Reminder that if you are not a total newfag and still don't own at least one bag of XNV you are probably not gonna make it.
Reminder that if you are not a total newfag and still don't own at least one bag of XNV you are probably not gonna make...
Other urls found in this thread:
maybe when it goes back to a $50,000 market-cap.
not buying 10x bags. made my money on the way up, and can wait.
It may not backtrace that far user. You should have done like me and taken some profits, but kept some suicide insurance moon bags.
Nerva feels like Bitcoin when it was first starting to get popular. This time it just comes with anonymity and pool resistance built in.
whats the marketcap?
Just over $500k I think
Rajesh please
enough is enough
This is not an erc20 token Rakesh, nothing for you here.
nice volume, fucking kek
Fucking kek at you coming here to type this.
I did. Bought at 200 sats and sold around 3200, a little early, but still killer. Again, I think the bottom on this one is 500 sats. If I were eyeing this, I'd wait for BTC to fall.
Pajeetcoin and known scam. Also useless.
I'm sure you believe all coins on tradeogre are made by the same guy?
40% of supply already mined by wasp and his friends
This is one of the few projects that try something new.
For that reason i hold my bags for a long time.
based, definitely gonna make it
Confirmed retards
Stay away from scammer shit
Are you telling me to stay away from you?
how did you first find out about Nerva?
Who scammed you?
>a coin with a so high slope emission curve that more than half of the max supply was mined is just 6 months
>more than half of total supply mined by the creator and his discord friends
No, thanks.
Redpill me on Nerva. Is it shit or good long tem hold for the moon?
also, checkem
Can't wait for this to start hitting the bigger exchanges
is this a shitcoin or mooncoin?
Based on the emission curve, what do you think?
idk wtf that is. explain im a brainlet
checkem tho!
also im quite certain the dev and his whale friends dumped at the ATH. which means those coins are in the hands of bagholders. so i think it can still reach $5
Me too. More exchanges would be great next year, once this market sorts it's shit out.
It's a certified mooncoin. If Neil Armstrong was still alive he would buy loads of it.
price target?
Baseless fud. The dev did not dump and his 'whale friends' are non-existent. If you dislike the project so much, why are you even in this thread?
I was countering what said
Ah right, no worries. The dev and a group of his friends did not own the majority of the supply thoigh, that was just some fud created here.
What is the price target? Also where do we buy in? 50 sats?
I believe a lot of people dumped though when it last pumped. I know a few people were trying to swing trade it (retarded with that volume) and got rekt when it pumped too.
It's really hard to say mate. This market is fucked right now. I believe btc will drop further, so maybe wait for a better entry.
Having said that, it has been at around 1k sats for a while now, so who knows..
If we eventually experience another bull run, this could go parabolic. I woildn't even like to guess.
this, exactly
this is worse than that no-volume xcash coin
Not to mention the dev and his friends mined over half the supply
>Mah fair distribution
There's no prove they did it. But each one of them certainly mined hundreds of thousands of it, making the worse distributed CryptoNote coin ever.
The emission curve of that project is the most obvious proof of it.
If you invest in this scam that has ONE developer you're most likely on the spectrum
Well, I'm not and I invested in it. He is the main dev, but works with others. You know that, right? You don't, cause you just like to come I to these threads and shit all over the place since you do fall under the spectrum.
>There's no prove they did it.
>The emission curve of that project is the most obvious proof of it.
Holy shit user, you literally make no fucking sense.
The fucking state of these retards. Why are you even here?
Congratulations you will soon learn a valuable lesson on why you don't invest in crypto projects that have once again only ONE developer who btw has aspergers. angrywasp the asperger retard scam developer
Congratulations, you proved what a sad, salty little loser you are by posting in a thread you have no interest in. Go and shit somewhere else.
Oh Jesus, apparently you're a brainlet who can't interpret what others are saying and its contexts. I was talking that there's no proof that they already sold their bags, but the slope of the emission curve is a more than enough proof that only the dev and his few friends from discord mined most of the supply of this thing, since more than half of it has issued in just 6 months.
>can't refute
>call "retard"
Try harder.
Unironicaly this:
>a coin with a so high slope emission curve that more than half of the max supply was mined is just 6 months
>more than half of total supply mined by the creator and his discord friends
This, also rumors have not been debunked that the pool-resistance (stupid feature anyway) has been broken. Nerva solves nothing as pool mining isn't really a hot-button issue. Nobody really cares as long as mining isn't completely centralized.
Its a cool project but I think with TurtleCoins new mining algo at 1.2m it become less valuable. The solo mining aspect is cool but the emission curve is too steep.
So what about Blur then? Sounds like Nerva is shit since the emision curve is so steep. Blur is basically Nerva 2.0 with better distribution as far as I understand. Anyone mining Blur here?
I'm buying as much as I can afford at these 1000 prices. Nerva is my moonshot.
Cpu only mining makes it easy to use and mine by anyone. Pool resistance. Active discord.
Hell, the recent fud from Jow Forums just means it's been noticed.
All in on nerva
Honestly, no. It has a premine and it doesn't offers technical improvements over Monero.
Remember: It's not FUD if it's true.
See my post above. Nerva has zero reason to exist.
That's fine. Be poor!
Suicide insurance is a bag of 10m Flo.
With one instant click of the mouse I purchased 20 bitcoins of this Flo token
It was in mid November and my purchase was completed for an average of 800 but caused a spike to 1000.
Every day I sleep with glee just knowing that in a few months the 20 btc of Flo I purchased will be worth an easy 150-200+ btc.
Some days I dream of it going to $100mm cap and my stack rising from 20 to 1000 btc. I slap myself back to reality and tell myself that making 250 btc on one trade is more than enough to buy curry for this entire forum for one full month.
Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne writes letter of support for using FLO in Wyoming
New readers about Flo should check out the telegram with questions... enjoy mate.
But first they should STUDY these two articles:
10k FLO*
Im mining with a shitty cpu since october, blur is taking a hard turn about the cpu only thing