An AI research group is about to release a technical paper that has the potential to trigger panic selling and an...

An AI research group is about to release a technical paper that has the potential to trigger panic selling and an estimated > -90% intraday correction of the BTC/USD pair. Several other cryptocurrencies are going to be affected as well.The publication reveals a fundamental vulnerability of ECDSA, the very core of almost all current crypto(currency) technologies. The group is planning a live MSM event in which they will present the findings of the research and demonstrate that an almost complete wipeout of the market value of crypto assets within hours can be initiated at any time if the technology becomes available to individuals or groups with malicious intent.

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Was expecting this, everything humanity made can be hacked

Thank god I don’t hold digital beanie babies

> sell low goyim

Already all in QRL so idgaf

Source needed

nice copy pasta user

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Lol how stupid do you need to be to believe this shit
If ECDSA is broken, the price of Bitcoin should be there least of our worries

ECDSA broken = all military IT security is affected this fud is made for retards to sell

what does AI have to do with cryptocurrencies?

There's one living on the blockchain. Also a vishnu.


how does it interact with the real world?

RIP world economy

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this thread is about porn now

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Thats the scary think no one knows!
Do you remember that facebook created a chat bot that were talking to each other but they couldn't figure it out? They had to disconnect them! Can't disconnect the blockchain without crypto going to ZERO!

turmeric complete bitcoin script

I guess we about to go on a real pump.

there's a pump coming
I've never seen as many fud threads as today

>fundamental vulnerability of ECDSA
Cryptocoins are the last thing you should be worried about if that's remotely true.

tell me more about the „AI research group“

fucks, my fuckers - I am dyieng right now, how stupid peeps use buzzwords nowdays.

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