Hi Jow Forums, i come to you in need of advice, im a 22yo with 0 education past high school...

hi Jow Forums, i come to you in need of advice, im a 22yo with 0 education past high school, recently ive been looking into CS and other tech fields. My issue is that I am missing the required courses to get into a university, and I also lack the money to pay for university as well, so I would have to take a loan. I'm assuming I'd have to take a year to save up some money and finish the courses needed to get in the university, ill probably be able to start university when I am 24, and assuming a 4-5 year course, I will be graduating when I am 29 and I will have a buttload of debt, should I go to school for a *chance* to land a comfy 100k job or should I just be a tradie and go through the ranks? The degree sounds nice but wasting my 20s in school and being broke and in debt at 29 sounds pretty bad. Help, please.

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jesus christ I was hoping no one would say this, the military will unironically confirm my subconscious belief that im a failure in life

What sort of university requires courses past high school to enter?

Im missing the high school courses required to get in, im in canada.

dat feeling when you grow up and suddenly all that "grown up talk about finishing school and doing well" doesnt seem so stupid any more



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Military until you get your degree for free.....and then use GI Bill money for meme degrees/fun shit because fuck working.

Opposite of a failure bro. Failures revolve their ENTIRE life off of drugs. I mean I'm coked out right now, but it's not my entire thing in life. You're gonna make it simply because you care enough to ask bro just dont give up

Dude if you're from Canada no need to go to a 4 year university. Go to a college like seneca or w.e. 2 year computer programming diploma. Also no need for high school courses, also will only cost you like a couple k per semester. I did this and a bunch of my friends and we all have 70k + jobs now. Also colleges offer much better hands on training and a lot offer coop programs where you will get real work experience and actually get paid. Most coops were about 20$ per hour.

well if you happen to come across a community college in your area, then i advise you to take it

>2 year program
>we all did this and have 70k jobs
I seriously hope you're not meming me bro, what jobs did you guys get? this is a legit option if true desu

Damn what’s the sauce on that bag op?

Military doesn't seem too bad actually, but I'm too much of a pussy to actually go through with it

Not even lying man. Developer jobs. One of my friends initially went to uni and got an English degree. Couldn't find shit for work. Then when he was around 30 a few years ago he went to 2 year programming diploma at seneca and just 2 years later he just got a job at IBM for 68k. You probably won't get that much in an entry level position, most people I know including myself had entry level of 40-50k. But after 2 years at my first place I moved to a new job and that was 70k.

Thus is the exact diploma we got from seneca, but other colleges will have something similar. senecacollege.ca/programs/fulltime/CPD.html

thanks a lot dude, i will consider this and the military

This is good, universities in Canada are comparatively cheap. Plus any debt you have will be in Canadian pesos which you can easily pay off if you work in America.

I went to University of Calgary for a CS degree and got picked up for a job at one of the FAMANGs right out of university. Internships are the key. Cannot overstate the importance of internships to getting a job after grad. Easiest route to FAMANGs is as follows:

1) get summer internship at basic local tech company after second year
2) use internship from (1) to get FAMANG internship after third year
3) get job offer at end of internship from (2), work for FAMANG company after grad

There is still luck and skill involved. Make sure you pick a university where the FAMANGs have a booth at the career fair, because then your resume is guaranteed to get looked at.

Even if you don't land a gig with the FAMANGs you can get a $70k+ job pretty easily.

What is a famang? And what kind of things would help get a resume looked at more favourably?

I know it sounds corny but listen to David Goggin's first episode on the Joe Rogan podcast. He was a spineless pussy, afraid of everything, fat and the nigger was straight up retarded. Cheated his way from the 4th grade onward and failed his first ASVAB. Went on to become a navy seal and do a bunch of other shit. He just decided one day to not be a loser.

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Internships and projects on your resume. Also social skills.

Oh! Interesting!

What's the n for?


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why can't you just go to work full time in like a restaurant (ex. chipotle), or warehouse (ex. amazon) and do online courses, so many resources for learning cs on your own time and building your own projects/getting experience. you could literally do it in a year. Fuck school and the military

because i feel like im running out of time and this year is the year i make a decision that will actually make my life better or else im fucked. Im also under the assumption that CS jobs at minimum require a formal education at a university to even be considered.

If you are a pussy how are you going to make it trading? Trading is for those with high T.

I'm literally in the same position as you, its mind blowing. Like someone said tho, a 2 year program from a college like seneca or humber or something would be the best option if you want to go back to school imo. But if you self learn and have the skills and experience building projects in the related job you're applying to, I'm sure the employer doesn't care about whether or not you have a degree. There are many stories of self learners that have got jobs in the real world through online learning. School will only put you in debt, you could work full time and make good money while teaching yourself, that is if you are a good self learner. This is what I've been doing for the last 4 years since I've been out of school. Tried to do a startup out of highscool > failed > pivoted to a different area of cs > applying to jobs summer 2019 hoping it goes well

not trading but being a tradie fren

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Contemptible, if true.

thanks for the support guys, i sincerely appreciate the fact you guys took time out of your day to reply to me, i will have some peace of mind and options to consider while i am wagecucking tomorrow

nice digits btw no h8 pls