg (1224x1257, 396K)

It's not a cube. It's a turing complete cuboid with 3D computation.

Calvin Ayre is probably smashing his head against the wall in disbelief while CSW is entering the complete mental breakdown. Psychiatric ward WOY.

Reminder that no one cares about the "oracle problem" until we fixed what killed the last bullrun: scaling. BSV is the ONLY chain that its actively using resources to pursue BLOCKCHAIN scaling.

If you don't realize that CL is going to switch its token from ETH to BSV in Q2 I'm sorry but there is very little hope for you succeeding in any area of life that goes beyond following a recipe.

Read about the DSV drama:

Chainlink takes the regulatory risk of oracles and offloads them to third parties in exchange for payment. Classic risk reward function.

How do you block people on this site?

Yeah so what, Vishnu is hanging out in the blockchain now. What are you gonna do about it?

Just try and stop me, gonna go ahead and get buttfucked by Vishnu in the blockchain. That's right, Vishnu is gonna crypto-fuck my asshole. And there's nothing you can do about it, fucker.

Time to repent for your unfilled butthole user, it's all over for you.

BSV enables neutral smart contracts, no oracle is needed.

>neural networks
>cellular automata

I'm pretty sure each new buzzword equals aproximately 1 million USD in bsv bags he can't even dump at this point

Your comments weigh heavy on my heart. I know you will be weeping soft tears in the years to come as you attempt to grasp how your 4 inch thick skulls prevented you from riding on the coattails of a literal inter-dimensional being of light and knowledge breaks its way into our thread.

There is a Hello World tutorial living in the blockchain

Attached: craigmeme.png (2000x1757, 837K)


He's either an enormous 'tard or Satoshi is a master troll.

hard to see on this shill's (purposely) low rez pic but check out the tabs. Obvious trolling.

I put the link right there go check it out yourself. Anyway craig is a massive hack. If you do one iota of research on him you'll see

Yeah so what, Vishnu is hanging out in the blockchain now. What are you gonna do about it?

Just try and stop me, gonna go ahead and get buttfucked by Vishnu in the blockchain. That's right, Vishnu is gonna crypto-fuck my asshole. And there's nothing you can do about it, fucker.

Time to repent for your unfilled butthole user, it's all over for you.

Yeah so what, Vishnu is hanging out in the blockchain now. What are you gonna do about it?

Just try and stop me, gonna go ahead and get buttfucked by Vishnu in the blockchain. That's right, Vishnu is gonna crypto-fuck my asshole. And there's nothing you can do about it, fucker.

Time to repent for your unfilled butthole user, it's all over for you.

>no one cares about the oracle problem
>takes 10 working days for a credit card transaction reversal
>"n-no p-p-problem g-guys... haha..."

the most probable answer is always the simpler one
which is: he is fucking retarded


This is Necker cube, it changes orientation as you look at it. Proves brain can change perspective at will. Faketoshi is messing with us.

Is he unironically a faggot?

He's an embodiment of a hollywood hacker that hacks the pentagon using a 3d interface made in visual basic.
His whole life is a larp.

On the blockchain
He's a modern Hindu deity
From the
Mind of Creg Wright
He's Satoji

This literally does not mean anything.