Aergo haters btfo

so they are even AHEAD of the roadmap and Jow Forums still think they are a scam. Watch them become a top-20 coin in 2019. Give me real arguments why they wont reach top-20.

>protip: you can't

Attached: Jb1oJTUGITWOh4jlMDd7.jpg (1000x584, 33K)

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So was Eden, a supposed "easy 20x" ... don't you get we're in a bear market for at least another year? You think this will be the magical gook shit-coin that will moon? Kek.

Enjoy this being your next few months.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at 4.58.27 PM.png (2378x1002, 206K)

oh look the chart even looks EXACTLY the same.


they think anyone will give a shit about this in 2019. it's pretty fun. stoked for this assholes to lose another 30%.

i'll consider buying at 1 cent.

well, Aergo for me is an obvious long-term investment that I will hold for 2-3 years. Don't know anything about Eden, but I see fundamentals in Aergo and desu you should be blind not to see them. So even if the price drops, I'll accumulate more. Right now I am very happy with the updates they provide. If you are an adhd fag that can't hold a coin for more than 10 minutes, please proceed to kys

>1 cent

Good luck man

Their enterprise clients are shifting over so you'd be wishfully thinking to get it anywhere close that range

"enterprise clients"

Why would anyone be selling right millions now if this wasn't a total piece of shit.

Long term investment for me as well :)

What is blocko anyway, right?

I will wait until they release all tokens.

end of 2019? GL user

eden is for retards and always has been

op, let me tell you about aergo. the issue with it is that everything they post is about blocko, yet they're called aergo, yet still blocko have never spoken about aergo. if they started to make their announcements under aergo, it would be good, but clearly there's a reason they aren't. its like icon and theloop all over again but a little shadier

also, they gave out LITERALLY millions of free coins to shillers as airdrops, so you shouldn't touch this for a while until its fully pajeet dumped, in any case.

ceo of aergo is also ceo of blocko. Also, "We plan to announce (very soon) an extension to the strategic technology partnership to utilize Blocko’s sales, business development, marketing, and its extensive system integration and customer network. A prime objective here is to pursue existing clients of Blocko, to become early-adopters (and potential references) of AERGO. As part of any such arrangement, Blocko will be expected to commit significant resources over some years to support AERGO. Any such transaction will be openly disclosed as part of our ongoing transparency policy.""

nevermind i just saw they're only planning to have 23 block producers on mainnet

centralised scams like this wont survive. busted

As for free coins, they didn't have a public sale so reward drop was a way to thank the community. I am waiting for a bigger drop in the price though

whats their Token Economy?


Sounds exactly like vechain and omg. "Trust me we have tons of enterprise clients wanting to use our shitcoin" and then a year later, nothing. Enterprise client is the new asian hustle term in replacement of "partnership". Have fun getting justed.

80% held by VCs


30 million now
150 million 2019 eoy

in other words gooked