Reminder that if you are not a total newfag and still don't own at least one bag of XNV you are probably not gonna make it.
Reminder that if you are not a total newfag and still don't own at least one bag of XNV you are probably not gonna make...
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maybe when it goes back to a $50,000 market-cap.
not buying 10x bags. made my money on the way up, and can wait.
It may not backtrace that far user. You should have done like me and taken some profits, but kept some suicide insurance moon bags.
Nerva feels like Bitcoin when it was first starting to get popular. This time it just comes with anonymity and pool resistance built in.
whats the marketcap?
Just over $500k I think
Rajesh please
enough is enough
This is not an erc20 token Rakesh, nothing for you here.
nice volume, fucking kek
Fucking kek at you coming here to type this.